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Can anyone recommend me a pram?

31 replies

mrsdrablowsbittersister · 02/07/2023 12:33

I don't know where to start! I've read endless reviews online but they're a bit confusing and contradictory.

What I want:
-Suitable for cities AND country walks off-road
-Not too heavy as my town is very hilly and I don't want to die walking up hills
-Easy to fold up and put in the boot (doesn't need to be a tiny fold but I'd prefer it to be quick and not require any bits taking off

I don't mind:
-If it has a carrycot or not. I usually use a sling for the newborn stage, although I'd be happy with a carrycot if it came with one.
-If it's carseat compatible- I'd never use this anyway.

Colour preferance is to have an all black frame as silver scratches but I'm not too fussed.

Any ideas?

OP posts:
mrsdrablowsbittersister · 02/07/2023 12:35

Oh I forgot- a nice big basket or storage compartment would be great, but not the be all and end all.

OP posts:
Houseelf90 · 02/07/2023 15:29

We’ve gone for a Venicci, ours is just the basic/bottom of the range one as we felt it did everything we needed without spending more unnecessarily. We will use similar as you, round town and country walks. We found this felt sturdy (more so than some that were 2-3times the price), was easy to fold, wheels easily removable to put in a bag/wash after a muddy walk so the boot doesn’t get covered in mud. The basket isn’t the biggest we looked at but also not the smallest. We’re really happy with our purchase and got it for a bargain price!

Luxell934 · 02/07/2023 15:48

Bugaboo Fox 5

Milkand2sugarsplease · 02/07/2023 15:49

Uppababy are brilliant.

IbizaToTheNorfolkBroads · 02/07/2023 16:16
Whyohwhyohwhy123 · 02/07/2023 16:28

I’ve only had the double but baby jogger mini city gt.
It won’t do serious off roading but is fine on mud/stone footpaths and over grass It can’t cope with deep ruts.

I didn’t bother with car seat comparability for my first but it was a godsend when I had my second.

FTM2022SS · 02/07/2023 17:55

Bugaboo Fox! LOVEEEEEE ours - looking at buggys now for boot space at 15 months and none of them are as nice to push or use 😂

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Belltentdreamer · 02/07/2023 17:57

Mountain Buggy Swift - they are the best pushchairs for off road and small enough to be ideal in cities too. Nice and light - easy fold.

lifehappens12 · 02/07/2023 17:59

We got an out and about when my son was 6 months old and it has been fab. We live near country parks and this is super light to push over rough ground.

Goes down in one piece - it's three clicks to fold or put up

Bizjustgotreal · 02/07/2023 18:01

Out n about sport jogging pram with the fixed wheel. We regularly take it on 6 mile walks through farmers fields and countryside.

PMAmostofthetime · 02/07/2023 18:15

Her have the Oyster. 3 which ticks all the boxes but honestly if you are not worried about the carrycot stage I'd do straight fit a high end stroller and save yourself around £500.

Misspotterscat · 02/07/2023 19:09

FTM2022SS · 02/07/2023 17:55

Bugaboo Fox! LOVEEEEEE ours - looking at buggys now for boot space at 15 months and none of them are as nice to push or use 😂

I have a very similar list of wants to the op and I am looking at the fox so that’s good to read. Are there any particular negatives you can think of? I’ll go and view in the shops when it’s time but thinking of trying to get a fox3 to save some money and they won’t be in the shops, just the 5.

NoIncomeTaxNoVAT · 02/07/2023 19:19

I have the Uppababy Vista which i LOVE but it might be a bit heavy for lifting in and out of the car (we dont have one) so maybe look at Uppababy Cruz? Its a smaller version of the Vista as it doesn't turn into a double. I think it would meet all your criteria.

RecklessBlackberries · 02/07/2023 19:32

We have the Bugaboo Lynx and I don't have anything bad to say about it. We debated the Fox but couldn't really see any need for anything better than the Lynx and it's turned out to be the right choice.

It doesn't fold down super small but we've never had a problem fitting it in the car. I think it does fold down in one piece but I've never tried, we always just detach the seat and it fits in easier

Caspianberg · 02/07/2023 19:38

Mountain buggy swift. We have all black frame pepita model.
fitted in tiny corsa the first 2 years including carrycot.
carrycot plus is optional but allows for parent facing until around 1 year.
Bounces up 15 front steps daily, in car, in woods, in town, in snow. Was pretty cheap also compared to most.
Can use with car seat ( but we didn’t)

Dox9 · 02/07/2023 19:51

Baby jogger city mini gt. My dc is 8 and I still sometimes think what a brilliant buggy it was. My best baby buy overall I reckon. Its good for taller toddlers and we used it until dc was 4. (Age 4 on holidays when we were going to walk loads not daily lol). It's so easy to fold and one of the few that fitted into the boot of our tiny car.

LeeanneD11 · 02/07/2023 20:15

I have just got the bugaboo buffalo in a black frame as I like big strong buggies for hills . So I decided to go for that as my fiends told me bugaboos are so much better , and they are nicer and easier to push xx

avocadotofu · 02/07/2023 20:18

I second Bugaboo, they are brilliant!

bawchops · 02/07/2023 20:22

Have three kids and bought three different prams. Bugaboo fox was by far the best. Am annoyed I didn't buy it for the first- it's amazing! Not the cheapest, but worth every penny! X

spidermonkeys · 02/07/2023 20:27

Bugaboo fox. Great pram!

lalalandara · 02/07/2023 20:30

I had a Cybex Priam that I loved. Does come with an all black frame.

It is on the bigger side - but I didn't find it heavy to push, and it's all terrain.

I found it easy to fold down, don't need to take any bits off as long as your boot is decent size. (If using a smaller boot you can take the wheels off to fit it in if you need to but I haven't had to do that day to day).

Imamumgetmeoutofhere · 02/07/2023 20:37

Out n about 360. Comes with pumped up tyres but can buy solid ones for towns too. Not one handed fold but pretty close.

Or baby jogger city mini. Decent tyres and one hand fold

OneMoreCookieMonster · 02/07/2023 20:51

Another vote for the uppababy vista it's big big not unmanageable. Clicks apart easily and breaks down to fit into the boot. Clicks back to together and has a massive basket. Washes up well when needed and looks great even after heavy use

baconbarm · 02/07/2023 21:01

We used a buffalo as it was one of the newer models I liked at the time I was buying. Bugaboo definitely make work horse prams that also look good but I'd look at the bigger wheeled models (fox etc) as the smaller wheels (like bee) aren't as good in mud etc from experience. My buffalo lasted 2 children, city living whilst using public transport a lot and lots of off roading in woods/parks/beaches. The basket was big enough to put a tired toddler in too...but that's probably not recommended by manufacturer!

IbizaToTheNorfolkBroads · 02/07/2023 21:02

lifehappens12 · 02/07/2023 17:59

We got an out and about when my son was 6 months old and it has been fab. We live near country parks and this is super light to push over rough ground.

Goes down in one piece - it's three clicks to fold or put up

I lived my Out n About Nipper 360 (single) for the great outdoors, but it was too wide to get round the aisles in my local CoOp and took up pretty much my whole boot.

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