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Vibrator during PIV

13 replies

organicfanatic · 01/01/2017 21:03

I have got to the point that I can only orgasm when I use my vibrator in the same way that I do when I masturbate (mostly on my clit with some internal probing/g spot rubbing). We have tried vibrating cock rings but DH hates them and they did nothing for me. I want to orgasm with DH inside me and not rely on doing it to myself after he has finished. I have tried using my vibe when we have PIV sex but DH says it puts him off and I find it difficult to get the stimulation right. Does anyone have any experience of the Wevibe (used internally during PIV)? Does it get in the way of the man's enjoyment? Can anyone recommend a vibe for use during PIV and is it common or normal to do that? DH says I'm an odd-ball if I need a vibe during sex - but it is the only way I can climax. Am I odd or strange?

OP posts:
BubbleFairy · 01/01/2017 21:10

You're not strange or odd.

I can only climax with clitoral stimulation. Orally, digitally, vibrators. I've recently been able to orgasm whilst having PIV sex by using lube and my hand at the same time. I was really worried DP wouldn't like it, but he finds it incredibly sexual, especially as it means we can now orgasm seconds apart.

Does it have to be a vibrator? Have you tried using your hand at the same time?

Jennifer11 · 02/01/2017 10:00

Lovehoney finger ring - one of their basics - slipped in between us will do it for me (and just has!) BlushGrin

VeritysWatchTower · 02/01/2017 16:18

You are not an oddball. Jesus. How encouraging he sounds.

Maybe you can have a look at this video by Dr. Lindsey Doe, who is a doctor of human sexuality and a certified clinical sexologist. This means she has expertise in the field and has devoted her professional life to sharing it.

they are her question marks not mine. She also does a whole heap of other videos on everything sexual. I have found them fascinating. Have a look at her channel.
lostincumbria · 02/01/2017 18:36

You could also try switching so you orgasm first, either before or in between PIV. He's the oddball for leaving you to do it yourself after he's finished.

bowtieandheels · 03/01/2017 01:48

I think this is way more normal than you think. I'm the same as you and use a body wand while DP is inside me. It's amazing! Wevibe didn't work for us, he just got us a womaniser for Christmas which is also superb but the body wand is still the winner for me. Good luck!

VeritysWatchTower · 03/01/2017 10:39

Yes, I did forget to say why does your Dh always come first? It does seem very selfish on his behalf, he doesn't want the vibrator because it distracts him, but surely this is about him staying hard for you to orgasm, then he can focus on himself when you no longer need the vibrator.

maccax · 03/01/2017 14:08

I agree with comments earlier. My partner has always taken a lot of stimulation to climax, and I find it very erotic when she uses toys, fingers or me as a "wand" and we can piv climax together.
Get him to watch you.....I haven't met a man who doesn't find that erotic...

MephistophelesApprentice · 03/01/2017 14:13

My partner and I use Wevibe now and then, it's great fun. Takes a little getting used to (and lube, lube is good).

Snowflake65 · 03/01/2017 22:32

I often use a vibrator on my clit with DP inside me, I struggle to orgasm any other way.

You are not weird

Mummyhug · 12/01/2017 22:14

I have the same problem, for 7 years I suffered, we tried loads of things including cock rings too which I actually loved but DH is quite girthy so they were uncomfortable for him.
We eventually got a wevibe and it changed my life. Only problem we had was that we both didn't last very long to begin with. The first time was literally seconds. DH stopped moving so I knew he was trying not to cum and the vibration along with having him inside me sent me over the edge straight away and him moments after. Who knew men could enjoy vibrators too?!
Get one, it's worth it

idlevice · 14/01/2017 14:02

We had DC2 as a result of the weevibe!! (Not entirely unplanned, just a bit earlier than intended)

fizzingwhizbee · 15/01/2017 20:31

DH and I use a wevibe during PIV sex. I would definitely say use lube. I also find it works best if I'm on my front as it helps keep the wevibe in place. At least to start with.

Ehlana · 16/01/2017 00:27

Lelo Tiani is a good alternative to the We-Vibe too.

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