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First time vibrator recommendations

15 replies

Tellmemore16 · 19/02/2023 11:34

As the subject states I’m new to vibrators but very keen to purchase my first one! I have had a look online but there are SO MANY to chose from, it’s daunting!! I like penetration as well as clit stimulation so wondering if a rabbit style would be best for me, however absolutely open to recommendations

so shout out at me and feel free to link any that have hit the spot for you…


This thread is a few months old now. If you've found this page in search of vibrators that have been tried and tested by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best vibrators useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ 💐

OP posts:
MaryJean87 · 19/02/2023 13:02

I like the Jessica Rabbit one from Love Honey and the wand they do that plugs into the wall. Both deliver amazing orgasms.

JustGraduated · 19/02/2023 13:20

Hey @Tellmemore16

Like you say there is so much choice out there for vibrators. I’ve got 2 and you sound like you’re looking to get the same thing from them as me so hopefully this helps!

There is so much to consider when choosing including

  • size (both of mine are about 4 inches which doesn’t sound a lot but is plenty when)
  • appearance (life like or not)
  • what sort of stimulation you want from it (so many options. Rabbits will vibrate on your clit but you can also get clit suction ones which are awesome)
  • as well as obviously how much you wanna spend on it.

From what you’ve said a rabbit does sound right but you could also consider the G-Spot stimulation ones. I have one of each & they are really good. I’ll link my two below.

Love Honey Black Rabbit

LoveHoney Pink G Spot & Clit Suction Vibrator

Both of mine are really good and you’d be very happy with either. Hope that helps.
EmilyGilmoresSass · 19/02/2023 22:19

I have a LoveHoney Jessica Rabbit, though I much prefer the Ann Summers range. The swivelling one is amazing.

JulieS1 · 19/02/2023 23:10

I have a bullet vibrator. does the job and discreet!

StarlightLady · 20/02/2023 10:22

Suggest you start with the Durex Bullet. I have one which goes everywhere with me. It's not much larger than a lipstick, waterproof version available (lovely for bath time), and quiet. Then see how you go from there.

Some larger ones can be quite heavy when manoeuvring them and others are so noisy to the point of being akin to a cement mixer in the bedroom.

TallulahBetty · 20/02/2023 10:26

Who do you live with? I cannot stress enough how the quiet ones are worth the extra!

PinotPony · 20/02/2023 10:34

If you like penetration and clit stimulation, then a rabbit would be a good first toy.

You might also like Tracys Dog or the Satisfyer Pro, which have clit suction as well as vibration. I found these to be much better than the rabbit.

Madamecastafiore · 20/02/2023 10:35

Lelo Soraya Wave. Bloody brilliant

Rieslinger · 20/02/2023 10:54

@Tellmemore16 Really depends what you like...which I admit is tough as it's your first one. How much are you looking to spend?

It might be worth trying a few different ones such as a Rabbit, womanizer type, bullet etc then you could see which floats your boat best..?

My DW and I have experimented with a few and like Rabbit, Womanizer and even a Glass Dildo but your Lady Garden may like it done differently.

I'd say there's no point going expensive off the bat unless you know which one you prefer or you can afford it!!

Good luck and report back.

Tellmemore16 · 20/02/2023 18:53

Thank you everyone for all the responses, it’s given me a great starting point 🙂. I have initially opted for a bullet and a rabbit to see how I get on. I will report back lol! I’ve noted some of the other suggestions to possibly try. My partner is absolutely buzzing at my wanting to explore some toys and has started to look at some wands that we can use together too.

OP posts:
StarlightLady · 20/02/2023 21:02

OP, keep in charge yourself. Don't let a man "drive it"!!! You and only you know where your sensations lie.

MaryJean87 · 20/02/2023 21:47

StarlightLady · 20/02/2023 21:02

OP, keep in charge yourself. Don't let a man "drive it"!!! You and only you know where your sensations lie.

Agree with this, I can never get off using a vibrator with a partner. It's nice to move it around, hold off and let yourself release when you feel ready to.

StarlightLady · 21/02/2023 08:29

To add, if you get a waterproof one, don’t leave it on the bathside when people come to stay! Whoops! 😗

Johnisafckface · 21/02/2023 17:33

I've tried many but this one is my fav, gets me there every time. Those vibrating parts are heavenly but loud 😂And it's super cheap too!
CalExotics Original Butterfly Kiss Vibrator

TreyMorrison · 20/07/2023 18:20

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