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Wand - erm what just happened?

26 replies

WW86 · 25/08/2018 12:16

Okay so sorry for TMI here...

Background - I've been using sex toys for he last 15 years, mainly rabbits, bullets etc, alone and as part of sex. I orgasm easily enough when using toys (clit stim) but find it difficult by a partner (takes ages) and I have never ever PIV orgasmed.

So I got this new toy, Ann summers magic wand thing.... omg is all... so I came literally within about a minute, so carried on and came a further 2 times... then all of a sudden, I think I wee'd myself!!!! Quite A lot!
It just started coming out so I quickly stopped! Has this happened to anyone else?! I'm scared to use it again now!!

Is this common? I'd only been for a wee about 15 mins beforehand!!


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OP posts:
Auldspinster · 25/08/2018 14:32

Sounds like you were gushing/squirting.

dilly123 · 26/08/2018 18:47

Don't know!! But off to order one right now 🤣

WW86 · 26/08/2018 22:55

Haha @dilly123 don't blame you 😉

OP posts:
falsesmile · 27/08/2018 23:03

Def sounds like squirting. As you came so quickly would have been more likely. Lucky you!!

VernonGodLittle · 28/08/2018 12:12

This happened to me over the weekend! That's why I came over to the sex board, to see if it had happened to anyone else! Also a new toy, (a Womanizer if anyone's interested), and a newish man... I mean I've heard of it happening to other people, but kind of assumed they were most likely getting it confused with peeing, and it's definitely not that, is it? Really odd sensation. Confused Where does all that liquid come from?

WW86 · 28/08/2018 14:26

Hey @VernonGodLittle

I don't know, I'm still none the wiser what it was and I haven't used it since.

I know I was very very horny at the time so it's possible it was squirting I guess but It just came out of nowhere, didn't know it was going to happen kind of thing and I've never ever done this before. I guess il have to have another play and see what happens 😉

OP posts:
dilly123 · 28/08/2018 14:42

Just ordered mine.... can't wait til the weekend & seeing my OH now!! 😜🤣

VernonGodLittle · 28/08/2018 14:50

"I haven't used it since"

^^Me neither! I've since been eyeing the toy in question with a mixture of suspicion and awe. Confused Grin

slapbitchface · 01/09/2018 15:43

Which wand is it?

WW86 · 01/09/2018 16:02

Enjoy @dilly123

@slapbitchface mines the climax wand from AS.

OP posts:
dilly123 · 01/09/2018 16:47

Got a mini rechargeable one from Love Honey used it with OH last night... & all I can say is wow!! Love it!!

Best £40 I've ever spent 🤣

WW86 · 01/09/2018 17:58

🙊 glad you enjoyed it @dilly123

OP posts:
FabalaTheGreenGirl · 04/09/2018 00:58

Welcome to the wonderful world of female ejaculation. I also did this the first time I used my Doxy wand.

ChocOrCheese · 10/09/2018 15:23

Old towels are your friend...

WW86 · 10/09/2018 15:55

I've used it another couple of times now and it didn't happen again.... must have been a fluke Grin

OP posts:
noego · 10/09/2018 16:41

the first time was excitement and anticipation.........wonderful cocktail :)

OuchLegoHurts · 11/09/2018 22:52

I've squirted twice before, when I was really crazily turned on! My partner loved it, I think he thought it was a myth until then! I guess it is kind of sexy when you think about it...

Auldspinster · 12/09/2018 02:02

Skenes glands apparently.

whatam1doing · 15/09/2018 14:29

Rather than old towels unless you don’t mind lots of washing may I suggest puppy training pads! Useful in hotels or staying away from home..

WW86 · 28/09/2018 13:06

Guess what happened again last night 💦

OP posts:
starbrightnight · 02/10/2018 15:29

I can't believe I'm asking this but can you put the Climax wand inside?

I've always steered away from wands because they look like they're just for clitoral but I like something inside me Blush. But after reading this thread I'm prepared to have a re-think!

WW86 · 02/10/2018 19:11

@starbrightnight I was the same, liked something inside but I thought I'd give the wand a go and it paid off.

Mine does have an attachment that can go inside but it doesn't do much for me that way.
This one is much better purely clitoral

OP posts:
PouchofDouglas · 02/10/2018 22:08

Op. You don’t need to update each time


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