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WANTED: The best Bullet out there...

11 replies

DorsetFreya80 · 23/02/2017 17:09

Looking for an intro into the world of toys, any bullet recommendations from you all? Many thanks!

OP posts:
NotTheFordType · 23/02/2017 17:21

I would recommend going into Ann Summers - the staff there will demonstrate various bullets for you (by vibrating them on your hand. Not on your fanjo Grin )

If you're too shy, then Lovehoney it is. The Magic Bullet and the Dream Bullet are both pretty good.

Bullets in general aren't very powerful, I generally can't get off with one. If you require a lot of firm clitoral pressure to orgasm then you might want to look at a wand or a rabbit instead.

AnyFucker · 23/02/2017 17:24

Oops. Love honey has forums where you can ask for recommendations

DirtyBlonde · 23/02/2017 17:25

Ocado sell them....

AnyFucker · 23/02/2017 17:25

Ignore that "oops" I thought I posted too soon

DorsetFreya80 · 23/02/2017 18:50

Thanks - its for use with my DH..

OP posts:
QueenMortifauxcado · 23/02/2017 18:55

The rocks off ammunition r80. Used to sell sex toys, that one is very popular and more powerful than most Smile

LittleOyster · 23/02/2017 18:59

I suppose it depends what your criteria are. My favourite bullet is a little cheapie from Love Honey, only £4.99 I think. I like it because it's discreet: smaller than a lipstick, relatively quiet and a subtle pale pink rather than luridly bright or blinging!

AkimboLimbo · 24/02/2017 08:47

The Lovehoney Dream Bullet and the Tracey Cox Bullet are both very good.

DJKKSlider · 24/02/2017 08:58

I'd skip bullets tbh.
Go for a smaller multi speed vibrator like the Tracey Cox Gspot 10speed.
Its only small so not intimidating, costs about £10, is shaped for gspot stimulation and the vibrations have different patterns and speeds.
Great little toy and one we actually keep out of the toy chest for quick access.

CreepyPasta · 25/02/2017 14:27

The We vibe tango is fantastic. Small, multi speed and USB charged so no faffing around with those tiny batteries most bullets take.

Lovemusic33 · 25/02/2017 19:16

Another vote for the Tracey cox bullet from love honey.

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