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Best pregnancy pillow

8 replies

b8tes7sw · 19/10/2022 13:34

What pillows would you recommend?? I've got sore hips and I'm a side sleeper...need to receive the pain on the hips! TIA


MNHQ update:
This thread is a little out of date now, but if you've come across it while searching for pregnancy pillow recommendations, our guide to the best pregnancy pillow has been recently updated. It includes a wide range of options, from best budget buys to luxury pillows and those you can use for infant support and tummy time later down the line. Hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
Panauchocolat25 · 19/10/2022 13:53

I did lots of research before I decided to buy one and I've just got the mamas and papas pregnancy pillow. It's a good price compared to some others but i think it's amazing! It's long enough to go between the knees but also to rest your head on when sleeping on your side(depending on how tall you are!) And because it's curved it has room for your bump. I lie on my side and hug mine! DH is getting jealous 😂. But it's not too big that it takes up loads of room. I have it on the sofa too to help me sit up and support my back. The filling is good, not too squishy, not too firm. I can't recommend it enough!

CatHatSat · 19/10/2022 17:31

BB Hug Me.

It’s a bit pricey, but worth the extra if you can. Things I particularly like are that you can adjust the firmness and fold it in different shapes and angles depending on aches of the day.

Choc2022 · 19/10/2022 21:07

Im looking to get one also but don't want anything too bulky. So far I have been using a pillow between thighs and knees ans pillow under bump and one behind my back. 3 pillows yes but does the job and wont need to worry about storage

Flittingaboutagain · 19/10/2022 21:16

I've got a BB hug me and it can be puffed up to be firmer or not. It has also gone onto become my breastfeeding support pillow and I take it everywhere!

ablisha · 19/10/2022 22:44

Also recommending the BBHug me. Using it now for my second pregnancy! Worth the extra money

Perpop · 19/10/2022 22:47

Also bbhugme! Expensive but if you looked at per usage it would be pennies! She’s a year and I still use it every day.

Bobduncan · 20/10/2022 07:05

I've gone for the Bella moon pillow. Expensive but very comfortable! To me it seems like quite a big pillow, so maybe not one for you if you have a smaller bed xx

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Weathergirl1 · 20/10/2022 07:31

SnuzCurve here! It's relatively new out and I already had a different one, but was desperate as I had awful sciatica and SI joint pain. It really helped.

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