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September 2024 - Thread 8!

986 replies

SpicyMoth · 11/06/2024 21:44

Continuation from thread 7 over here;

Can't believe we filled the last thread up already feels like it wasn't even made that long ago, gosh time is absolutely flying by!!

@WinsandSam - I'll have to ask about CBT for sure, thanks so much for the recommendation - maybe I'll actually get some help seeing as I'm pregnant!

I've been trying to get mental health support for... Well to be honest since teen-hood and realising my daily crying was not in fact "just my period/puberty" as every doctor told me it was (all males ofc, typical 🙄) so I don't hold out much hope if I'm being honest.
I originally wanted to wait until my MH was sorted before ttc, but after over a decade I was running out of fertile time frankly, so here I am still with crazy anxiety and emotional dysregulation, but what can ya do?! 😅

Page 40 | September 2024 - Thread 7! 🐣🧡💛❤️ | Mumsnet

As requested a new thread for us all! 🥰 can't believe its thread 7 already! Then hopefully by thread 14 we'll all have our babies in our arms talkin...

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longingtobe23 · 25/06/2024 15:45

@mrsbgb i have Taylor tickets for august 15th I think the date is and I can’t decide on if going is madness I’ll be 36 weeks 🙈

mrsbgb · 25/06/2024 16:02

@longingtobe23 Yes I'm going on August 22nd, I'll be 37 weeks - I'm definitely going but husband will be on standby in case anything happens!

RosiePH · 25/06/2024 16:35

@HRP1990 hoping you stay Covid-free! I actually feel much better today so clearly I don’t have it. Just a bad case of the pregnancy dramatics 😂

@mrsbgb my hospital c-section rate is also 50%. This month it was closer to 60 I think. They don’t seem to do many instrumental births though, so I wonder if they try and go straight to c-section. They also only birth about 20% in the MLU every month, but that might be because lots of women choose an epidural and have to be on labour ward.

They are rated Good, so I’m not as worried as I would be if they were rated any lower. I’ve actually elected for a c-section already, but seeing the stats has confirmed my choice because I think there must be a high rate of EMCS. Although it was incredibly easy to get my ELCS booked so they might just be incredibly pro birthing choices?!

MudandMoet · 25/06/2024 16:35

@Xur oh that sounds painful, I'll make sure I get the line low in future, thank you.

@WinsandSam I'm so jealous you're going to see them. I've just had a quick look and there is some resale tickets available on ticketmaster for Thursday night at Birmingham, I'm going to mention them to DH later when he's back but they're on with silaging at the minute so not sure it'll be doable 😭

MrsM89 · 25/06/2024 16:36

@Cat2022 oh bless you getting hfm. Can't avoid all these children's germs sadly.
I'm okay. Was concerned when they said I have polyhydramnios but the Dr insisted it's not a sign. Consultant said wait 3-4 week from second exposure for the bloods but that feels ages away and I know finding out is better than not knowing as can be monitored then. Xx

mrsbgb · 25/06/2024 16:39

@RosiePH thank you, that's useful context! Our unit is rated 'requires improvement' which is another concern, and only 12% of women give birth on the midwife unit - I can't believe that 88% of women are choosing epidurals/have other reasons to be on the consultant unit, so I think it might be closed. Equally... maybe I'm just looking at these stats and reading into them too much!

Khanga27 · 25/06/2024 16:47

How do you find out your maternity units c-section rate? I’m having extra scans to see if I need a c-section due to a fibroid but was just interested if these stats were available for all hospitals?

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MrsM89 · 25/06/2024 18:34

@mrsbgb this is one of my biggest concerns. Ours is rated inadequate. I'd of loved a home birth but atm I'm not sure id be allowed. Something to discuss nearer to the time when I have more info on babies kidney. My last labour was so fast it could happen anyway. X

HRP1990 · 25/06/2024 19:22

Has anyone tried anything from the brand “FRIDA” before? I’ve got a “snot sucker” lol and the “gasspasser” things but never used them with my daughter. However I noticed they do things like C section and post partum recover kits etc, I wondered if any of those things are worth grabbing? The instant ice maxi pads sound quite nice after birth lol

Cat2022 · 25/06/2024 20:01

@HRP1990 I used the snot sucker and also their scalp brush for cradle cap for my daughter. I haven’t used any of their postpartum items although have looked at them. I had the boots own brand version of the instant ice maxi pads last time. They couldn’t have been that amazing as I found a couple still in the box when I was sorting stuff. I think the thing I found most relief from was just witch hazel pads I bought from Amazon.

WinsandSam · 25/06/2024 23:05

@mrsbgb @longingtobe23 it was actually fine, you were right about seating. We managed to bag some great seats for the night so could sit/stand as much as I like. Security let me use the disabled loo too. So wear something fitting and show off the bump 😂😂

@MudandMoet I highly recommend!! Well worth it!!!

