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Novice to sex toys

10 replies

MeghansBitch · 26/10/2022 19:34

My husband and I want to introduce a vibrator to our sex life but I am at a complete loss what to get?

I usually orgasm through clitoral stimulation but looking for one which includes this but I honestly do not have a clue.

Any recommendations for introductory ones and helpful hints?



If you've found this page in search of vibrators that have been tried and tested by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best vibrators useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ 💐

OP posts:
Lindengericht · 26/10/2022 21:36

Check out lovehoney

cookiecreammmpie · 26/10/2022 22:33

A rabbit or the satisfyer pro 2.

B1rd · 26/10/2022 23:13

Satisfyer pro 2. You'll find it on amazon.

Namechangednorth · 27/10/2022 07:08

You might have to try a few as very different. I like clitoral stimulation, but when DH wanted for us to try one, he bought one that can be used on the clit but also very much internal. A rabbit I found just too much being internal and also buzzing my clit. I just came instantly.

The one we have is like a large cock but a softer latex feel, some ribbing and can vibrate at different intensities. Once I'm relaxed and he slides it in gradually, the vibrations feel really nice and gradually turned up can easily make me orgasm, without much attention to my clitoris at all.

The Satisfier type ones sound amazing for this that struggle to orgasm, but I've heard, and I'm sure I'd be the same it would be extremely quick

Thisismysexforumname · 27/10/2022 09:39

How about a vibrating cock ring. Lovehoney do one that has ears like the rabbit, but the vibrating part is a small bullet type one that comes out so you can use it just on you as well.

cookiecreammmpie · 27/10/2022 10:29

I find cock rings hit and miss. To enjoy the vibrations it has to be constantly on the clit. If it's worn during sex, you lose that with the thrusting in and out. That's just my personal experience of them anyway, but then again I hate anyone using a toy on me, I have to be in control and move it around to where I like it, remove for a few seconds if it's getting too much etc.

Allthegoodnamesaregoneffs · 27/10/2022 11:27

Maybe not for a novice, but a wand is amazing

B1rd · 27/10/2022 11:31

The satisfyer has varying levels of suction. The first level is very low.

PinotPony · 27/10/2022 17:15

A rabbit is a good "starter" toy as you get both penetration and clit vibration.

If you just want clit stimulation the Satisfyer Pro is a lovely suction toy. Might be worth buying a bullet too ... they're only a tenner or so.

Personally my faves are the Njoy (for g spot stimulation) combined with a Doxy wand (for mind blowing clit orgasms)

PennyKane · 03/11/2022 11:58

Maybe something with a ''U'' shape that can simultaneously stimulate you and your husband during sex. Take a look at Satisfyer products are body-friendly and affordable. I like the Double Love.

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