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Natural Feeling Condoms

12 replies

Janbo25 · 21/09/2011 21:49

As the title suggests i'm looking for others experience of which condoms are the best to get the natural feeling?

OP posts:
LeBOF · 21/09/2011 21:50

You could hand-stitch one from organic hemp?

Janbo25 · 21/09/2011 22:03

Thinking of a more mass produced product :)

OP posts:
mollynp · 21/09/2011 22:23

Naturalamb, they're not very vegetarian and are really expensive, but cheaper than a baby! They are the best i've used.

OctonautsOnRepeat · 21/09/2011 22:25

Durex 'Avanti' and Trojan 'supra' not made from latex.

Valpollicella · 21/09/2011 22:26

Might be a bit scratchy BoF.

I'm thinking something more fashioned out of banana skin maybe?

Valpollicella · 21/09/2011 22:27

(Sorry Janbo, couldn't resist...hope you can find what you're looking for Grin )

HairyGrotter · 21/09/2011 22:27

Crisp packet and an elastic band

MilkandWine · 21/09/2011 22:27

Skyns condoms are pretty good!

BertieBotts · 21/09/2011 22:28

DP says that the "Skyn" ones by Mates are best as they seem to hold the body heat (or something??)

lubeybooby · 21/09/2011 22:29

I like Mates Skyn ones best. mates naturals are also good but Skyn are non latex and thinner but also stronger.

Janbo25 · 21/09/2011 22:32

thanks for the suggestions skyn's look quite popular so worth a try.

OP posts:
BertieBotts · 21/09/2011 23:13

They are latex - you still can't use oil-based lubes with them, for example. They are man made rather than natural latex though, which makes a difference somehow.

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