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Secondary education

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Y7- 2023/24 support thread

855 replies

BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz · 20/07/2023 20:50

Hi, just dropping in a thread for those of us who have kids starting secondary this coming September. There was a lovely thread going last year and they are carrying it on into Year 8, so here is a place for us the year behind.

How is everyone feeling as they finish Primary and prepare for Secondary?

Dd is moving from a single form entry "family feel" type cosy Primary into a large 8 form entry, multiple building secondary. She's going alone, her primary class are really split up across multiple secondaries.

The transition days helped, and she is excited,but has been really sad this weke saying her goodbyes

Is everyone prepped for uniform etc?

OP posts:
Attictroll · 20/07/2023 21:23

Last day tomorrow for DS we have had a week of shows, sports days and discos that I worry first week of holidays is going to be a big anti climax.

Ds going from a small 1 form entry but about half are going to the same secondary but it's huge. I think a bigger school will open up new friendship groups ..
But I worry about bullying he is quite a small summer born who is a little bit naive.

SamPoodle123 · 20/07/2023 21:48

I cannot believe Primary is finished for my eldest. She is excited about secondary. I will miss the ease of Primary....just walking to school, all kids in one school, friends all living close by.

Stillwearingskinnies · 20/07/2023 21:53

I'm also worried about my very small DS. He's the shortest in his year (4 form entry primary) and he looks so young compared with his peers. I just hope he can hold his own. He's bright which helps his confidence but still.... it's hard not to worry 😔

FlyingFlamingo · 20/07/2023 21:56

I’m in bits about the last primary school run, she’s my youngest so after 12 years that’s it for school runs/sports days/concerts Sad

She’s going from a one class per year, nurturing and relaxed primary to the biggest secondary in the county…most of her class will be with her but she struggles socially so she’s not particularly close to any of them. She has an IDP in place that will be following her and I’m impressed so far with the support they are putting in place and the extra transition time they have given her. It’ll be hard not just popping in as needed for a chat with her teacher though!

She’s gone to bed in tears ahead of tomorrow, she needs to move on and hopefully find her crowd in the bigger pond but my god it’ll be hard to say goodbye to her lovely school Sad

MujeresLibres · 20/07/2023 22:20

My child is going from a large 3 form mixed-sex primary to a smallish 5 form single-sex secondary. There are 3 others also going, although none are particularly close friends. We will have to drive to and from the new school so I will miss the ease of our current routine. DC is excited but also a little sad.

Bessi · 20/07/2023 22:48

I'm not looking forward to the last day of primary school tomorrow, it is going to be sad. My DS's friends are all going to a different secondary school and I keep asking myself if we should have chosen that school too. Though here will be quite a few others from his primary at his new school so it's not like he doesn't know anyone.

I am struggling with the school uniform. The sizes seem to vary so much between different brands. Bought some school shirts and they are too long in the arm but don't really want to go down a size as the fit elsewhere is ok.

Busornobus67 · 20/07/2023 22:48

My dd is now quite tall summer born.
Got spot from wait list so no transition or bus etc.
2 form entry though and does scouts so getting more used to new kids.
About 20 from her year going but no girls to her class. 9 form entry!
I felt like this at end of reception - she just wasnt ready.
Youngest is oldest in year so never had that with her.
Shes losing her best friend too which is sad after 6 years.

Transition for sen /suspected sen seems to have been really hit and miss. With some kids getting 5 extra days others 1. Others just the standard but with meetings. Our original school they were putting her in a sen tutor group but hadnt said so. So i figure its possible more is in place but school just dont say.
Its a bit like reception though i doubt school believe issues till they see them.
And its hard to know as a parent as things can go better than you expect.
Shes probably going to be in bottom set for pe. But actually came in maybe right in the middle of the long race.

Busornobus67 · 20/07/2023 22:56

Bessi yes i feel the pain. Ours is online only! Ive guessed 34 and got some things 36. Picked up second hand 34 today which seems about right. The 32 they had was tiny!
I dont want to guess for £20. My dc2 is taller for age o wont use small stuff.
Advantage of a girl is i doubt mine will grow much from now 11y1m old so maybe 2 years. Probably very few sets of new uniform.
Its probably around £300 altogether. And thats only 2 sets plus trousers.

