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What is the best sex toy?

27 replies

stereoboomer · 25/01/2017 11:36

Hi All

My OH has booked a romantic weekend for my birthday treat. We have a few toys but just the usual cock lookalikes etc etc. I am just trying to find out what people think is the best toy - one that if they couldn't have any other it must be this one? Just asking advice.


If you've found this page in search of vibrators that have been tried and tested by fellow Mumsnet users, you might find our guide to the best vibrators useful. Hope this helps! MNHQ 💐

OP posts:
AQuietMind · 25/01/2017 11:37

Womaniser - don't let the name put you off. Expensive but worth every penny.

Bicarb · 25/01/2017 13:24

Another not cheap one, but the Doxy has very positive reviews from people I know.

It will shake your fillings out at higher levels though and is not very quiet!

I got it to use with my (now ex)-GF, but bought a male attachment for it too that slides over the end. It makes me come in an embarrasingly short time...

lottieandmia · 25/01/2017 14:31

I like the Lelo ones.

NotTheFordType · 25/01/2017 15:15

I found the Womanizer extremely painful. Ditto the Lelo 2.

The mains-powered magic wand (either Hitachi brand or LoveHoney's own version) or the smaller rechargeable magic wand are probably my go to toys if I'm just getting myself off. For a solo session I might add my 5" dildo and/or my anal beads.

If playing with a partner, anything goes really. I've got a few other size dildoes and a strap on harness. Bullet vibrator. Cock ring. etc.

My favourite with a male partner is to have them fuck me from behind while I use the wand on my clit.

stereoboomer · 25/01/2017 16:31

Wow thanks for the info NotthehFord. A lot to think about there lol

OP posts:
Ineedmorelemonpledge · 25/01/2017 18:46

Hitachi wand or fairy Wand and a womaniser are my favourite.

We have a couple of plugs we enjoy mutually too.

Patchouli666 · 25/01/2017 19:55

Got a womaniser from lovehoney. The black version with skulls on it! Better than girly pink any day! It's fab. Tho sometimes I do find it hard to concentrate on when actually using it when dtd. As foreplay or after hubby has come, then it's great as I can really concentrate on it. The lovehoney mini rechargeable wand is brilliant too. Lovehoney are great tho, whatever you order you can send back for a full year for any reason. So go for it!
My hubby loves the anaeros toys too. Remember to order the lube for them tho!

StealingYourWiFi · 25/01/2017 19:56

The WeVibe is fab

Patchouli666 · 25/01/2017 19:57

However, just to add, I have a vch piercing which may affect the positioning I can now get with the womaniser tho so the during sex probs may not be a concern for most

MightyFine79 · 25/01/2017 20:22

Our Lelo has been amazing, expensive but really good quality. Don't know which model but it's quite slim and compact.

MinniesAndMickeysNeedCounting · 26/01/2017 22:57

Basic cock rings, simple bullet for duel play with your partner

Womanizer for going solo, is fab, (I got cramp in my legs the other day after using it)Blush

Oogle · 28/01/2017 07:18

I have the womaniser and whilst it's great, I prefer it for solo play. I find the orgasm extremely intense and totally different from orgasm through any other method.

No1maso · 28/01/2017 21:59

Love Honey wand! I swear by it!

DJKKSlider · 28/01/2017 22:02

Wand or Womanizer

Sallystyle · 01/02/2017 22:26

Lelo Magic wand thing.

I can't remember the name off hand, but it's huge, it's a massager as well but my god that gives some powerful orgasms. Expensive but worth every penny. Noisy though!

AkimboLimbo · 03/02/2017 22:26

Lovehoney Magic Wand
Lovehoney Mini Magic Wand

IneedmoreLemonPledge · 06/02/2017 19:30

Sorry to hijack the thread but does anyone have attachments for their Wand?

I've just used the actual head. Wondered if they were worth a try?

Sherlock35 · 06/02/2017 19:35

Lelo Mia 2. USB charged and does the job every. Single. Time.

AkimboLimbo · 06/02/2017 21:06

Yes I have the G-spot attachment for my magic wand - I rarely use it to be honest. It's ok but nothing special. It came free when I bought mine.
I love g-spot stimulation but I can't orgasm from that alone.

DanGleballs · 09/02/2017 19:30

Definitely a wand. I killed my lelo wand Sad.

katand2kits · 09/02/2017 20:39

Gotta add another recommendation for the lovehoney mains powered wand!

AkimboLimbo · 10/02/2017 08:16

Lovehoney mains powered Magic Wand is on Deal of the Day
TODAY only £35

Newbeginnings2 · 11/02/2017 19:41

I recently bought moregasm rabbit ears and although a bit noisy I'd highly recommend them!


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Therewere5inthebed · 13/02/2017 22:59

Womaniser, without a doubt the best money I've ever spent..

RainbowHash · 23/02/2017 20:10

I've decided to buy my first vibrator.... tempted by a rabbit but now going to research womaniser. But.... I want something as silent as possible! Any recommendations based on that criteria? Thanks

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