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G&L Interview feedback

9 replies

SamPoodle123 · 14/01/2023 08:09

I am looking for G&L feedback from past and present. This is mainly just out of curiosity. How did your dd find the interview? For girls that got in, did you have an idea you did well and you felt you got in? Or you had no idea? Do they give any feedback when you get an offer or if you don't get an offer?

My dd had the G&L interview yesterday and tbh I have no idea how she did. She thinks it went well, but I got a very neutral vibe from it all. I honestly cannot say if I think it went well. After the FHSS interview, she came out and told me, I straight away felt like wow, that went really well and feel like she will get an offer (but who knows! crossing fingers!). But after the G&L interview, I thought hmm I do not know.... I did not get the same positive feeling, which worries me a little as G&L is my dd first choice. I only viewed FHSS so I am not sure what is my favourite. In ideal world, she would get offers from all she applied :)

Also, when they send out offers, is it by email or post or both?

OP posts:
GLfam · 14/01/2023 16:12

SamPoodle123 · 14/01/2023 08:09

I am looking for G&L feedback from past and present. This is mainly just out of curiosity. How did your dd find the interview? For girls that got in, did you have an idea you did well and you felt you got in? Or you had no idea? Do they give any feedback when you get an offer or if you don't get an offer?

My dd had the G&L interview yesterday and tbh I have no idea how she did. She thinks it went well, but I got a very neutral vibe from it all. I honestly cannot say if I think it went well. After the FHSS interview, she came out and told me, I straight away felt like wow, that went really well and feel like she will get an offer (but who knows! crossing fingers!). But after the G&L interview, I thought hmm I do not know.... I did not get the same positive feeling, which worries me a little as G&L is my dd first choice. I only viewed FHSS so I am not sure what is my favourite. In ideal world, she would get offers from all she applied :)

Also, when they send out offers, is it by email or post or both?

You will receive your offer via email.

Chiswickmama · 14/01/2023 18:13

Both my DDs received offers in 2020 and 2021. Interviews were exactly as you describe and my DDs not impressed. I listened in on the first and felt the same. But it didn’t matter in the end. They seem to know exactly what they want and are not trying to sell the school (they don’t need to) and don’t feel the need for too much chit chat. A bit of a shame but it seems like it works for them. Hth. Don’t panic.

SamPoodle123 · 14/01/2023 18:51

@Chiswickmama where did your dd's end up?

OP posts:
Chiswickmama · 14/01/2023 19:04

At SPGS but it was a close call. As it prob is for many DDs in the same position.

bjmin · 14/01/2023 20:49

Chiswickmama · 14/01/2023 19:04

At SPGS but it was a close call. As it prob is for many DDs in the same position.

Curious, as another SPGS parent, if your DD's were not impressed with their G&L experience, why was it a close call?

Turquoiseturtle1234 · 15/01/2023 19:26

My DD had the same experience a bit impersonal; also there were a few from her prep there and they all seemed to have been asked the same categorisation questions. So it seems like a very standard approach taken.

LondonMum20222 · 16/01/2023 11:06

@SamPoodle123 I'm curious - why is it your DD's first choice if neither you nor she have actually seen the school? What is your DD basing that preference on?

SamPoodle123 · 16/01/2023 11:17

@LondonMum20222 we have not attended an open day at G&L, but my daughter has done netball camp there, attended her exam and done the interview at G&L. She likes the teachers she met there and the students. She said they were very nice and they gave her a little stuffed dolphin after the exam :) I know a pp mentioned their bad experience taking the exam at G&L, but my dd liked her experience.

She also really liked Emanuel after taking the exam because of the food and the yummy cookie they gave after. She thought Putney was okay, but nothing wow when she took the exam there. Francis holland is the only school we actually viewed properly during an open day and she quite liked it as well. But I think she likes the facilities at G&L better.

Perhaps Putney will impress her during her lets see. Putney was my first choice (from looking at website), until I went to the school for exam day and was not impressed with what I saw.

OP posts:
SouthKenTuition · 06/07/2024 12:15

Hi former G&L teacher here, interesting to hear about these interview experiences. I've conducted interviews at QG and G&L but of course have not been on the other side. I think like Oxbridge interviews, it's generally difficult for a candidate to tell how well one's performed (unless the candidate is an absolute superstar), but interviews are meant to see if a candidate is fit for the school and vice versa, so the outcome would be for the best anyways. I've visited FHS before for an interview and it has a great location but the facilities e.g
Sports are generally not on the same level as G&L. Congrats if your daughter got into either school!

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