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Transport options to Henrietta Barnett

24 replies

rako · 28/08/2017 09:14

Hello All,

My DD is keen on joining HBS but my concern is on the transport to and from HBS. I am aware of a bus /shuttle option from Golders Green tube station , I wanted to know more options to getting to HBS i.e if there are any tube/train buddies from London waterloo.
I am interested in private bus shuttle /car share etc.
I am a bit worried about the commute and her safety on the tube .Please any suggestions/advice is much appreciated.
Thank you

OP posts:
FanDabbyFloozy · 28/08/2017 10:03

I believe there is a minibus option run by Air Fenella.

Where is your starting point?

Zodlebud · 28/08/2017 13:48

Unless your daughter is a looked after child or allocated pupil premium as per their admissions criteria, then it would be highly unlikely she would get a place at HB if you live in the Waterloo area?

The school is wholly oversubscribed and their third admissions criteria is proximity to the school.

Dancergirl · 29/08/2017 13:20

That's incorrect zodle Location does not play a part, girls who score highest in the entrance exam will be offered a place regardless of where they live.

rako do you live near Waterloo or further out?

Zodlebud · 29/08/2017 17:24

Apologies - I misread the admissions criteria. Places are ranked by score. I only used to audit the school....Grin

FanDabbyFloozy · 29/08/2017 18:57

There are mini buses from Birmingham on the day of the exam, so definitely no distance criteria!

Puzzledmum · 29/08/2017 23:09

Air Fenella picks up girls from all over London. Alternatively, Northern line from Waterloo and then bus H2 or 631 from Golders Green station or walk (15min).
There is no catchment area, hence the huge competition for a place. Good luck!

Clonakilty · 29/08/2017 23:42

If you are in Waterloo, PLEASE don't consider HBS for your child. The commute would be beyond awful and you would only end up pulling her out of the school before the end of the year.
What about the Sutton grammars? Those would be more accessible for you. My DD goes by bus to a school only 4km away and she still leaves home at 7.30. The roads are very busy at that time of day.

Dancergirl · 30/08/2017 10:05

I suspect the OP doesn't live in Waterloo but is considering a main line train to arrive in Waterloo from out in the sticks somewhere. Don't do it OP, the journey's much too far for an 11 year old.

loveka · 30/08/2017 10:23

My god that journey would be a killer for a grown adult, let alone a child.

From Sutton you are looking ar a 1.5 hour journey door to door every day! Twice a day. In rush hour.

loveka · 30/08/2017 10:25

Sorry, misread this and thought you lived in Sutton!

Aftab · 29/06/2020 14:27

Hi am looking to send my dd to Henrietta Barnet. Travel from Watford. What are the school transport options - buses only and how much do they cost.

Goodole · 11/09/2023 17:42

My daughter has just started Henrietta Barnett school year 12. We have been struggling with public transport as the journey from our area (Southgate North London) is pretty long and stressful.
Im trying to connect her with local girls going to HBS and /or get advice on alternative travel options.
Can anyone help please?

Dancergirl · 11/09/2023 18:39

What’s her journey @Goodole ? Bus/tube etc? Did you not look at the journey before accepting the place?

MarchingFrogs · 11/09/2023 18:50

Dancergirl · 11/09/2023 18:39

What’s her journey @Goodole ? Bus/tube etc? Did you not look at the journey before accepting the place?

This is HBS...

PreplexJ · 11/09/2023 18:59

Southgate to HBS for Sixth form is considered as a "local" student entry.

Your DDs commute journey is much closer than a lot of other students of this school. Bus journey is less than an hour, with the superloop coming probably help a bit too.

Goodole · 11/09/2023 19:59

Train and then bus with walks in between
Of course we looked into it
I was hoping to connect her with other girls going the same direction

Goodole · 11/09/2023 20:02

Not sure I follow ??

Dancergirl · 11/09/2023 20:39

Goodole · 11/09/2023 19:59

Train and then bus with walks in between
Of course we looked into it
I was hoping to connect her with other girls going the same direction

How will connecting with other local girls help the journey though?

Goodole · 11/09/2023 21:18

Dancergirl · 11/09/2023 20:39

How will connecting with other local girls help the journey though?

@Dancergirl Having company for the journey will of course make a difference to her!
I am not asking for judgement for our choice in sixth form college, just hoping to connect her with local girls and if anyone has any bright ideas.

Dancergirl · 11/09/2023 22:49

Fair enough @Goodole I’m sure your dd will find some local girls to travel with. I hope the long journey is worth it, it’s just a school at the end of the day with super bright girls but some very mixed quality teaching.

GodessOfThunder · 11/09/2023 22:56

FanDabbyFloozy · 29/08/2017 18:57

There are mini buses from Birmingham on the day of the exam, so definitely no distance criteria!

Uh? These kids, if successful, would commute daily from Brum! Madness!!

PalSub · 26/06/2024 15:18

There's is an update. They have now offered till 28th position.


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PalSub · 08/07/2024 13:51

Can anyone please suggest, is there any coach service from Colindale to HBS or any other option, apart from the public transport.

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