Decaffe · 26/06/2024 09:47

I’m one hour into a 4.5 hour meeting. The room is hot and stuffy and this conference chair is so uncomfortable! I want to go home and put my feet up 😭

(Hoping my physio tomorrow will say I can’t do stuff like this in the future!)

rupertbear91 · 26/06/2024 09:56

@Decaffe that sounds awful! I have found my saviour at the minute is my neck fan off Amazon. It's making being anywhere stuffy/warm slightly more bearable!

Anyone else got leaky boobs yet?
Woke up to a wet patch on my right side this morning and had some more just from that side in my bra. Pregnancy gets more glamorous by the minute!

Decaffe · 26/06/2024 10:01

I have got a little fan with me but I’m nervous to put it on as it’ll be very conspicuous- there’s just one speaker presenting at a time so it’ll be noisy.

I’ve had two 100bpm+ heart rate notifications off my watch in the last 30 mins so I think I’ll see how I go for an hour then quietly disappear if I don’t feel any better.

No leaky boobs here.. yet!

longingtobe23 · 26/06/2024 10:06

@rupertbear91 full leaking could fill a cup but not surprised as I was a walking cow breastfeeding my son 🙈😂 no my first rodeo but we’re all different
I had to wear pads for nearly a year to prevent leakage - but I have friends who needed none!

Cat2022 · 26/06/2024 10:25

@Decaffe I would just tell your work a fib and say they’ve said you can’t do stuff like that from now on anyway as that’s a lot especially in this heat.

Decaffe · 26/06/2024 11:49

Sooo they ran out of drinks, the room was stifling, I got four 100bpm heart rate warnings, and then they told us all we had to do speed dating through finding a strangers and talking to them about anything for two minutes before it was their turn. Ladies, I made my furtive exit.

mrsbgb · 26/06/2024 12:21

Crikey @Decaffe that sounds like a lot! You’ve definitely made the right choice to leave.

Has anyone else been told they need to up their iron levels? If so, what did you add to your diet? My
midwife said she wouldn’t recommend a supplement at this point and I’ve had a read online and not sure I can face any more spinach than I already eat!

Lillers · 26/06/2024 12:35

I’m waiting for my GD appointment and there’s a small child in the waiting room that keeps banging the back of my chair. Whenever she stops, it’s because she’s climbing over the chair next to me and staring at me. In a hot waiting room when I’m already uncomfortable, this is not what I want!

Gosh @Decaffe that meeting sounds horrendous! I’m glad you managed to escape!

Xur · 26/06/2024 12:37

@mrsbgb nutssssssss 🥜🌰🐿️, tomatoes, beetroot

I have been told to go home, after I pointed out the aircon hasn’t been serviced in our office my employer has rapidly found someone to sit in my chair on short notice and told me to go home and rest.
I also feel like I have a cold coming up, my tonsils in the nose feel swollen and I feel tiredish. I don’t know if it’s from tiredness, heat or I’m getting sick, maybe all 3. Anyway I’m at home lounging on me bed now. Feet up.

mrsbgb · 26/06/2024 12:46

@Xur annoyingly I’m allergic to nuts ☹️ I’ve read chickpeas are good, so do we think hummus counts?!
Hope you feel better soon!

@Lillers that’s so annoying, I’d have asked their parent to get them to stop by now but I have an increasingly short fuse 😂

Lillers · 26/06/2024 12:48

@mrsbgb I’ve passive aggressively moved seats instead 😂

rupertbear91 · 26/06/2024 13:12

@mrsbgb I have had to increase mine. Things like broccoli or dark veg are good, red meat and also apple juice!

cd24x · 26/06/2024 13:16

@rupertbear91 no visible leaking yet, but had a couple of instances of bra sticking to me so I think there's a little bit coming out.

@Decaffe glad you managed to make your escape. Hot conference room makes me feel a little bit sick.

@Lillers love that you passive aggressively moved seats. hope there were a few huffs and puffs in the parents general direction.

@Xur glad you're at home and you can rest for a bit!

Ladies, I'm super excited as my hospital bag has just arrived. I splurged (although it's technically in the sale) and treated myself to a decent one. It's massive! DH will have to carry it for me on the way out of the hospital. Link if anyone is interested:

We'll be using my changing bag from DS as babies hospital bag. I can't remember if it's been discussed or not in previous threads, but my one tip for baby hospital bag - zip lock bags with one full outfit, labelled with size. That way DH didn't get confused having to pair up vests/sleepsuit/hat etc. He could just pull out a bag and read the contents. And for C-sections, make sure that whoever brings your bags in to postnatal, they put them higher up so you don't have to bend and lift them from the floor.

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