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10 replies

teaandtoastwithmarmite · 22/12/2021 16:37

Hi there, any recommendations of what I could buy to replace my rampant rabbit that's given up the ghost, please? I already have the womaniser and we vibe.
And also how the heck do you dispose of a half working- half broken sex toy Grin

OP posts:
PinotPony · 22/12/2021 17:20

Put it on eBay..? 😂

teaandtoastwithmarmite · 22/12/2021 17:28


Put it on eBay..? 😂

🤣🤣 brilliant. DH said chuck it in the bin but what if it starts buzzing ha ha
OP posts:
VanGoghsDog · 22/12/2021 18:13

Technically it needs to go in the WEEE waste at the tip. It won't start buzzing if you take the batteries out.

teaandtoastwithmarmite · 22/12/2021 20:40

@VanGoghsDog it's a rechargeable with a plug type one.

OP posts:
teaandtoastwithmarmite · 22/12/2021 20:40

I guess the battery will die eventually

OP posts:
VanGoghsDog · 22/12/2021 20:47

Oh I'd forgotten they exist, I can't quite get my head around the idea of charging one. I have enough trouble charging my shaver.
Just switch it on and leave it to run down before you throw it out.

Kebabandchipsplease · 23/12/2021 11:26

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

Angrymum22 · 10/01/2022 20:55

Did d you know you can get vegan sex toys from Holland and Barrett? I will leave you to google it for yourself. The reviews are hysterical.

teaandtoastwithmarmite · 11/01/2022 10:42

Gosh I will have to have a look Grin

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