On plus side dd2 is just getting hand me downs this year so no cost there except maybe shoes.

Live4weekend · 21/07/2023 00:05

I think DD is very ready to finish primary and she always takes everything in her stride and is not one for showing emotion.

There is only a handful going from her school but she knows a few other kids going.

Its a large secondary school so will be a bit of a shock (although her primary was 3 form).

Most of uniform bought. She's tall, so hoping she doesn't have too much more growing to do. Will need to go shoe shopping soon. She's got such a busy summer ahead that it will be here in no time.

Walkingbkwrm · 21/07/2023 08:03

Thanks for starting the thread @BernadetteRostankowskiWolowitz

Last primary school run for me today (I may well cry at pickup).

Nervous about the move to secondary here as DS2 really doesn’t seem ready and has anxiety - he has struggled with primary school for the last couple of years and he’s been split up from most of his friends (and they mostly keep to their tutor groups in Yr7). I keep telling myself to trust them as the school did a fabulous job of settling his autistic older brother in but can’t help the nerves!

We have sorted uniform (apart from shoes) so he doesn’t have to think about school over most of the holiday. Shoes and stationary in the last week. I agree about the uniform sizes though - even from the main school shop some things went 11-12, S, M, L and some went 11-12, JS, JM, JL, JXL, S, M, L. Totally impenetrable. Plus he’s much smaller than DS1 at the same age so his handed down stuff didn’t fit at all :(.

Marisquita · 21/07/2023 10:25

Joining in! DS has it relatively easy as he is moving up from his junior school to the linked senior school, all on the same site. Uniform doesn’t change, but he’s growing fast so we will need to check what still fits and what doesn’t.

It’ll be a very different and more grown-up feel in the senior school, though - he’s young in the year but ready for the next phase I think. They’ve had lovely moving-up rituals and are eagerly waiting a fresh influx of new joiners who seem to have made a good impression on the “old hands” when they came in for transition activities. Bring it on, says DS!

Attictroll · 21/07/2023 13:31

An emotional day of leavers assembly's etc. September seems a long way off so despite having bought trousers and white shirts we have an appointment at the uniform shop on the 22nd August to get all the branded stuff a week before he starts as he has big growth spirts occasionally so didn't want to go to early

han01uk · 21/07/2023 13:37

My son going into a 12 from entry, huge secondary school, from a nurturing lovely primary.
He doesn't seem too phased, apart from worrying about getting lost, but I'm a nervous wreck and feel he has so much growing up to do in the next 6 weeks! Any tips?!

ShowOfHands · 21/07/2023 13:48

I work in a secondary school and my youngest is about to move up in September. My eldest has just finished GCSEs and is off to college.

We work so hard to help the new year 7s transition and we take care of them to the very best of our ability. They're all in the same boat and while we as parents worry about our own DC (and I really worry about my 11yo DS for myriad reasons), they're all in it together.

Does it help to know that as teachers, we always remember that it's new for them and spend time and care easing them in.

Prepare for them to be very tired for the first few weeks! They find it emotionally and mentally exhausting ime.

I think the biggest challenge as a parent is that you simply won't be as involved in their schooling and that feels strange. You can't stand in the playground/walk them to the door or grab a teacher as they're let out. It's another step on the road to their independence and it's lovely but bittersweet.

RhosynBach · 21/07/2023 13:54

My ds is moving from a 1.5 form primary to a 5 form secondary so not as big as many of the schools mentioned. He’s lucky in that he’s going to the main feeder school so all his friends are moving up with him and it’s round the corner from the primary so will walk there with friends. He’s feeling quite chilled about it. He’s my eldest so I’m feeling like I have no idea what to expect and am just really hoping he settles quickly and it all goes well.

gingeristhenewblack43 · 21/07/2023 20:39

Last primary pick up was very emotional, lots of kids, teachers and parents in tears. Luckily we had planned to go to the beach after pick up with some school friends so that took DD's mind off it.

I think with new uniform we are sorted apart from shoes. Hoping DD doesn't have a growth spurt over the Summer.

In secondary my friend's sister will be DD's HOY so will keep an eye on her, and I think that has been a bit of reassurance for DD.

