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Tring Park School Performance Foundation Course

25 replies

parent1984 · 02/02/2024 11:34


I am after some help/opinions/feedback please.
My daughter got a place at Tring Park on the Performance Foundation Course to start in Y8 -Sept 2024. Unfortunately, the stretch would be massive for us if we were to accept the place and pay those fees! She is obviously devastated. It doesn't help she has a horrible time at her current school and says she feels very lonely.
Is this school worth the massive stretch on us? Today is the last day I can accept the place and I do not know what to do.

Thank you in advance

OP posts:
niteklub · 02/02/2024 11:45

Does she have the potential to be a top flight performer? Will she cope with a career where rejection is the norm for a lot of people? If not, keep it as a hobby.
I have a friend who's DD went there -a mixed experience for her

BarqsHasBite · 02/02/2024 13:06

I’d be willing to make pretty massive financial and other sacrifices for my kids but I would be hesitant to go private if it means a “massive stretch”. In case you’re not aware already, Labour plan to add VAT to private school fees if they get elected which is looking pretty likely. It’s estimated this will lead to perhaps a 16% increase on school fees, on top of the above-inflation increases that are typical each year.
Have you discussed with the school whether any financial assistance may be available?

Alicewinn · 02/02/2024 13:09

If she's having a horrible time at current school because she's highly sensitive, it'll get better later when she starts doing more classes she really enjoys - english, art, music, drama

parent1984 · 02/02/2024 15:26

Hi. She is not highly sensitive but the kids there are not very nice, unfortunately

OP posts:
Em2ds1dd · 02/02/2024 16:50

Good luck with the choice. My DD joined the school for 6th form and it was absolutely the best decision ever - but hard financially, and emotionally, as she was a boarder. But absolutely no regrets, its a unique and incredible school.

Theredjellybean · 02/02/2024 17:02

My dd was there in sixth form.
Most kids had bursaries or scholarships...ring the school and talk to them.
We naively paid full fees via a second mortgage

parent1984 · 02/02/2024 17:21

I doubt they would accept less fees? I have emailed them back this evening and told them we won't take the place as we can't pay full fees. I feel awful but that's what I didn't want to do - a second mortgage, as it wouldn't have been realistic. But now I feel as the worst mother ever and my daughter is devastated as this is all she wants to do 😞😞😞

OP posts:
Scrambledchickens · 03/02/2024 09:09

Em2ds1dd has your daughter gone into the industry? My son has an audition at Tring next week so very interested in trying to assess whether Tring is worth the money :)

Em2ds1dd · 03/02/2024 10:11

Is your DS looking at MT or straight acting?
For MT - definitely worth it, DD knows people in the West End straight from school. And many others got straight into the top MT schools.
For acting, it’s harder, less top places to train, and they’re less keen on 18 year olds! Having said that DD had offers from conservatoires across London, the Midlands and the North West.
However the place she liked best, she was rejected at final round, tried again following year and same result.
At that point she was also holding unconditional offers at 2 top unis as her back up for an academic course and chose that route.
This was in the middle of Covid shutdowns so the only acting she could do was auditions as everything else was closed down. That impacted how she felt about acting as there were no opportunities to actually act!
However I think Tring prepared them incredibly well and the academics are really good, DD left with 3 top A level grades.
Socially, for the first time ever she was with students who shared her outlook, and experience, eg having to turn down invitations with friends because she was rehearsing for a show and then feeling left out because her friends had carried on without her.
DD made friends for life at Tring.

LIZS · 03/02/2024 10:16

Had you already looked into bursary or award funding?

parent1984 · 03/02/2024 10:43

Hi. They only give bursaries if you get a scolarship and if you qualify. The scolarship is only 10% off the fees ,so wouldn't make a difference for us. Is there other ways to find bursaries or awards? Thank you

OP posts:
Em2ds1dd · 03/02/2024 10:46

@parent1984 not sure how it works in lower school, but being awarded a scholarship meant we could apply for a school bursary which was linked to our income.
Did you apply for a scholarship?

parent1984 · 03/02/2024 11:39

@Em2ds1dd yes, we did but she did not get the scolarship she has just been given a paying space. We could pay some of the fees but not all. Not sure if the school is open for negotiations, I doubt it. X

OP posts:
Em2ds1dd · 03/02/2024 11:47

Ah that’s rough, the fees are very high. We couldn’t have afforded it without the scholarship and bursary, particularly for a boarding space.
However, we felt the fees reflected that essentially DD was getting a double education. 5 hours focussed academic study each day and nearly 5 hours vocational training each day.
Perhaps it’s something you could look at again for sixth form, so your DD appreciates it isn’t necessarily no forever.

Our DD was a little older of course but from the outset she was aware that it would only be possible if she was awarded a scholarship.

LIZS · 03/02/2024 17:08

Might be worth asking her drama/music teachers if they know of any financial support.

madnessitellyou · 04/02/2024 18:56

Don't you have access to the MDS grant? It's very generous.

parent1984 · 05/02/2024 10:24

Hi. I think they only give thay for dance course. She is not on the dance course.

OP posts:
parent1984 · 07/02/2024 10:23


OP posts:
parent1984 · 07/02/2024 10:23


OP posts:
JLDA · 13/03/2024 23:11

Hi @parent1984 just wanted to know how this panned out for you? My sons just been accepted on the same course for year 8 too…

Comefromaway · 14/03/2024 10:31

Please don't feel bad. My daughter went to a very similar school but she was on a 50% bursary (she was not classical enough for MDS), she didn't audition for Tring because we knew we could not afford it.

It was a double edged sword.

elle39 · 14/03/2024 14:01

Em2ds1dd · 03/02/2024 11:47

Ah that’s rough, the fees are very high. We couldn’t have afforded it without the scholarship and bursary, particularly for a boarding space.
However, we felt the fees reflected that essentially DD was getting a double education. 5 hours focussed academic study each day and nearly 5 hours vocational training each day.
Perhaps it’s something you could look at again for sixth form, so your DD appreciates it isn’t necessarily no forever.

Our DD was a little older of course but from the outset she was aware that it would only be possible if she was awarded a scholarship.

I am just conpleting the information for a bursary, do you know if they have standard scale of support measured against income? Stuck on what to ask for - any advice welcome!

Em2ds1dd · 15/03/2024 14:28

@elle39 just seen your message, I have PM’d you


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Lovetok · 19/03/2024 16:01

Hi OP, what was the outcome for you? We’re in a similar position - been offered a scholarship for Year 7 but can’t actually afford the fees even with the scholarship. We didn’t apply for the bursary as we thought we wouldn’t qualify but now we’re at this stage we’re wondering if we should have just tried. Thinking it’s too late now and don’t really know what to do. Tried calling the registrar today to ask but no answer. Prob for the best as I was an emotional wreck just at the offer!

Jessica3456 · 07/07/2024 17:58

I just wondered what decision you all made?

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