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Practical girls school shoes

71 replies

WeightoftheWorld · 29/05/2023 19:00

My DD will be starting primary school in September and will need to wear black shoes. I need to double check the policy but I'm fairly certain completely black plain trainers are also acceptable. Having once vaguely browsed the girls section at Clarks I wasn't thrilled by the options compared to the boys, seemed far less practical/warm/weather-proof! It rains loads here and over the winter she usually lives in boots, but I don't think boots are allowed (why?!). My DH wants to buy from the boys section but I don't think that's a good idea as she will probably clock on to that and not like it, and even if she doesnt I'm wary of her shoes sticking out too much and people making comments and upsetting her. So anyway any good practical suggestions that also won't stick out?

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OP posts:
Heckythump1 · 30/05/2023 14:41

I mean to be fair, my DD has Mary Janes/T bars since reception and has managed to run around like an idiot quite happily. I don't think they're restrictive at all.

BeverlyHa · 30/05/2023 14:48

I bought my daughter any black comfy padded shoes, trainers, boots, whatever over the years and the school never said a word.

LotsOfBalloons · 30/05/2023 15:06

Hecky yes exactly! And cooler in summer than sweety trainers too. I don't think they need to be demonised to the extent they are.

headmaiden · 30/05/2023 15:16

The issue for me is the lack of choice when it comes to "girls" shoes. Not all girls want to wear Mary Jane T bar or ballet shoes. They are made to feel self conscience because a typical "boy" shoe is more their taste. They don't put butterflies on the boys shoes do they?

LotsOfBalloons · 30/05/2023 15:23

Girls have far more choice really - all the mary jane T bar types AND if they want full covering can go a boy shoe or a sparkly version (patent on page 1 and one with stars on on page 2). Boys don't get so much variety!

illiterato · 30/05/2023 15:24

DD wears the broguey ones by Angry Angels ( startrite). I’m not sure how small they go though. She’s also worn boys’ shoes a few times. The clumpy shoes are quite “in” at the moment t so I’d capitalise on that.

headmaiden · 30/05/2023 15:38

@LotsOfBalloons sorry I meant girls should be able to buy a variety of shoes without them being labelled as boys.
I can imagine the boys have one type of shoe to choose from!

FriedEggChocolate · 30/05/2023 16:01

I'd love to see more closed girls' shoes. Mary Janes are fine in good weather but in the winter and when you walk to / from school, you need enclosed shoes to prevent wet feets.

You used to be able to get boys shoes with buckles, but you see these far less now. Unisex shoes for young reception age children would be a big help. Easy to fasten after PE but practical in wet weather.

Bigoldmachine · 30/05/2023 19:57

nobodygoesdowninthejungle · 29/05/2023 19:31

Marks & Spencer's tend to do good school shoes and usually have at least one pair which is as sturdy as usual boys' styles whilst looking more like the usual girls styles. These for example

I came on to recommend these! My dd has had two pairs of these and a third similar one from marks and Spencer, fabulous quality sturdy comfy shoes, cover almost the whole foot so mostly weather proof. There is no downside, but these!

LotsOfBalloons · 30/05/2023 20:09

Ooh love those. My daughter would have loved the bow!

WeightoftheWorld · 30/05/2023 21:32

Wow thanks for all the replies!

A couple of people have said about letting DD wear what she likes (or words to that effect). I will make sure she gets shoes she likes, I wouldn't make her wear something she doesn't. But she is like me about practical footwear anyway because she is little and has absorbed my ethos haha. She wouldn't want shoes that would have her get wet, cold, muddy socks. Bows, stars whatever motifs I'm not bothered about, it's just the actual practicality of the shoes that matters to me.

Definitely also would only get her shoes she can take off and put on independently too, laces are a no!

