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Pregnancy Pillows?

19 replies

Catnipdelight · 25/02/2022 09:41

I'm 24 weeks and thinking of investing in a pregnancy pillow.

Would you recommend them? Are they actually an essential?

I am starting to be a little uncomfortable at night but that could just be because I'm always squeezed in the middle next to DP and the cat and have slightly less room to manoeuvre now...


MNHQ update:
This thread is a little out of date now, but if you've landed here while looking for recommendations for pregnancy pillows, our guide to the best pregnancy pillow has been recently updated to reflect current availability. Including a wide range of options - from best budget buys to most popular purchases and those you can use after pregnancy for infant feeding support - all have been tried, tested and approved by Mumsnet users. Hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
funder · 25/02/2022 09:57

Yes. I love my U shaped one. I put my feet on the bottom of the U and rest my leg on the rest. I gave birth almost 4 years ago and still use it every night BlushGrin best £40 I ever spent.

BessAndCress · 25/02/2022 10:00

I never got on with mine. It went to the tip in the end, after months of taking up space, bloody huge thing. So no, not an essential. Can you borrow one first and see how you like it?

pinkprettyroses · 25/02/2022 10:04

I never really got on with mine either!

AluckyEllie · 25/02/2022 10:05

I use my husband to hook my leg on! 😂 very warm too which is quite nice on a sore bump. Poor man

GinnyBee · 25/02/2022 11:18

I'm in love with mine! I have the eye-wateringly expensive and raved about bbhugme, and don't regret a penny! I use it on the sofa to prop me up, to read in bed sitting up and of course for sleeping. When the time comes it'll be my nursing pillow too.

Totalwasteofpaper · 25/02/2022 11:25

Amazing - you will never look back
I have had one from 16 weeks...

My pillow is now the third person in our marriage 😍😍😍

Flibbyjibby · 25/02/2022 11:27

I used a dream genii from when my bump got noticeable (20 weeks ish!)
It did help relieve back and hip pain and stopped me rolling onto my back. I got one that wasn’t too big so it didn’t take over the bed!

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Omgwhatthehell · 25/02/2022 11:54

I'm almost 18 weeks and am wondering about pregnancy pillows too @Catnipdelight
I am also often sandwiched between DH and our furry overlord!

A lot of the pillows seem very expensive and I don't want to waste the money. I am tempted by the Dreamgenii which seems to be recommended quite a bit on here, and you can get it for about £40 on Amazon.
However I have already had some success sleeping alongside our stuffed IKEA snake Grin Just not sure he's going to cut the mustard as I get bigger.

BessAndCress · 25/02/2022 12:01

This sounds obvious, I know, but you can just see how far you get with an ordinary pillow. I think I co-opted one for my leg at one stage, and found it far preferable to the full-body pregnancy pillow.

If not, then picking up on the stuffed snake idea, IKEA do all kinds of big stuffed toys that baby can then make friends with later Grin

HiCandles · 25/02/2022 12:17

I have a Bella Moon, quite comfy, I use the long bit to keep me on my side because back sleeping not recommended in third trimester, and one of the curvy bits between knees. Head on normal pillow. Worth it for the reassurance that I mostly don't end up on my back

Cakecakecheese · 25/02/2022 12:42

My partner bought me one. It's so comfy.

TheBirdintheCave · 25/02/2022 12:42

I have the Kally Body Pillow (not the one designed for pregnancy) as all I wanted was something to rest my leg on. It worked great with my last baby so hopefully I'll get to use it again with this one. Bonus points for it being little enough to not knock my husband out of bed.

Wifflywafflywoo · 25/02/2022 13:21

I have the one you wear around your tummy. It has two memory foam pads that sit either side of my bump, it's super soft and means I can lie on either side in bed and roll over normally. I then have the Bella Moon one for in-between my legs. Absolutely amazing.

Ellebee459 · 25/02/2022 20:00

I bought one but ended up not using it - I didn't find it that comfy and it was big and got in the way. I used one normal pillow between my knees and another behind my back and found that made sleeping on my side much comfier. Might be worth trying that first to see if it works before spending money on a pregnancy pillow?

Starbeach · 26/02/2022 09:03

Aviiator one on Amazon amazing also made in Britain - one word of warning though- if your other half is anything like mine you may need to order 2 one arm always seems to be kidnapped when I get up for the loo 😂

HW1989 · 26/02/2022 09:42

Got one on Amazon around £30, doubles as a breastfeeding pillow and clips at the ends so you can put baby into. Love it and used it from about 20 weeks. Partner hates it as he now has no space 😂

Derbee · 26/02/2022 17:22


I'm in love with mine! I have the eye-wateringly expensive and raved about bbhugme, and don't regret a penny! I use it on the sofa to prop me up, to read in bed sitting up and of course for sleeping. When the time comes it'll be my nursing pillow too.

I also have the BBHugme. It is absolutely amazing. Life changingly amazing.

You can tie it into a donut shape and sleep on your front!! It’s really an incredible pillow. Massive though!
Derbee · 26/02/2022 17:23

I even paid extra for the beautiful limited edition floral fabric, as I thought “in for a penny…”

sazzt · 26/02/2022 17:28

Asda's one is great and vvv reasonable price!

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