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Pregnancy pillows... any recommendations?

7 replies

MummyRR · 05/04/2022 08:14

I'm almost 17 weeks and it's becoming difficult to sleep in a comfortable position. My lower back and legs are feeling the pressure. As the title says, does anybody here have recommendations for a pregnancy pillow?
Thank you xx


MNHQ update:
This thread is a little old now, but if you've landed here while on the hunt for pregnancy pillow ideas, our guide to the best pregnancy pillow has been recently updated to reflect current availability. From best budget buys to the best pillows for back support and those which can be used after pregnancy for infant feeding support, all options have been tried, tested and approved by Mumsnetters. Hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
GinnyBee · 05/04/2022 08:47

BBhugme. I was hesitant to get it because of the price but I don't regret a penny! It's possibly my favourite thing in the whole house, including my husband.

WaltzedIntoIt · 05/04/2022 12:19

I got a purflo and I love it! Lovely and firm. Nice for between legs at night or as a back support on the couch or as neck and leg support if I’m watching tv in bed!

Hoping1 · 05/04/2022 13:11

Hi I have this one and love it. I often find the dog and partner suggled in it to x

Pregnancy pillows... any recommendations?
Kaw10 · 05/04/2022 13:18

I got a massive U shaped one off Amazon, which I then put my own pillow on top of (on the head part) to raise my head a bit. I wanted a U one so that whichever side I slept on, there was support already on that side without me having to drag a single body pillow across with me.

Theregoesmyhomebirth · 05/04/2022 13:21

My first pregnancy I used a massive U-shaped one and loved it, but this time round it pissed me off and I ended up getting rid. Now 36 weeks with SPD/twin pregnancy and my advice is go for thickness. The BBhugme looks great but I couldn't have afforded it. I got the ALDI long body pillow and it's been fab.

AnotherNC22 · 05/04/2022 13:22

I bought a dreamgenii that i really couldn't get on with. So like poster above, i then bought a 12ft U shaped one for about a tenner on Amazon and it was amazing!! Not sure DH was pleased but i couldn't care less by that point 🤣🤣

Juno231 · 05/04/2022 13:30

Bbhugme and it's my favourite thing in the house now. I did get it second hand on FB marketplace though. From the other pillows I've seen/touched, the bbhugme is much nicer to use.

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