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Magic Wand

25 replies

NewMummyMNetter · 15/08/2017 12:59

Short and to the point, my OH and I have a nice collection of toys and bits and potentially looking to expand on this a little.

So we have a small LoveHoney wand we had free with one of our other orders which I like, it's not too over bearing and can easily be used while we have sex.

But I've been looking at the Magic Wand they do and wondering am I missing out because some of the reviews make it sound amazing!

So just wondering if any of you lovely ladies have got one? Experienced one? Would recommend buying one?

Thanks in advance

If you've found this page in your search of a wand massager and wand vibator, you might find our guide to the best wand massagerss useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ

OP posts:
lampshady · 15/08/2017 16:09

Hitachi all the way! They're a big jump up from vibrators but I'd definitely recommend - I use mine a lot for foreplay and massages too.

bowtieandheels · 15/08/2017 20:38

Mine took my orgasms to a next level, absolutely LOVE it!

AkimboLimbo · 15/08/2017 21:16

I have the mini wand and the full size one. They are both brilliant but there is something incredible about the full size one. The vibrations are very deep and powerful. I haven't tried it but I suspect it could make me orgasm through my clothes.
Buy it!

Crispsheets · 15/08/2017 21:17

Be prepared to be amazed Wink

justkeeponsmiling · 15/08/2017 21:17

Shameless placemark!

NewMummyMNetter · 15/08/2017 22:22

Sorry justkeep wasn't a plug just to show the one I was looking at....

OP posts:
NotTheFordType · 15/08/2017 22:23

I would advise a note of caution. When you get a really powerful toy, if you use it a lot, you can end up with reduced sensation. (AKA death grip)

NewMummyMNetter · 15/08/2017 22:28

nottheford would you advice against?

OP posts:
Voice0fReason · 16/08/2017 00:01

I've been using vibrators for over 30 years and have never experienced loss of sensation, just switch things around sometimes so you're not doing the same thing repeatedly. A bit of variety is all you need.

justkeeponsmiling · 16/08/2017 00:24

NewMummy I know - I commented as a placemark, so this thread would show up under my "Threads I'm on" in the morning. I'm at work so can't check out the magic wand as the work Wi-Fi is blocking the Lovehoney website Grin

GloveBug · 16/08/2017 00:27

DH bought me one but I don't really like it. Was a lot of money for something I don't use. Much prefer my rabbit. I do know some people though who think it's the best thing sliced bread

GloveBug · 16/08/2017 00:28

*since sliced bread

NotTheFordType · 16/08/2017 16:14

I would get one, but don't let it be the only toy you use. It's not great for extended sessions because the vibrations are so strong that I have in the past ended up making my clit quite sore (and only realised afterwards.)

Voice0fReason · 16/08/2017 21:12

Buy one from Lovehoney. They have a 365 day money back guarantee. If you try it and hate it, you can send it back for a full refund.

NewMummyMNetter · 17/08/2017 15:25

Thank you all for your advice! I bought one yesturday and it's arrived today! Going to give it a go tonight!!! 😊

OP posts:
SpringtimeSun · 19/08/2017 13:54


NewMummyMNetter · 19/08/2017 14:45

Sorry I had every intension of writing but my little one dropped my phone on the kitchen floor and shattered my screen! Back online now!!

Well springtime what can I say other than OMFG.......
Me and hubby have had a great couple of days experimenting with it.... and best part I've not even tried half the settings yet!!!
The first go literally made me cum in 2 mins flat!! Which I put down to a mix of a great vibe and me being incredibly horny! So yesturday while OH took kids out to the park spur of the moment thought I'd have another go and from getting comfortable on my bed to absolute bliss less than 5mins! Then managed another 3 one after the other honestly it's amazing!!!

Also tried it on my husband and he also climaxed using it on the head of his penis! Much lower setting for him but still great results! 😊

OP posts:
SpringtimeSun · 19/08/2017 16:18

Sounds awesome lol

TheVicarOfNibbleswicke · 19/08/2017 21:14

Which one did you get? I'm in the market!

AkimboLimbo · 19/08/2017 21:22

Grin Glad to hear you had fun Grin

HidingFromDD · 19/08/2017 21:22

I'll second the don't use it all the time, probably not an issue if you're with a partner. It can end up with the equivalent of death grip, although just putting it back in the drawer for a while will sort it out...

ItsNachoCheese · 19/08/2017 21:24

I have a doxy wand and it is incredibly good

Badhairday1001 · 19/08/2017 21:30

Sounds amazing!


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NewMummyMNetter · 19/08/2017 22:57

It's this one vicar

It's on offer at the min, still a little steep but my God it's worth it if you like your vibes

OP posts:
SimplySte · 05/09/2017 00:27

You can buy a silicone attachment from LH that fits onto the end of the wand, then slides onto a penis. Mucho man fun!

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