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Snuza sleep hero

12 replies

thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 01/08/2022 13:13

Considering getting one of these as I'm even more paranoid this time and pretty sure I won't sleep.
Anyone have it and can confirm it's worth it ?
Apparently it's the only one that the lullaby trust would say is good to use

OP posts:
Puddlelane123 · 01/08/2022 13:30

I used it with two of my children and found it excellent at the time. I subsequently used the Owlet monitor and think that is far superior, albeit much more expensive.

thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 01/08/2022 15:20

@Puddlelane123 thank you. Yeah I can't afford that one !
Did you use the snuza from the first night home?

OP posts:
thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 01/08/2022 17:24

Giving this a bump

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thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 01/08/2022 17:24

How do I move to parenting does anyone know ?

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SmartCar · 01/08/2022 17:30

Have another bump. I've no clue but hope it helps

thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 01/08/2022 20:46

@SmartCar thank you

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Puddlelane123 · 01/08/2022 21:18

I used it with mine from about day 5 / 6 when the umbilical cord stump came off as I didnt want it to irritate that. I used it for 12 months plus with two children and found that it greatly helped my anxiety. I liked the feature of being able to hear the audible click with each respiration in the early days, but later on be able to silence it as I got more relaxed. I also liked being able to see the light flashing with each respiration. In months of use I only had a handful of false alarms and on one occasion it genuinely picked up a cessation of breathing that thankfully I was able to respond to instantly. My babies were not remotely bothered by them and I would recommend them. With that said they are movement monitors rather than pulse oximetry, so have limitations and should obviously never be used as substitute for safe sleeping practices. But for added reassurance for an anxious mum like I was - worth every penny. Feel free to pm me for more info!

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Goodnewsday · 02/08/2022 07:39

Yes I used it once his cord had fell off, so about 10 days until he was a good few months, maybe 4 or 5. In that time we only had one false alarm because it had came loose on the nappy. To me I just thought I couldn’t properly settle into any kind of deep sleep without it. I really liked it ! The only thing that wasn’t great at first was the fact it’s actually quite big on a tiny little baby but it didn’t seem to bother him at all. The light flashes green so before he wore a proper sleeping bag you could see it flashing at all times but he seemed to get used to it. It also saved me needing to constantly risk waking him to feel him breathing

StampOnTheGround · 02/08/2022 09:45

We used it straight away and it's helped me sleep soundly compared to how I would have without it 😊

thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 02/08/2022 16:52

Thank you everyone I'm going to order it today. Just worried it'll make my anxiety worse but don't see how it could ? I'm already as anxious as can be ! I will hopefully be able to use it from birth... does it irritate the cord ?

OP posts:
VeronicaFranklin · 24/08/2022 23:14

thunderonlyhappenswhenits · 01/08/2022 13:13

Considering getting one of these as I'm even more paranoid this time and pretty sure I won't sleep.
Anyone have it and can confirm it's worth it ?
Apparently it's the only one that the lullaby trust would say is good to use

We have just got one and use it on our 10 week old baby. It definitely gives me peace of mind. I struggled to deep sleep and would constantly check on her overnight so this has allowed me to sleep better.

However, I don't know if we have a faulty one, I need to contact Snuza. Ours flashes green when she breathes, and according to the instructions should only flash red when it hasn't detected a breath in 15 secs, or red + alarm if none detected in 20 secs.

First night using it, I watched her breathing and it flashed green but then flashed red and back to green if she took a deep breath or was stretching so unsure if it lost contact or what but she definitely had taken a breath and it momentarily flashed red and back to green. Searched other posts on this and found other's had experienced similar.

Peasplease12 · 25/08/2022 12:14

I have known two people who lost babies to SIDS and when I told my midwife I was feeling anxious about it she recommended this ‘so you can feel that you have done everything you could, although in all likelihood everything will be fine, just like if you didn’t buy the monitor’. She said she wouldn’t recommend the mattress sensors as they were too sensitive and you’d never get any sleep.

Baby is due in 5 weeks so I’ve not used it yet, but it has made me feel less anxious just knowing I have it ready to use.

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