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silver cross pop or something else for massive toddler?

7 replies

GlitteryFluff · 10/11/2015 19:03

Anyone have this?

Reviews for this look really good, however quite a few mention it tips a lot when reclined? Does this happen to anyone?

Ds is 15months and incredibly heavy and long (top of red book chart for both).
This says its roomy and high backed for large toddlers and goes up to 25kg. So sounds good.

Is it sturdy? Solid?
Worth it?
Any other recommendations?

Just for nipping into town (either walking or car) - don't really use buses/trains. Don't need to do food shopping (delivered) just odd bits and pieces (so basket doesn't need to be massive). Going around farms etc.



Hello, We've noticed this thread is quite old and some of the product recommendations are a little out of date. We've spent weeks speaking to parents and testing out pushchairs and buggies. Read our reviews of see which lightweight buggy was crowned best. [Spoiler alert is has a 25kg weight limit].

Hope that helps! Flowers


OP posts:
GozerTheGozerian · 10/11/2015 19:57

We bought a second hand pop as a runaround stroller and it has been great. Light, easy to manoeuvre and fold down. Bag space underneath isn't great but that's not been a big deal. We've never had any trouble with it tipping over (well only at the airport when it was carrying all of our hand luggage and duty free...!)

MyHovercraftIsFullOfEels · 10/11/2015 20:10

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annaB1981 · 10/11/2015 20:47

Have you seen iCANDY Raspberry? Mine also goes up to 25kg and is really sturdy and solid, perfect for nipping into town (and looks gorgeous)!

GlitteryFluff · 11/11/2015 09:58

Thanks Gozer it sounds just like what we want. I think I need to find it in a shop and put him in it and see how easy it tips. Your post sounds promising though.

hover oh really? I think I'll have a research into other SC buggies and see what the info says about them. This one made a point of saying how roomy/high etc it was for larger toddlers, though haven't actually looked at it in the shop yet to gauge its size. What mclaren did you get? Do/did you have a tall/heavy toddler?

anna that looks great but very expensive! Too much for my budget. It looks like a decent one though.

OP posts:
GozerTheGozerian · 12/11/2015 17:01

My son is nearly 4 and he still occasionally turfs DS2 out of the Pop when he wants a sleep (eg on holiday!). So it can definitely accommodate a bigger child.

AliceMum09 · 13/11/2015 12:28

The Maclaren Techno XLR is very big and has a wider seat than most buggies.

My friend had one, her 4 year old is very tall and on the odd occasion she was very tired or ill she still fitted easily in that pushchair for the school run even when she had just turned 4.

I wouldn't have thought the Pop would be any good, another friend had one of those and the seat was very shallow. Her son (average sized) always looked like he was perched on the edge of it.

GlitteryFluff · 15/11/2015 15:11

Thanks again.
I think I need to look at the pop in the flesh as still haven't had a chance.
The mclaren techno xlr looks good but quite a bit more money. I'll see if I can find that in the flesh too and see what they're like.
I only spent £300 on his travel system when we bought it (which I love) and thought it'd last ages so am wary of spending that again and again it doesn't last. We saw cybex gold (?) in the flesh and it was massive, loads of space BUT is the same size folded down as the big thing we already have so still takes up the whole of the boot.

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