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Exam invigilator interview

15 replies

Foxymoxy68 · 21/10/2023 20:16

Evening all. I've just retired from primary teaching and have applied to do some exam invigilating.
I have an interview next week and wondered what type of questions I may be asked? Any advice from anyone who's done this would be appreciated.

OP posts:
oplease · 21/10/2023 20:28

There is a serious shortage of invigilators so, given your obvious education experience, I expect the only questions will be "do you have a pulse?" and "when can you start?".

Foxymoxy68 · 21/10/2023 20:29


OP posts:
MarvellousMinnie · 21/10/2023 20:33

Yes, you'll walk it!
I had to do a test to make sure I could write, just in case I needed to scribe for anyone.
Usual safeguarding questions which you will know. They will be very keen to get you.

Purplepeoniesdroppingpetals · 21/10/2023 20:34

Ask questions about who’s going to be coordinating the supply of separate arrangement materials for students (coloured paper etc) and whether the school has external candidates taking exams in the same room as internal (these things can and do go wrong so showing some knowledge about complexities of practicalities is good).

thenewaveragebear1983 · 21/10/2023 20:35

I used to be an exams officer and when I was interviewing my invigilators my favourite question was: “do you have, or can you procure, a pair of soft soled shoes?” 😂

setiously, you’ll be fine. Willingness, availability and a pleasant disposition was all I ever looked for, and everything else they will train you.

Purplepeoniesdroppingpetals · 21/10/2023 20:35

But yes, warm and breathing, you’ll walk it.

Houseplantmad · 21/10/2023 20:37

If you’re keen, let them know you’re up for being a Lead Invigilator - more money and you’d be brilliant with your experience.

RoseAndRose · 21/10/2023 20:44

oplease · 21/10/2023 20:28

There is a serious shortage of invigilators so, given your obvious education experience, I expect the only questions will be "do you have a pulse?" and "when can you start?".

You read my mind!

The two key questions are "do they have a pulse?"
"Will they turn up on the day?"

SiblingFights · 21/10/2023 20:46

Yep agree, there is such a shortage of invigilators - at one point our Office Manager started recruiting anyone she could in the village pub.

SiblingFights · 21/10/2023 20:47

On a more serious note, you will probably be asked some safeguarding scenarios, some exam compliance issues (eg finding a student with a mobile phone / someone being disruptive in the exam hall / a teacher asking to see the paper etc)

NeverDropYourMooncup · 21/10/2023 20:48

SiblingFights · 21/10/2023 20:46

Yep agree, there is such a shortage of invigilators - at one point our Office Manager started recruiting anyone she could in the village pub.

Pretty sure we've seriously considered canvassing the old people's home over the back to see whether any of them want to supplement their pensions before now.

surreygirl1987 · 21/10/2023 20:52

There really is a shortage. You'll be fine. They want someone reliable, safe with children, with common sense and trustworthy, who can follow rules. Any competent teacher should be ideal for this job.

SunsetGirl · 22/10/2023 10:51

We wouldn't expect someone interviewing to know the exam compliance stuff, that's why there's training. (And a test after training.)

Foxymoxy68 · 24/10/2023 18:03

Just an update-I got the job!
It was more formal than I expected but not difficult at all! Thanks for all the advice! ☺️

OP posts:
Hopebridge · 08/07/2024 14:51

Can I ask for disruption, mobile phone etc would you refer to the lead invigilator? I assume if they are disruptive they would be isolated from the other children.

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