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Rimming and being rimmed. What are your thoughts about it?

128 replies

Curiousmember · 19/11/2022 19:24

Also known as analingus. I've had it done to me a few times, but I've never felt much pleasure from it. When I do it to my partner, I am amazed at the reaction it elicits from him. He says the pleasure he gets from it is mind-blowing. I get really turned on when I'm doing it to him. I am curious if men usually get more pleasure from receiving? Do others prefer giving or receiving it?

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Judeisnotobscure · 02/02/2023 12:32

@Rieslinger @Iloveabaconbutty
i think we should go stand in the corner 😄

Iloveabaconbutty · 02/02/2023 12:36

@Judeisnotobscure @Rieslinger

Rieslinger · 02/02/2023 13:20

I'll bring a flask

Judeisnotobscure · 02/02/2023 13:41

You guys 😄 I think I’ve found my tribe!

PortiasBiscuit · 02/02/2023 13:44


Rieslinger · 02/02/2023 13:50

Is that a no to tea @PortiasBiscuit ? I can bring coffee?

Palmfrond · 02/02/2023 14:11

PortiasBiscuit · 02/02/2023 13:44


I initially read that as ‘belch’, belching of course being the accepted signal that you have finished “eating ass” (as the kids say).

Or so I choose to believe.

Judeisnotobscure · 02/02/2023 14:33

@Palmfrond 😂
rimming certainly is a divisive topic! Who knew?!

Palmfrond · 02/02/2023 14:41

@Judeisnotobscure I’m convinced! Now to convince the mrs!

(softly belches)

Judeisnotobscure · 02/02/2023 14:44

Good luck with that!
But please go outside to belch! Softly or otherwise 🤣

Kinneddar · 02/02/2023 14:50

My partner absolutely loves it. The reaction from him makes it worth while. But because its something he does enjoy so much he is absolutely scrupulously clean.

He tried giving it once. Never again did absolutely nothing for me

I must admit though if he'd asked me to do it that first time I dont think I would have but it was something that just happened as things progressed

Don't knock it til you've tried it 😉

AnuSTart · 02/02/2023 14:53

I was belch after eating ass. Shows you've had a good time.

AnuSTart · 02/02/2023 14:53

Always! Damn!

Judeisnotobscure · 06/02/2023 22:57

I have been eager to experience rimming and it didn’t disappoint! The tongue lapping and probing was completely divine and I can’t wait to have another go. I swear every anal nerve ending lit up like fairy lights!! 10/10 would definitely recommend!

Iloveabaconbutty · 06/02/2023 23:05

@Judeisnotobscure Fabulous!! 👍

AnotherSpare · 06/02/2023 23:14

I don't want poo bacteria anywhere near my mouth. Grim! Confused

MontyK · 06/02/2023 23:15

I've had it done to me once, I wasn't expecting it and I was pretty young so it was a weird mix of embarrassment and pleasure!

I'll happily touch my husbands ass but draw the line at licking. I would be sick if I even got the faintest whiff of shit.

keri17 · 06/02/2023 23:21

Hard pass.

determinedtomakethiswork · 06/02/2023 23:24

There are far more men on this thread than women. Oddly enough, I think they are all thinking they're talking to women.

skingraft · 06/02/2023 23:37

determinedtomakethiswork · 06/02/2023 23:24

There are far more men on this thread than women. Oddly enough, I think they are all thinking they're talking to women.

I was thinking this 🤔

weird thread!

Iloveabaconbutty · 07/02/2023 10:12

I don't detect any weirdness about this thread. It is the Sex Board after all and all shades of opinion and personal experiences will be represented.

I'm pretty sure analingus has been playing a part in human sex play for thousands of years. Clearly there are people - men and women - who adore it and others who wouldn't do it in a million years. And others for whom it is just "okay" but nothing to write home about. Some who are fine about receiving but not giving and vice versa, etc, etc.

It does seem a subject which divides opinion maybe more than a lot of others. Perhaps unurprising given the part of the body it involves. I'm not surprised to see that it's attracted so many posts - frank as well as light-hearted.

Possibly it does attract more comments from men than other subjects. We all have an anus after all so men as well as women are likely to have a view.

As for men masquerading as women, well, I might be naive but I haven't detected any of that. If there are individuals who get their jollies this way, I suspect there are other places to go on the Internet rather than joining the moderate, good-humoured, sometimes robust discussions on the MN Sex Discussion Board.

Judeisnotobscure · 07/02/2023 10:20

As ever @Iloveabaconbutty is the voice of reason.

Rieslinger · 07/02/2023 10:32

@Iloveabaconbutty I whole heartedly agree.

You do. you don't, you're male, your female, live and let live I say and perhaps we'd all be a little happier.

Btw a bacon sandwich is one of the finest things in life, however you cut it, butter it, cook it or sauce it (or not).


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Rieslinger · 07/02/2023 10:34

@Iloveabaconbutty Personally decently rendered fat on the bacon, ketchup and white, brown or sourdough.

Oh and has anyone tried VW's Currywursts?

Judeisnotobscure · 07/02/2023 10:57

@Rieslinger i think you may be a connoisseur of many oral delicacies 😁

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