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RGS Guildford 2024 Y7 entry

97 replies

themidimit · 05/12/2023 15:53

Anyone else DS sat the tests this term? Any idea when we might know a decision?

OP posts:
Bearmary · 05/12/2023 22:40

Mine did. From what I understand we should know about whether they have a second interview by the end of next week and then we get final yes or no on Feb 9th.

Flimpychunk · 05/12/2023 22:48

”In addition, however, we traditionally call back a number of boys in January for a Second Interview (or the Benefit of Doubt interview). We want to give each individual every opportunity to show their true potential. The interview may give us an opportunity to reflect on inconsistency in performance across their exams; relative weakness in one area; disparity between performance in the assessments and the School’s reference etc. This process allows us to identify those boys with the potential to thrive at the RGS but who, for whatever reason, may have gaps in their knowledge. If your son is called for a second interview, this should not be cause for alarm. Every year we call back a significant number of boys and then offer them a place and they go on to flourish at the RGS. Some of our most successful boys have been those who were called back for a second interview.”

Firstposthere · 11/12/2023 12:00

I think RGS closes for the Christmas holidays tomorrow, so i imagine any news about second interviews will be emailed out today/tomorrow?
What does everyone think?

rendevouz · 11/12/2023 14:56

Mine sat, not sure if no news is a good news. Not heard anything so far.

NearlyNearlySummer · 11/12/2023 16:18

Second interview emails are out, if that helps.

Flimpychunk · 11/12/2023 17:46

Eep, I can’t work out if not having a second interview is a good thing or not - have no idea whether he’s in with a chance or just has no chance at all Confused

Bearmary · 11/12/2023 18:10

I know it’s so hard to know if no second interview email is a good thing or not! Do you know many people who have got an email? I know one person who has an interview in English.

Firstposthere · 11/12/2023 18:27

We don’t have an interview….have no idea what this means!! But I am hoping it is good news as it is our first choice school.

FNS · 11/12/2023 20:02

We received an email for the second interview for English. Don’t know what to think of it.

Flimpychunk · 11/12/2023 20:33

@FNS i found this reassuring from an email they sent earlier:

”If your son is called for a second interview, this should not be cause for alarm. Every year we call back a significant number of boys and then offer them a place and they go on to flourish at the RGS. Some of our most successful boys have been those who were called back for a second interview.”

Firstposthere · 11/12/2023 20:35

I agree with @Flimpychunk They want to get to the know the children. I wonder if all the emails were sent out today for 11+ and 13+
The waiting is tortuous.

FNS · 11/12/2023 20:39

We are doing 13 plus. I have been searching everywhere as to what is expected in that interview. Would it be written test or verbal one.

Firstposthere · 11/12/2023 20:42

In the open day they said a second interview for English would have a passage/poem and then they would have a chat about it with the child. Then just general questions. I hope that helps @FNS

FNS · 11/12/2023 20:53

@Firstposthere many thanks for the reply. It is very helpful. I must have missed it. Thanks!

NearlyNearlySummer · 11/12/2023 21:06

Did anyone find out what to expect for the second interview in maths? Thanks

Firstposthere · 11/12/2023 21:11

@NearlyNearlySummer I think with maths, the children are given a few problems to work out on paper and then they chat through their thought process.

A number of boys at my DS’s school had 2nd interviews last year and they were successful, so I think it is positive experience.

Sharing information on here really does help with managing the tension!

dragonmum19 · 11/12/2023 21:32

Hello, does anyone know if the email for academic scholarship is out as well?

NearlyNearlySummer · 11/12/2023 21:34

Firstposthere · 11/12/2023 21:11

@NearlyNearlySummer I think with maths, the children are given a few problems to work out on paper and then they chat through their thought process.

A number of boys at my DS’s school had 2nd interviews last year and they were successful, so I think it is positive experience.

Sharing information on here really does help with managing the tension!

Thank you, and yes it is helpful. Fingers crossed it’s a straight ‘yes’ for your son.

themidimit · 11/12/2023 21:35

NearlyNearlySummer · 11/12/2023 16:18

Second interview emails are out, if that helps.

Were you 11+ or 13+?

OP posts:
Humphrey10 · 12/12/2023 13:27

dragonmum19 · 11/12/2023 21:32

Hello, does anyone know if the email for academic scholarship is out as well?

Yes, they came out this morning. Hope you got one if that's what you are hoping for!

dragonmum19 · 12/12/2023 22:08

Thank you, unfortunately we didn't get it. Guess just have to wait until February to find out 😅

villagegirlatheart · 12/12/2023 23:08

Hi all. Current RGS mum here. No news can be good news. My son wasn't called for a second interview. We just received an offer of a place by post on 10th Feb. Nothing at all heard before then. Good luck - I remember the wait!

isido13 · 13/12/2023 06:45

hi all, does anyone know if there will be early "no" letters?


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themidimit · 13/12/2023 21:14

Got an email today for a meeting re: our bursary application. Trying to work out if that's a good sign or if they do this for all applicants

OP posts:
Bearmary · 13/12/2023 21:26

I don’t think so. I think all emails whether yes or no come out on Fri 9th Feb. That includes a straight no without a second interview.

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