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Rugby and surround secondary schools

4 replies

Jovialsam1 · 01/07/2024 14:39

I'm new to the area, we are in a village west of Rugby, I would really appreciate any feedback on schools in the area. From Rugby to Lutterworth, Market Harborough etc.
Any feedback greatly appreciated, my son is a bright pupil but has been bullied so the school choice is so important for us.

Rugby and surround secondary schools
OP posts:
Pottedpalm · 01/07/2024 19:30

Have you looked at Princethorpe? They have buses from the villages.

AnnaBegins · 01/07/2024 19:45

The catchment areas are quite tight. In Rugby itself you have Ashlawn, which has historically been very popular but may be less so this year, the grammar schools (Lawrence sheriff for boys), Rugby Free which I've heard good things about, the Harris school which is excellent but you need a CofE connection, Bilton school which I know nothing about. Then you have Houlton which is a new school which is meant to be good. Guilsborough is pretty good and people move into catchment for that, but catchment is East of Rugby.
Private schools include Princethorpe which is catholic and seems lovely, and Rugby school which is expensive.
Daventry schools are to be avoided if possible, some have improving reputations though.
If you're southwest of Rugby, you might be catchment for southam school which is meant to be ok.

Jovialsam1 · 08/07/2024 07:29

Thank you
Guilsborough doesn't rate highly with Ofsted so it put me off but its not far away, if people recommend it?

OP posts:
Pearl97 · 08/07/2024 07:35

several are now very tight on catchment. You won’t get into Houlton now unless you live there. The same with Rugby Free. Most people tutor now for the grammar schools. By tutor I mean really tutoring them. There is a lot of competition. Keep asking any questions we will try and help.

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