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Darrick wood school catchment area

7 replies

SofiaYankova · 07/07/2024 19:07

Hello all,we are buying a house in Crofton and I am worried about secondary schools.It looks like our only option would be Darrick wood school,but what do we do if we don't get in?Does anyone know how far in Crofton the catchment area goes?

OP posts:
MissMoneyFairy · 07/07/2024 19:21

Ring the school and ask, have you looked at Newstead Woods. What road are you moving to, it will list the schools by distance

mugboat · 07/07/2024 19:36

The previous poster mentioned Newstead Wood, this is a girls only superselective grammar, FYI.

This booklet has info about all of the bromley secondary schools and includes the past few years' catchment areas. NB this is for the next y7 intake, a new booklet is due out soon. I think the catchments have got bigger this year...

anonhop · 07/07/2024 19:39

You might get into Ravenswood (boys comprehensive) there.
You'd also likely get Harris Orpington...

Would you be looking at grammar schools (Kent or Bexley) ? Or superselectives (Newstead / Olaves)

SofiaYankova · 07/07/2024 20:05

Thanks all, we have twins-a boy and a girl and we would prefer a mixed school. Also, a grammar school would not be an option. This leaves us with Darrick Wood and Harris Orpington.I hear that Harris' reputation is not great. The house is on Tandridge Drive so the north part of Crofton...😩

OP posts:
mugboat · 07/07/2024 21:14

are you in the catchment for ravensbourne? this is a mixed school and I've heard good things about it recently.

Google "as the crow flies" calculator and you will see how far away you are from the school. If you're slightly out..
e.g. if catchment was 1.2 and you're 1.4, there's a v good chance you'll get a waiting list place.

This year I got a place at a school that is v popular and has a history of v small catchments... I.e. 1.2... I live 1.6 and got a waiting list place to my delight.

There's a decreasing birth rate in the area so catchments are increasing.

mugboat · 07/07/2024 21:16

Coopers school could also be an option for you. I don't know about it but it might be worth considering.Would be preferable to Harris Orpington

SofiaYankova · 07/07/2024 21:36

mugboat · 07/07/2024 21:14

are you in the catchment for ravensbourne? this is a mixed school and I've heard good things about it recently.

Google "as the crow flies" calculator and you will see how far away you are from the school. If you're slightly out..
e.g. if catchment was 1.2 and you're 1.4, there's a v good chance you'll get a waiting list place.

This year I got a place at a school that is v popular and has a history of v small catchments... I.e. 1.2... I live 1.6 and got a waiting list place to my delight.

There's a decreasing birth rate in the area so catchments are increasing.

Thank you, this sounds reassuring. We like Orpington but I am panicking about secondary school now...

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