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Womaniser or Satisfyer? Which is better?!

9 replies

OldSpeclkledHen · 10/11/2020 07:28

Need reviews ladies!

Have some Amazon vouchers need spending 😋

Thanks in advance!

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OP posts:
GentlemanJay · 10/11/2020 08:18

I bought a Satisfyer. From my experience ladies either hit the ceiling or it has no effect whatsoever.

When it's good though it's bloody good.

maggie1862 · 10/11/2020 09:32

Satisfyer for me ,I am 63 now and never ever had such enjoyment from a toy before ,DH loves to see me cum using it .
Enjoy and report back please .

MintyCedric · 10/11/2020 12:42

I have a Womaniser...bit too intense the first time i used it but once I'd had a bit of practice...Grin

Fredelliottisayfredelliott · 10/11/2020 17:49

Womanizer here and omg! It took a bit of getting used to but now I'm a little addicted Blush

Sexboardsafename · 10/11/2020 19:03

Womaniser here - bloody amazing! Has been well worth the money for how much use it has had already 😂

wisewomanmummy · 10/11/2020 19:23

Satisfyer for me, well actually I bought two, so double whammy!! 🤣

Mxflamingnoravera · 11/11/2020 07:14

I have both, 2 womanisers (classic and mini) and one satisfyer. There's not a lot of difference in effect, but the satisfyer is noisier and the design is clunky, the charger is magnetic and is easy to dislodge.

They all do the job, if I had to come down for one (did you see what I did there?) I think it would be the womaniser classic, it's quiet, powerful, the charger doesn't knock off easily, lots of settings and a more targeted sweet spot.

peridito · 11/11/2020 08:12

I did see what you did there flamingnora , Grin

newtb · 01/02/2021 22:09

Womanizer did nothing, found Satisfyer much better.

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