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Best gcse revision books?

9 replies

Ifonlyoneday · 07/07/2024 15:17

I am thinking of getting some revision books for my DTs who start their GCSEs in September. There seem to be a few publishers, for those that used books for revising and not online, which did you find the best and for which subject? CGP, Oxford, Collins, Hodder, etc

OP posts:
TeenDivided · 07/07/2024 15:26

My DD1 liked CGP iirc.
Just get them for the right board and if applicable the right tier.
Schools often sell them cheap, but our school not until y11 which I thought was too late.
If you have an oxfam bookshop or similar you may get cheap ones there as this years y11 clear out.

Pleaseleavemealone0 · 07/07/2024 15:30

Have school advised? Id wait because we got advised to buy certain books for certain subjects (mainly cgp). They also do some revision cards that dc have found helpful. I have dt and have had to buy two of most things I found lots of the cgp books in good/non marked condition on Just check the dates are the most recent ones.

Ifonlyoneday · 07/07/2024 15:34

Pleaseleavemealone0 · 07/07/2024 15:30

Have school advised? Id wait because we got advised to buy certain books for certain subjects (mainly cgp). They also do some revision cards that dc have found helpful. I have dt and have had to buy two of most things I found lots of the cgp books in good/non marked condition on Just check the dates are the most recent ones.

school not advised yet, so I’ll wait till September. However i do know their exam boards so if I see any for sale in the local charity shop I may still purchase some early. I think this years gcse cohort are selling/donating them now

i suspect I’ll have to get 2 of each as well :-)

OP posts:
Ironingboard12 · 07/07/2024 15:36

My school gave out cgp books when we joined in September

CuppeDramad · 07/07/2024 15:52

Some schools give out the books for free, Ds2 just handed all his back in when they finished their last exam for that subject. They were all GCP ones.

Can I advise that over summer read/watch the English Lit books/plays and start to look over whatever poetry they will be doing ie Power and Conflict just to have an easier time once they start to cover them in class. The poetry element is 15 poems. GCSEs are like eating an elephant, you start chipping away at it a little at a time otherwise it can be overwhelming.

MrsHamlet · 07/07/2024 16:10

OUP literature companions for English lit are miles and miles better than CGP. They're written by examiners. The workbooks for English language are also very good.

TurtleGemSaturn · 07/07/2024 18:09

Dd had CGP for English lit, sciences, maths- they were very helpful and she got a lot of use out of the science ones especially so much that she’s decided to stick with CGP for her a level textbooks for September. For Spanish she had the aqa viva textbook and for ocr history she chose the one by hodder education which she found very helpful! I know it’s not completely relevant but dd has been making a revision site with advice about how to revise- there are tips on strategies to use involving and in addition to the textbooks- dd found sitting reading a textbook a little monotonous, so prefers active recall and making visual notes. I hope its helpful for anyone that checks it out, she’s just finished her GCSEs and is making it as a project to help the next lots of year 10s and 11s! Hope this helps a little and sorry for the tangent!

Ifonlyoneday · 07/07/2024 18:38

TurtleGemSaturn · 07/07/2024 18:09

Dd had CGP for English lit, sciences, maths- they were very helpful and she got a lot of use out of the science ones especially so much that she’s decided to stick with CGP for her a level textbooks for September. For Spanish she had the aqa viva textbook and for ocr history she chose the one by hodder education which she found very helpful! I know it’s not completely relevant but dd has been making a revision site with advice about how to revise- there are tips on strategies to use involving and in addition to the textbooks- dd found sitting reading a textbook a little monotonous, so prefers active recall and making visual notes. I hope its helpful for anyone that checks it out, she’s just finished her GCSEs and is making it as a project to help the next lots of year 10s and 11s! Hope this helps a little and sorry for the tangent!

Thanks for the revision site link, the more aids the better. Well done to your Dd on putting it together.

OP posts:
Ifonlyoneday · 07/07/2024 18:46

MrsHamlet · 07/07/2024 16:10

OUP literature companions for English lit are miles and miles better than CGP. They're written by examiners. The workbooks for English language are also very good.

Thanks for the tip on Oup books. I know their English literature board AQA, but not which books they are doing yet. I am not sure we will find out the books until September.

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