I've double checked uniform policy and black trainers are fine so we will prob go down that route, but there are some other good options here too in case DD doesn't like that idea.e

OP posts:
TheLemon · 30/05/2023 22:14

headmaiden · 30/05/2023 15:16

The issue for me is the lack of choice when it comes to "girls" shoes. Not all girls want to wear Mary Jane T bar or ballet shoes. They are made to feel self conscience because a typical "boy" shoe is more their taste. They don't put butterflies on the boys shoes do they?

No. But they could. And nothing is stopping boys from choosing shoes from the girls' section, just as we choose DD's from the boys' section.

I wish we could just make kids' clothes unisex so we don't have to have weird conversations like "this type of foot covering is only for people with penises. This one has butterflies and as we all know, butterflies mean vaginas."

Rainallnight · 31/05/2023 11:01

SheldontheWonderSchlong · 30/05/2023 11:45

Dd (very fussy with lots of sensory issues) has worn these all through primary and now on to secondary:

They cover most of the foot and are super comfy she says. The patent ones have withstood a school year of football at every playtime as well.

This is a great recommendation, thanks!

Bunnycat101 · 31/05/2023 22:24

Mine hasn’t had an issue with the typical girl shoes. She runs around, cartwheels, walks to school, climbs trees in them etc. I shared your concerns at the start but actually it hasn’t been an issue. If your school allows black trainers though that would be a good option if she’s keen. The challenge you’ll have is all the girls’ ones have sparkly insoles, butterflies etc. That’s the thing that attracts them rather than the style of shoe itself. Perhaps see if you can find some glittery insoles.

pinklemonade84 · 03/06/2023 21:56

Dd had these Kickers for almost a year and a half and she’s outgrown them rather than outworn them. I think we got them a little too big, and combined with slow growing feet, they’ve lasted so well. At the start of this year she had a pair of Toezone ones that she practically destroyed within a few weeks and all of the memory foam inside was ripping up

Infant Unisex Kick Lo Twin Leather Black

Buy Infant Unisex Kick Lo Twin Leather Black online with Kickers.

LotsOfBalloons · 03/06/2023 22:01

See for cartwheels and things I think those kickers would be heavy for a small child - and think they can be quite free in the typical girls shoes like Bunnycat says!

pinklemonade84 · 03/06/2023 22:09

Dd didn’t find them heavy in the slightest. She just found them comfortable. Some of the girls made comments that she was wearing “boys” shoes, but she didn’t care.

unicornjewels · 03/06/2023 22:14

Gratedpotato · 29/05/2023 19:40

Mine has these geox ones from next and they have been good the patent stuff hasn't peeled yet.
She was clear that she wanted girls shoes but her uniform involves white socks and all the mary jane style ones get wet in the rain or stained from puddles.
The T bar style shoes are generally okay too as the gaps are quite small in infant school sizes and now she prefers wearing skirts/dresses anyway so if shes gets wet in the rain the little holes on the shoe tops don't make much difference

My DD has had a pair similar to these for nursery school this year and have lasted really well, esp in winter. Thinking I'll get same again for Reception class in September.

EasilyDistracted77 · 03/06/2023 22:16

I would recommend brands like Ricosta and Geox if you can find them locally, buy online if you have to! Practical, long-lasting and well-fitting. Expensive, yes compared to other more familiar brands, but I've only ever needed to buy one pair per school year so on average, actually no more then having to buy 2 or 3 pairs of cheaper shoes.

PathOfLeastResitance · 06/06/2023 12:09

My daughter has dr marten boots and they have lasted her brilliantly. We also live somewhere with far too much mud and country paths and puddles to navigate so they’ve been great. My own experience of patent shoes has not been positive with them peeling and the sainsburys toe zone ones we’ve had over the years have been a mixed bag in terms of durability. I would also add my voice to the ‘avoid Clarks’ crew. Badly made, expensive, and on top of that, the manager of the one where I am is rude to staff and customers so I also avoid on that point.

florenceandthemutt · 06/06/2023 14:40

Start-Rite all the way. DD is in reception this year and her first pair that she outgrew still look new. I then replaced them with a pair of Geox. Scuffed the first day of wearing them so now will only buy Start-Rite.

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