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Rabbit versus bullet

7 replies

Catullus5 · 22/01/2023 03:16

DW and I often use toys in the bedroom.

I was thinking of buying her a rabbit, however, her bullet also needs replacing.

When using the bullet, DW needs it positioning very precisely, which I worry might not be possible with a rabbit (something she's never tried.)

I dropped by a shop, and the shopkeeper (rather candidly I thought) told me she had about 15 rabbits and only about 2 or 3 really hit the mark for her. The rabbit she recommended was a Satisfyer Hug Me.

So I have two question. First, are rabbits no good if you need intense clitoral stimulation and second, do they have any advantages at all?

(nb we also have a Satisfyer Pro 2 which is v good.)

OP posts:
MaryJean87 · 22/01/2023 07:34

Rabbit vibrators are one of my favourites. I prefer them over the satisfyer type as I like strong vibration on the clit over suction. I've had a few rabbits and some are better than others. I would recommend the Jessica Rabbit by Love Honey. It's a good size and the vibrations are powerful. Wands are also good if you're looking for something with even more powerful vibration.

StarlightLady · 22/01/2023 08:02

I’m a great bullet fan and a (very) regular user. It is small but powerful and purrs. One goes everywhere with me in my make up bag. It is my go to, wake up ceremony most mornings along with a cup of nice coffee and sets me up for the day.

My experience of the rabbit is, in contrast, somewhat limited. I’ve only ever owned one. I found it difficult to manoeuvre in order to hit the spot and very noisy. For me it was like having a cement mixer in the bedroom with me which was very off putting.

But we are all different.

Judeisnotobscure · 22/01/2023 08:38

If your DW would be open to switching her toys up I don’t think you can beat a magic wand for intense clitoral stimulation. Also the toy coupled with fingers massaging the G, P and A spots has lead to pretty intense squirting, which was a surprise the first time it happened!!

Catullus5 · 22/01/2023 18:02

I did think about a magic wand, but the Satisfyer Pro 2 works pretty well (so does the bullet when it's behaving itself). But I thought a toy that goes inside her with a bit of girth would be nice for her.

(nb She's never tried a rabbit or even heard of them)

OP posts:
Judeisnotobscure · 22/01/2023 18:34

My rabbit is a Lelo Soraya Wave, the ‘prong’ that stimulates the clitoris can be moved to ensure it is positioned correctly for the individual. However it does need to be held in place

StarlightLady · 23/01/2023 05:02

OP, lots of males don’t get this, but remember the key female sex organ, with the majority of the nerve endings, is the clitoris.

Catullus5 · 23/01/2023 06:24

Absolutely! But DW also likes internal stimulation - more than I'd expect - I actually think it does as much for her but in a different sort of way. Hence my thinking about a rabbit.

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