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Year 9 at Sutton High school

8 replies

Teachermumlovesoutdoors · 04/07/2024 18:53

Does anyone have a daughter starting year 9 at Sutton Girls School in September this year? My daughter is starting with 8 others apparently. I'm concerned there are so many leaving the school at the end of this term in Year 8. Anyone know why?

OP posts:
wasthesummerof69 · 04/07/2024 19:30

Do you know that 8 are definitely leaving? They may just be increasing the year group a bit.
But even if they are, the end of year 8 is quite a usual time to move. Some may be moving abroad, going to boarding school, going to a state school etc. they might just fancy a change especially if they've been there since the Prep. DD was at a GDST school and they had movement in and out at the start of year 7, 9 and 12. ( in fact there was movement every year- 5 left in year 8- all abroad).

Teachermumlovesoutdoors · 05/07/2024 16:44

thanks. My daughter was told by a girl attending the school that there are a lot leaving, but I’ve only heard it from her so could be exaggerated. I jus know that Surbiton high had a massive wait list and only 2 vacancies. Wimbledon high had 1 vacancy and 50 on the waiting list!

OP posts:
Pippatpip · 07/07/2024 12:18

They may have applied to increase numbers due to Old Palace shutting. So instead of being 90 in a year group increasing to 100 or having the potential to. The local GDST schools have obviously scooped up quite a lot of girls from the sad demise of OP.

Pippatpip · 07/07/2024 12:20

Also, 8 leaving is not a huge number - unlikely to be 8. There was capacity anyway. Pupils leave due to parents moving, relocating, problems with fees and the odd one or two who are just not suited for whatever reason. It's a lovely school.

Teachermumlovesoutdoors · 08/07/2024 10:37

Thanks for your replies. I just wanted to understand why Surbiton high is so popular compared with Sutton high. I think location of Surbiton and their sports facilities are a big bonus. My daughter is going to Sutton High but it’s not our first choice due to lack of sports at weekends and smaller site on a busy main road.

OP posts:
GemmaLouiseBull · 10/07/2024 17:50

In my experience, a number of students leave at the end of Year 8 after taking the 13+ to join an independent school.

radio4everyday · 10/07/2024 17:51

GemmaLouiseBull · 10/07/2024 17:50

In my experience, a number of students leave at the end of Year 8 after taking the 13+ to join an independent school.

There's no 13+ for girls

GemmaLouiseBull · 10/07/2024 17:55

radio4everyday · 10/07/2024 17:51

There's no 13+ for girls

There are lots of 13+ exam opportunities for girls around the country, including boarding schools. Some parents opt for state grammar for Year 7 and 8, then transfer to private school for Year 9-Year 13.

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