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One-handed fold buggy that's cabin luggage sized?

15 replies

squee123 · 02/10/2021 15:01

We're on the hunt for a second buggy to fill some really specific requirements. Having read endless reviews and specs I'm a bit lost and would really appreciate any recommendations.

Musts are:

  • a buggy that can be genuinely folded one handed whilst hanging onto a toddler on a train platform
  • a buggy light enough to carry up and down very long flights of stairs in one hand with said toddler in the other hand

  • a buggy which we can take as hand luggage on the plane

  • decent recline and comfy for naps.

I wondered about the Zen Yoyo but I don't think it looks like a one handed fold.

The Didofy Aster looks good, but I can't find much on it.

Does anyone have any recommendations please? Ideally as it is a second buggy I'd like to spend under £350.
OP posts:
Howsyourfather · 02/10/2021 15:03

Definitely Babyzen Yoyo. It’s a one handed fold when you’re used to - easy peasy now I’m well practiced!

PippinStar · 02/10/2021 15:07

I have the Babyjogger city tour 2. It can definitely be folded one-handed, and it’s light enough to carry up and down stairs (I have done so on tube). It does fit in the overhead of some airlines, but I think it’s too big for others (Ryanair for example). You can pop the wheels off to make it smaller.

You’ll have to check out the dimensions when folded to see if it fits on the airlines you usually use.

JessicaPeach · 02/10/2021 15:08

Definitely a yo-yo, although agree it's not one handed until you know what you are doing. Has a shoulder strap so you can have both hands free while carrying it. Far superior to the other options

JessicaPeach · 02/10/2021 15:09

The yo-yo is so light you can carry it with one hand even if it's opened out so you could then fold it on the train until you get used to it. I used to just sling mine over my shoulder!

Monstamio · 02/10/2021 15:11

Have a look at the micralite profold. Ticks all of those boxes, I think. And much cheaper than the yo-yo.

squee123 · 02/10/2021 15:12

Thanks all. What put me off the fold was the wording of a review that made it sound far too complicated for a true one-handed fold:

"Press down two buttons at either side of the hood and fold down the handlebar
Reach underneath the seat, push in a small button and pull the red handle to collapse the frame"

Is it easier than it sounds?

OP posts:
Somebunny · 02/10/2021 15:16

Look at the Joolz Aer of you're willing/able spend a bit more. Its about £400 but its the quickest, easiest one handed fold, fits in an overhead compartment and weighs something like 5 kg. Very comfy with a good recline as well.

Changechangychange · 02/10/2021 15:18

I found the Babyzen Yoyo pretty hard to fold one-handed. The babyjogger is definitely an easy single-hand fold, and I carried the full-size City Mini up and down train station steps for four years, so the smaller City Tour would be super easy.

I also found the Babyzen absolutely horrible on uneven ground - we took it on a city break to Stockholm, and it couldn’t cope with cobbles, gravel or grass. Only smooth tarmac. I had to use the sling instead, might as well have left the pushchair at home. So you may want to factor that in too.

LaTomatina · 02/10/2021 15:19

I recommend buying has a cheap one!!! I had a super cheap generic 30€ umbrella buggy from Baby Centre that I bought for 1 specific train journey 9 years ago, thinking that it wouldn't last long and I would probably throw it away/leave it behind after. It was easy to fold and carry in one hand, and also light enough that I could easily carry it up long flights of stairs with a 14 month old strapped into it and a big backpack on my back.

Unbelievably, it went on to be used almost constantly by us over the next 7 years, carrying 3 more children, and was then given to the neighbours for occasional use with their grandchildren.

Mamma43435 · 02/10/2021 15:32

Babyzen Yoyo - yes you need both hands to push the two buttons so you can push the handlebar down. But you can do that with the toddler still in it.

Then once toddler is out, the bit under the seat can be one-handed but you need to practice a few times. I've done it while trying to hold onto my runner of a toddler. It's usually fine, though occasionally I've got a bit stuck.

It's folds very small though and fits into an overhead compartment, and yes you can carry it over your shoulder, so it's very convenient.

MsSquiz · 02/10/2021 15:35

The mamas & papas airo is a 1 handed fold. And folds to the same size as the yoyo.
They were the same price but we went with the airo as it came with a footrest whereas on the yoyo, that was extra

It's really easy to fold. Flip the hood down, flatten the back rest and then 1 hand on the handle button takes it all the way down

MindyStClaire · 02/10/2021 17:03

I have a City Tour and it ticks your boxes in terms of weight, size and one handed fold. The problem is that it feels quite flimsy and not very comfortable for the child. Possibly common among all the lightweight buggies though, I know it's probably tough to make lightweight feel sturdy.

The handlebar is low and can't be adjusted, again because it folds so small. DH is tall and finds it very uncomfortable to push for more than a few minutes.

LakeShoreD · 02/10/2021 17:12

Press down two buttons at either side of the hood and fold down the handlebar
You do this step before you remove baby
Reach underneath the seat, push in a small button and pull the red handle to collapse the frame
This is fiddly the first couple of times you do it but once you know the motion it’s so easy to do.

I used to fold the YoYo whilst holding baby every day then sling it over my shoulder and carry it up 4 flights of stairs to my apartment. It’s not at all difficult to fold once you’re used to it. It’s really sturdy, mine has done so many flights and is now onto DC2 and both of mine seem really comfy in it. Not great off road but then nothing in the carry on category is likely to be amazing, it’s fine on grass though - mine crosses the park every day for the school run. I couldn’t recommend it enough.

BuffyFanForever · 13/10/2021 11:18

Yo-yo fold is way easier than that sounds! Highly recommend it!

BuffyFanForever · 13/10/2021 11:19

Sorry posted before I was finished. I can fold it whilst having a baby in the sling and I even have it under my double pram sometimes if needed. It isn’t a big solid sturdy thing but it completely fits your requirements.

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