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Nipple play

12 replies

ThickThighsWhiteLies · 08/02/2023 15:15

I absolutely adore nipple play. I even sometimes play with them when I'm alone, I just love the feeling. I'm wondering if there are any products/toys that further enhance sensation? Ideally I'd like a tingle sensation cream for them too? Any recs?

If you've found this page in your search of nipple toys and clamps that have been recommended by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best nipple toys useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ

OP posts:
Judeisnotobscure · 08/02/2023 16:14

I’ve tried a couple of creams but nothing I would recommend tbh, so I’m following with interest! Ice cubes & ice cream can be interesting. Lovehoney have nipple suckers, clamps are fun but start with ones that can be adjusted.

Yorkieboy · 09/02/2023 05:27

As above, clamps and suckers work well, IMO suckers are the better of the 2 as you can make them stand to attention then play with the nipple with your tongue.

A further step would be getting them pierced but you would have to refrain from oral contact until they have been done a couple of months and make sure you clean them properly afterwards

Judeisnotobscure · 09/02/2023 07:32

i’ve got a tip for you if do explore clamps…release the clamp at the moment of orgasm. You’ll get a double dose of the brain chemical oxytocin and it feeds amazing!

Rieslinger · 09/02/2023 08:55

Well from a man's perspective my DW can do things with mine that send me into heaven!!

Would love to hear anything that has the gentle touch of tongue or finger tips for my own play.

Judeisnotobscure · 09/02/2023 09:00

@Rieslinger please share! I’ve tried and tried but nothing seems to work for my DP! I wish I could give him the pleasure he gives me

Rieslinger · 09/02/2023 09:25

@Judeisnotobscure skin on nipple, flick/suck, occasionally a hard pinch but not very often at all, mostly rhythm based.

Cappuccino whisk stem through material in me time, reckon the ears of a Rabbit vibrator would work too, still need to try that, reckon the massage head of the shower head would work as well.

Judeisnotobscure · 09/02/2023 10:04

Thank you, I’m going to try rhythm! I love the cappuccino whisk -necessity really is the mother of invention xx

Rieslinger · 09/02/2023 10:18

@Judeisnotobscure it really is!

AverageGuy · 09/02/2023 10:48

I'm told the womaniser / satisfyer pro toys are fun on the nipples. No personal experience, but previous partners have enjoyed it!

Rieslinger · 09/02/2023 11:16

Didn't work for me, liked the idea of it, maybe I should give it another go

Thisismysexforumname · 09/02/2023 14:00

Judeisnotobscure · 09/02/2023 07:32

i’ve got a tip for you if do explore clamps…release the clamp at the moment of orgasm. You’ll get a double dose of the brain chemical oxytocin and it feeds amazing!

It's been a while since this has happened, but absolutely, definitely yes to this!

Mine are slightly desensitised due to a couple of botched piercings, so can probably handle a bit more pain than normal, but my god its an amazing feeling!

FenghuangHoyan · 09/02/2023 15:42

You can - or could - get mint based creams that enhanced the feelings. Anne Summers used to do them. I've used them in the past and they're reasonably effective.

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