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M&S School Trousers

7 replies

happymummy12345 · 21/08/2021 02:00

I know I've left it late but I wondered if anyone could answer a question I have about boys school trousers from Marks and Spencer's.

My son will be 6 in September and will be wearing age 6-7 clothes. Every time he gets new bottoms in the next size up they are always a bit too long for a few months.

With his school trousers we get them temporarily shortened by a professional tailor so they are the right length for September, then we remove the temporary hem when we need to. However last year we found that towards the end of the academic year the trousers started to get a touch too short.

Anyway this year I've found trousers in M&S that say they have an adjustable hem, so the trousers can be lengthened a further 3cm. This would be ideal and hopefully solve the problem of them being too short towards the end of the school year.

However they will still need to be shortened now so they are not too long. My question is would trousers that already have an adjustable hem be professionally temporarily shortened? Then made back to full length by removing the temporary stitch done by the tailor when we need to? Then adding the additional 3cm further down the line?

OP posts:
UserStillatLarge · 21/08/2021 12:35

I can't see any reason why it wouldn't be possible to adjust adjustable hem trousers.

But ... I do think you are overthinking. Unfortunately children have a nasty habit of not growing in a nice regular way. By all means get the extra hem trousers so they potentially last longer but be aware that your plan of buying trousers in September which have to last all year and then replacing the following September is not necessarily going to work.

DreamQ · 22/08/2021 05:57

It's my Son's first year at primary school and I have bought the trousers with the extra hem. I also need to have them take up professionally. Honestly, I'm not sure why I bothered because If we ever get to the stage that he outgrown the trousers before taking out the knees It will be a huge achievement Grin

Sajani · 22/08/2021 08:39

Is it really worth the cost of getting them shortened? Genuine question!

Asda sell trousers is regular, plus and slim sizing at £3 a pop so it could be more cost effective just to buy pairs in a few different ages over the year (age dictates length).

Even the “premium” trousers we’ve had (Next, M&S, John Lewis) still look very worn quite quickly!

Atalune · 22/08/2021 08:44

Seems like a lot of faff. Just buy more uniform when he needs it?

2reefsin30knots · 22/08/2021 08:48

Why can't you just shorten them yourself with an iron and hem webbing?

Doesn't he wear shorts in first half term and last half term anyway? So trousers only have to do November- May?

DreamQ · 22/08/2021 18:31

Oh. I didn't mean professionally. Well she's not yet. Smile I'm lucky to have a university daughter who's studying fashion and has a sewing machine. Wink

Readinstead · 24/08/2021 01:34

Turn up the hem, 5 or 6 stitches at each side seam and the same at the front and back crease - job done. Take down the hem (probably before Christmas as child grows like a weed) and then the extra hem when needed. Have always bought M&S trousers as they wear well and still look as good as new at the end of the year (apart from the odd darned knee)

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