Transition days went well and first day in Sept is just the Yr7s in school. We have homework for over the Summer!!

MumSi87 · 22/07/2023 04:49

My lo has just finished the last day of junior school and is so sad, it was an amazing school and he's got some fantastic memories. I am feeling so sad right now but also sooo nervous about the next stage... I'm worried that im not prepared and will let lo down.

MissJJ19 · 22/07/2023 04:59

I saw this and felt relived I am not the only one feeling this way! I know we have 6 weeks till they start but I just know it's looming. My daughter was a mixed bag of emotions yesterday and started saying she doesn't want to go to the secondary school she got into because only a few of her friends are going.
I tried to explain that although she has those friends she will make new ones even if all her friends were going to the same school as she is.
I'm worried about when the time comes about her walking to school independently it's about a 5/10 min walk from our house but I just can't seem to imagine letting her go on her own
.its a massive new chapter and although I want her to be positive it must also be hard to think that's it I'm never going back.

Caterama · 22/07/2023 05:47

Pleased to see this thread; thanks for starting it.

I’m really emotional about the end of the primary years for my eldest. What makes it worse is I know it’s all positive and natural and I’m annoyed with myself for the way I feel. It’s exactly like that ABBA song. Really need to pull my bloody socks up. He’s not going to the school all his mates will be at and that’s also pulling at the heartstrings. Someone slap me!

HalfasleepChrisintheMorning · 22/07/2023 06:08

Joining in, DS is an only child so I’m really emotional about this.
He’s just moving across the playground from the Junior to Senior departments of his school. He’s in a class with all his friends (6 forms) and likes his form teacher who taught him DT this year. So it should be an easy transition- new tie but otherwise same uniform. I have ordered some though as he’s grown.
I’ll really miss the school run and mum chats and generally having a primary school child.
He is ready and excited and already deciding which clubs to join- drama and rowing currently top of the list!

Raindancer411 · 22/07/2023 06:59

I will join in too... my eldest is going up to secondary and we have just finished with lots of tears. It's only been a day and he is already saying he wants to go back and misses his teachers. They have said he can pop back to see them anytime, or email them at the school.

He is apprehensive as is going from a 3 form to an 8 form multi building school, and also he has an allergy, so is worried about lunch times. He won't have the support/help from dinner ladies as before, so I have said we will just do pack ups.

Plus he is the youngest in his year and is also young for his age, as well as small and not a typical boy's boy. So I always worry with every step up but he usually proves me wrong on the needing to worry front.

My biggest worry is he is going to a grammar and I am now thinking, is this the right environment and place for him. It's the only mixed school in the area though, all others are single sex and I think a mixed is better for him. Argghhh ��

julesover40 · 22/07/2023 07:48

Thanks for starting this thread. Been a very emotional week with our youngest DD finishing primary.
She is moving from a small single entry to a large 8 form entry. None of her friends are going which she is sad about but I do believe it's the best school for her. She is still only 10 (birthday next month) but quite confident. And although she is sad/scared to be leaving her friends she is also looking forward to starting secondary. She did meet a couple of friendly girls on transition day so hopefully that will make the first day less daunting.
Have some of DD2 old uniform as spares but not taking DD3 for uniform fitting until late Aug as she is prone to big growth spurts. New bag and stationery already bought though.
We had a lovely afternoon with her friends and their families on their last day and she has lots of things lined up for the next 6 weeks. End of an era for us as been doing school run to her primary on and off for 16 years x

MissJJ19 · 22/07/2023 10:32

I feel the same about my daughter she's going to a different school than her friends as we didn't want her getting busses when there was a school down the road she could walk too
I never thought it would be this hard


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Bessi · 22/07/2023 12:09

@Raindancer411 we had tears last night too with my DS saying he was going to miss all his friends.

I agree @MissJJ19 , I didn't think it would be this hard. We also chose a more local school and his friends chose a school a bus ride away.

Raindancer411 · 22/07/2023 14:52

@Bessi It's hard, isn't it? I just keep telling myself I really cannot remember the transit to year 7 myself, and it was all good, so he will be fine and make new friends. I had no one from my juniors go to the school I went too.

He is a social butterfly and gets on with anyone.

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