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How to have sex when you have a baby

20 replies

Sewise · 15/05/2021 08:15

As the title says.

I gave birth 5 months ago and he still sleeps in with us and probably will until he's about 1 as we don't have a spare room for him. We haven't had sex yet but yesterday DP told me that he feels weird about us having sex in the same room as DS even when he's Asleep.

So how to have sex when you have a baby?

OP posts:
Watchingthetelly · 15/05/2021 08:16

On the sofa

Sakurami · 15/05/2021 08:19

Throughout history and in many countries still today, parents have sex with their babies/children in the room.

A baby won't have a clue what's going on so I don't see the problem but if it puts your oh off, do it in another room.

Anothernick · 15/05/2021 08:42


Throughout history and in many countries still today, parents have sex with their babies/children in the room.

A baby won't have a clue what's going on so I don't see the problem but if it puts your oh off, do it in another room.

This. We did it many times when our two DD were asleep in the same room. Quietly under the covers of course. They're both in their 20s now, perfectly normal adults with DP of their own.
PotteringAlong · 15/05/2021 08:43

As with other posters. In the same room or on the sofa!

Warrickdaviesasplates · 15/05/2021 08:46

I'm with your DH, I could never have sex in the same room as a child. I don't even understand how people can get in the mood in that environment.

Dh and I always just had sex on the sofa when the Dc are asleep. Seemed to work fairly well and luckily when they're tiny they can sleep quite a lot so a day time quickie isn't out of the question if you fancied it.

SylvanianFrenemies · 15/05/2021 08:50

Sofa, bathroom, same room.

KillerFlamingo · 15/05/2021 09:17

Just don't bother is my advice Grin

Dsisproblem · 15/05/2021 09:24

Sofa or living room floor a few times Grin

Beeeeeeeeeeeeeep · 15/05/2021 09:26

On the sofa

user648482729 · 15/05/2021 09:27

When they’re asleep, lounge is a good place so that you don’t disturb them

BuffaloCauliflower · 15/05/2021 09:29

Sofa, living room floor, or yes the same room, though we never have because baby sleeps in the bed not another surface. Though tbh I have a 6mo and we’ve had sex once because I just can’t be bothered!

Couldhavebeenme2 · 15/05/2021 09:38

You have a whole home to have sex in, and 24 hours in the day - since when was sex just about 'at night in the bedroom'? Having sex outside the bedroom and at other times of day IS ALLOWED (although mumsnet seems to disapprove if morning sex)

Lan2020 · 15/05/2021 10:27

Same room here, or living room, kitchen, bathroom... anywhere 😂 when our DS was a baby it was easier than it is now (he's 2) because he would sleep so much and we would make the most of that time. Now we take advantage of his afternoon naps or before we sleep.

Sewise · 15/05/2021 10:40

We live with my mum so we can't really have sex 'anywhere' and DP is at work during the day and that's when my mum will occasionally watch DS but I wouldn't want to ask her to watch him often.

OP posts:
PotteringAlong · 15/05/2021 10:50

Well, then you’re either going to have to wait until your mum goes out and have sex somewhere that isn’t your room, reconcile yourself to having sex in the same room as your sleeping baby or book the baby into childcare and book yourself into a hotel. Or write off your sex life.

Happycat1212 · 15/05/2021 15:23

Lol this seems super obvious , the bedroom isn’t the only place you can have sex.

Christmasfairy2020 · 15/05/2021 20:32

Baby in crib own room for a bit and then bring him back

PoptartPoptart · 15/05/2021 23:33

Just wait till you have teens.. now that really is a problem

minniemomo · 15/05/2021 23:45

Sofa, bathroom, same room quietly ... many, if not most people in the world don't have lots of dedicated bedrooms, they still procreate

minniemomo · 15/05/2021 23:47

If you live with your mum even easier, I'm sure she can occasionally take little one for a walk, to see her friends etc. Wait until you have teens, you end up bribing them to go to McDonald's to get time, walls are thin!

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