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KES Vs Embley

5 replies

Winchestermumofboy · 06/07/2024 01:20

Help! seeking some honest advice from fellow parents out there. I have a son who is 10 YO He is dyslexic but very capable and has great termination. He’s currently at Embley and doing well at prep but at times is “bored” he’s scoring As and Bs in all exams.

We are looking at secondary school options and KES is on our radar - he’d like to sit the exam and we’d support that - if he gets in should we send him there?

Embley is very nice but we’re not sure the results are there…. KES and Embley are almost like for like in terms of cost.

OP posts:
diamondmirrors · 06/07/2024 01:43

Embley likes to pretend it's a mini Canford but everyone knows that you go to Embley if you haven't got into KES, or any of the grammars. Anyone who argues otherwise are highly likely to be Embley parents saying the chose it over KES or the grammars, but in almost all cases it's not true.

Many of the students at the end of year nine are already vaping and drinking alcohol when at home, with parents allowing their little princes and princesses to do this.

If you have a non academic child, or a child with SEN specific needs to go to a private school, due to having smaller class sizes than state schools, then fair enough, send to Embley secondary.

If you have an academic child, don't send to Embley because of the risk the child will check out of classes due to boredom and dumbing down of curriculum. Send to KES: if your child is as academic as you state, they will get in. But it's a sausage factory....they take in the top students and churn them out a few years later with predictably good results.

TeenDivided · 06/07/2024 07:46

Stupid question alert: have you looked round Kings, Westgate, and HenryB?

Nearly everyone ends up at PS anyway!

Winchestermumofboy · 06/07/2024 09:06

Hi not stupid at all / totally agree. We are not in catchment for WG or Kings / we got into HB but I’m looking for the smaller classes due to my sons dyslexia and they are very good at HB but the classes are bigger.

OP posts:
Winchestermumofboy · 06/07/2024 09:08

diamondmirrors · 06/07/2024 01:43

Embley likes to pretend it's a mini Canford but everyone knows that you go to Embley if you haven't got into KES, or any of the grammars. Anyone who argues otherwise are highly likely to be Embley parents saying the chose it over KES or the grammars, but in almost all cases it's not true.

Many of the students at the end of year nine are already vaping and drinking alcohol when at home, with parents allowing their little princes and princesses to do this.

If you have a non academic child, or a child with SEN specific needs to go to a private school, due to having smaller class sizes than state schools, then fair enough, send to Embley secondary.

If you have an academic child, don't send to Embley because of the risk the child will check out of classes due to boredom and dumbing down of curriculum. Send to KES: if your child is as academic as you state, they will get in. But it's a sausage factory....they take in the top students and churn them out a few years later with predictably good results.

Thank you. You’re 100% right…. My sisters daughter got into KES last year but she chose to keep her at Embley as she’s also dyslexic and is doing well.

OP posts:
jennylamb1 · 06/07/2024 10:03

Has anyone got thoughts on The Gregg?

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