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Pram opinion - Uppababy, Silvercross or Venicci

29 replies

Sunshine202341 · 04/05/2023 21:26

Hi everyone! We are due to have our baby soon. We have been spending quite a bit of time looking at prams and it’s really difficult to figure out which pram is best. Everytime I settle on one I read something that sways my decision 😅 We live in a semi-rural village so ideally looking for a pram that can cope on different terrains. I also felt that I wouldn’t want something extremely heavy. We would be looking for a full travel bundle ideally.

So far on our shortlist we have

Venicci Tinum
Uppababy Vista
Silvercross Reef

Also open to other ideas! Does anyone have any experience with these brands?

OP posts:
GrowBabyGrow · 04/05/2023 22:05

Have you tried them out in store? It partly comes down to which one feels best to drive and fold down.

we have an uppababy vista and I love it. The bassinet is overnight sleep safe so we used it as the downstairs nap/ putting down place. It folds easily and handles bumpy paths ans pavements and mud really easily.

I would recommend getting the car seat that is right for you rather than the one made by the pram company as travel systems will have adapters e.g. uppababy has ones for maxi cosi

oliveandwell · 04/05/2023 22:10

So, no experience with those exact prams but if you are going to be going anywhere that's not a pavement you need to be mindful of the arch that goes over the wheels. On all of those it's quite close to the wheel and what happens is you end up stopping every 5 seconds to kick mud out of it as it makes it hard to push.

So you want one with either the wheels totally free or with a nice big gap over the wheel.

Attached a picture of what I mean by an arch with a gap! And obviously the back wheels on this are free.

Pram opinion - Uppababy, Silvercross or Venicci
oliveandwell · 04/05/2023 22:13

Just to say I don't have that pram, I have a random cheap one from hauck that is heavy and ugly but can handle anything you throw at it. It lives at home for dog walking. We have a light travel pram for everything else. I like that combo.

BabyBabyBaby123 · 05/05/2023 03:28

I have the Venicci Tinum and love it. It is great to push on all terrain and managed much better than my friend’s silver cross when we went on a woodland walk, the bumping of her pram meant we had to turn back!
I’m still using it with my 16 month old forward facing and I’m pregnant again and intend on keeping it to use as our single pram when my new baby is born.

Whydotheyallhaverubbishwheels · 05/05/2023 04:11

I'm not sure what model of venicci I have but currently is it again for my second baby and forgot how much I love it. I'd recommend going to a pram shop though as it depends on things like your height, etc as to what you'd prefer.

Cuwins · 05/05/2023 05:11

I have a venicci tinum and it's been fantastic for us but disagreeing with a pp I wouldn't say it's good on woodland type terrain- I have only tried it a couple of times but it seems very bumpy and gets stuck at lot. However I have never pushed another buggy over that terrain to compare to to.
For our lifestyle it's been brilliant- easy to put up and down with 1 hand and fits in my small car boot (I do have to take a wheel off but that's very easy to do).
The handle height is very adjustable which was a huge part of our criteria and DD seems very comfortable in it.

BoogleOogle · 05/05/2023 05:17

oliveandwell · 04/05/2023 22:10

So, no experience with those exact prams but if you are going to be going anywhere that's not a pavement you need to be mindful of the arch that goes over the wheels. On all of those it's quite close to the wheel and what happens is you end up stopping every 5 seconds to kick mud out of it as it makes it hard to push.

So you want one with either the wheels totally free or with a nice big gap over the wheel.

Attached a picture of what I mean by an arch with a gap! And obviously the back wheels on this are free.

Really agree with this advice!

I'd really recommend Out n About nipper. Best off road one there is, and fantastic in town as well.

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JenniferBarkley · 05/05/2023 05:37

We have an Uppababy Vista that's going strong five years in. Still used every weekend for dc2 who's nearly 3.

Moni81 · 05/05/2023 05:45

I would say read and watch some you tube reviews...which I am sure you did already. Then if you get chance to have look at them in shop to make final decision. I see some people recommending completely off road buggies which I don't think you are looking for. I also live on the edge of small market town/countryside and definitely don't need massive 3 wheeler to go about. I would say all 3 models are close competitors and the best is to get hand on them before you buy, especially if you want to invest in new travel system. I got myself GB Maris and by the look at your choice they are all type of buggies I would get. For me folding small narrow with seat and freestanding was very important, also adjustable hoody that goes well down in sunny days is great feature.

QueenOfWeeds · 05/05/2023 05:50

We have the Vista but recently borrowed a friend’s silvercross. It was a pain in the arse to put in the car and didn’t fold as easily or neatly as the Uppababy. We have a large boot but the chassis took up most of it.

Moni81 · 05/05/2023 05:59

@QueenOfWeeds definitely one hand folding mechanism is such great feature. It's not only for car boot but also thinking how and where you want to keep buggy. If someone has lots of space, don't need to fold it in and out that's fine, but if like me I want to keep buggy in porch, how it folds is one of key features.

ThePaperTrail · 05/05/2023 06:17

I have a Venicci Tinum 2.0. Really like it and find it's good on different surfaces, including woodland.

Downside is that the basket underneath is not as big as some other makes/models. However, it's generally big enough for our needs.

