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opinions about shrewsbury school?

4 replies

PerkyExpert · 08/07/2024 20:14

hi guys i have heard that shrewsbury is good academically but is it as good as marlborough college?

OP posts:
tennissquare · 08/07/2024 21:33

No it isn't, have you subscribed to the good schools guide?

PerkyExpert · 09/07/2024 16:45

does it do better than cheltenham college?

OP posts:
LadeOde · 09/07/2024 16:56

What's so amazing about Marlborough? it's a lovely school that has all that you'd expect a good indy to have. Academically their results are pretty much middle of the road and falls within the 'average' range overall. It takes a broad range of abilities which isn't a bad thing. It's more popular for being Kate's school and attracts rather posh titled folk as a result.

sheep73 · 09/07/2024 17:33

Shrewsbury does better than Cheltenham but not as well as Marlborough.
You can find this in league tables.
Shrewsbury takes quite a broad academic intake - some are very bright, some not so.

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