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Grammar school admission

2 replies

Rabiamalik · 06/07/2024 22:37

Can anyone guide what are the chances of getting a place in queen Elizabeth grammar school horncastle once your child has been put on waiting list in midyear test?Or has anyone got a place while being on waiting list?

OP posts:
LetItGoToRuin · 08/07/2024 13:58

@Rabiamalik I'd suggest starting a new thread as unfortunately neither the name of the school or the area is in the title of your thread so people (like me) will just assume it's a general question about admission to grammar schools.

If you name the school in the title, you might get some replies. Good luck.

Rabiamalik · 08/07/2024 14:24

LetItGoToRuin · 08/07/2024 13:58

@Rabiamalik I'd suggest starting a new thread as unfortunately neither the name of the school or the area is in the title of your thread so people (like me) will just assume it's a general question about admission to grammar schools.

If you name the school in the title, you might get some replies. Good luck.

Thankyou so much for letting me know.
Have done it now

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