M0m2be · 05/05/2023 06:46

I have the Silvercross Dune (which is very similar to the reef) and love it (live in a village too with a lot of cobbles). It’s my second pram and I love the newborn pod. Didn’t bother with the carry cot as its so much easier to put in the car. Used it for my two year old too and it is really comfortable for them.

My first one was quite expensive so I was reluctant to give it up and spend the same again, my only regret is not doing it sooner.

BabyBabyBaby123 · 05/05/2023 06:58

Don’t know if it’s any difference, but actually our model is the Tinum 2.0 and I prefer the look of the seat unit of the 2.0 to the 1.0, but have never used one to compare the actual differences between them.

Onlycheeseontoast · 05/05/2023 14:37

I have the Uppababy vista and really like it, mainly for the storage. It has SO much more storage than most other prams we see and makes a huge difference getting out and about - shopping, baby bags, parcels, chuck it all in.

Handling is great, suspension is good - we live near the river and the towpath and park are bumpy but it handles them fine and the wheels have not once gotten jammed.

Only downside is it’s not the lightest, but probably only a problem if you’re having to lug it up and down stairs a lot. Similarly, it is not very compact. We call to the pram rover as it’s quite wide and sometimes we have to open the 2 doors in shops etc to get in. It’s not a big deal, but that’s my only criticism I guess!

dwightschrutebeets · 05/05/2023 14:40

A lot of my friends have the vista because the basket is so big! I'd pick that out of the 3

GodspeedJune · 05/05/2023 14:46

I have a reef and have just bought a mountain buggy because the reef is absolutely pathetic out of the city. It is definitely not ‘all terrain’.

Kickingupmerrybehaviour · 05/05/2023 14:57

I had quite a few prams with my first. Didn’t get on with my silver cross. Too bulky and the wheel fell off when I was out with it one day. Settled on an Uppababy in the end and loved it. Big age gap between my first and second so sold the first but bought another Uppababy for my second. The pushchair is a big comfy seat which has lots of recline options ( some don’t go upright enough imo) and the handle goes really high so it’s easy to push and the basket is huge. The integrated sun shield is also very useful. It’s still going strong 3 years later.

Sunshine202341 · 05/05/2023 19:06

Kickingupmerrybehaviour · 05/05/2023 14:57

I had quite a few prams with my first. Didn’t get on with my silver cross. Too bulky and the wheel fell off when I was out with it one day. Settled on an Uppababy in the end and loved it. Big age gap between my first and second so sold the first but bought another Uppababy for my second. The pushchair is a big comfy seat which has lots of recline options ( some don’t go upright enough imo) and the handle goes really high so it’s easy to push and the basket is huge. The integrated sun shield is also very useful. It’s still going strong 3 years later.

How do you find the weight of your Uppababy? We tried it in store today and it has lots of features I love. The Uppabady car seat did feel quite heavy. The actual pram frame felt a little heavy too but then again I think most of them will probably feel relatively heavy when you are pregnant and not used to folding them!

OP posts:
Namechangethisonetime · 05/05/2023 19:11

Uppababy vista 100%

love it so much I picked up a second on marketplace at a steal as a spare for 2nd car.

It will last for years. Very sturdy chassis

Namechangethisonetime · 05/05/2023 19:14

Sunshine202341 · 05/05/2023 19:06

How do you find the weight of your Uppababy? We tried it in store today and it has lots of features I love. The Uppabady car seat did feel quite heavy. The actual pram frame felt a little heavy too but then again I think most of them will probably feel relatively heavy when you are pregnant and not used to folding them!

If a pram feels “light” it does not stand the test of time imho- 10yrs of parenting has shown me this! My 1st Uppababy is now 5yrs old, on its second child, still as sturdy as when I bought it. I replaced the fabrics to update to the popular Gregory colour for youngest dc, but that was purely for vanity!

CrispAppleStrudels · 05/05/2023 19:14

I have an uppababy vista and absolutely love it! We live in London and its pretty big but we dont have our own car so the basket is an absolute godsend.

I would say dont get the uppababy car seat though - ive never seen it mentioned on the lists of the most safest infant carriers. We just bought the buggy / carry cot bundle and a separate maxi cosi car seat, which you can attach to the buggy anyway with a set of uppababy adapters.

Kickingupmerrybehaviour · 05/05/2023 20:41

@Sunshine202341 our deal came with a maxi cosi car seat. Found the weight ok but I don’t drive so it only goes in the car when I’m with dh. I suppose it might be heavier than others but I don’t really want a pram that’s going to blow over in a strong wind especially as dd is on the 98th centile.

Moni81 · 05/05/2023 20:49

@Namechangethisonetime the lightest frames are generally not best, medium weight and if buggy feels sturdy not like it's going to break on joints lol. I have cybex GB Maris and I would say medium weight but it's tall and fairly narrow also folds up slim. Very solid and got it second hand as full travel system with carrycot and car seat in immaculate condition for just £50. With my teenage daughters I had Hauck Apollo 4(very light but more bulky and not as sturdy, economy range would say) then Phil and Ted (heavy but did job with 2 kids). This one feels like on completely different level, but I guess technology changed a lot lol.

Pram opinion - Uppababy, Silvercross or Venicci
DahliaRose · 05/05/2023 20:54

Uppabbay vista!

We had one and I had friends who has various other prams such as Venicci, cybex, bugaboo etc and all said they wished they had got the uppababy.

It's an amazing pram. Big draw is the hugeeeee basket.

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