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Thinking of buying a silver cross pop...

10 replies

florencesdad · 31/01/2010 18:35

Thinking of buying a silver cross pop. Any feedback from owners would be much appreciated. Which report said it could catch sometimes bumping up or down staris... This been a problem??


OP posts:
teaandcakeplease · 31/01/2010 19:00

2 friends of mine have them, very handy as nice and light weight. I have a slightly different silver cross myself.

Thoroughly recommend. Although I collapse mine for stairs.

bounty007 · 31/01/2010 19:10

I love mine, it is so light weight & a fab town buggy. Used it from when my DS was 3 and half months old...travelled to NZ with it..

suitejudyblue · 31/01/2010 19:11

I have one. I'm really not into pushchairs at all and bought this one because I trusted the brand and it was about the price I wanted to pay.
I've had it for about 18mths and use it most days for the school run which is about 2 miles per day. It think I was unlucky with the one I got as the brake didn't work properly and the back tyres wore down to shreds BUT when I got in touch with Silver Cross they couldn't have been better and mended it for free very quickly and its now fine.
It is easy to use, lightweight although I find the fixing on the hood can be a bit loose. I can see why there might be a problem with stairs as you could catch the bit you push up to collapse but this isn't a problem for me as I don't need to use stairs.
I would happily buy this one again.

suitejudyblue · 31/01/2010 19:12

I have one. I'm really not into pushchairs at all and bought this one because I trusted the brand and it was about the price I wanted to pay.
I've had it for about 18mths and use it most days for the school run which is about 2 miles per day. It think I was unlucky with the one I got as the brake didn't work properly and the back tyres wore down to shreds BUT when I got in touch with Silver Cross they couldn't have been better and mended it for free very quickly and its now fine.
It is easy to use, lightweight although I find the fixing on the hood can be a bit loose. I can see why there might be a problem with stairs as you could catch the bit you push up to collapse but this isn't a problem for me as I don't need to use stairs.
I would happily buy this one again.

smackapacka · 31/01/2010 19:23

Yep -would recommend, although don't do stairs. Brake isn't great on mine either. Very lightweight though.

I'm 5'8" and it's great for me but not adjustable, so something to consider?

BornToFolk · 31/01/2010 19:25

I don't really like mine. The seat is really shallow, which means that DS slides down and his can drag on the floor. I can prevent it by putting the leg rest up but it would be much better if the seat was a bit deeper so DS could sit back more.

It might be better for a smaller baby though, with the seat reclined. It is lightweight, which is good and I like the shoulder strap. It's easy to fold down too. And I like that the handles are high as I'm quite tall.

suitejudyblue · 31/01/2010 19:31

Oh yes, forgot about the handle height, that was also one of my reasons for choosing it.

RockbirdandHerSpork · 31/01/2010 19:47

SIL loves hers and rates it higher than the Macs she's had in the past. I've just bought one to put in DH's car and he says it's not as comfy to push as the Techno, but it does cost a lot less so they're not really comparable. I like the adjustable front bit of the seat far better than the pull out stick things on the Mac.

whoopstheregoesmymerkin · 31/01/2010 19:59

I think it's ok as a second keep in the car pushchair for going into town, but I don't use it as my 'school run', going out for walks chariot. On the whole think it's a bit wobbly, rattly and unstable. Was a disappointing buy (I LOVE my old Silver Cross XT) and there may be better umbrella folds available if this is what you need.

nicolamumof3 · 31/01/2010 21:28

noooo! i hated mine. i even bought two to make sure. Just didn't feel right to push much much much preferred my maclarens.

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