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Best ointment for itchy bump

5 replies

carboverload · 11/12/2021 22:00

My stretching belly is ridiculously itchy!!! Can anyone recommend good creams, oils or anything that actually work? Pleaseeeee! And thank you

OP posts:
Flamingolingo · 11/12/2021 22:02

I found the solid version of the palmers cocoa bump butter to be the best. The itching is probably stretch marks, although I’m convinced this cream made mine much less noticeable.

Unless the itching is all over your body and on your hands/feet?

carboverload · 11/12/2021 22:17

Ooo didn't know they did a specific bump one! Thank you. No just bottom of my bump thank god I had itchy hands and feet last pregnancy and was diagnosed with cholestasis PLEASE DONT COME BACK😂

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SerenTarot · 11/12/2021 22:23

Terribly dull and predictable but I just find Sudocrem is like the wonder cream for all things dermatological.

My son recently had a stinking cold and all his nose and the skin surrounding it/upper lip was all red and raw from the constant nose blowing. A slathering on of Sudocrem and it was gone by the morning.

I use it all the time and it's never let e down. Itchy, sore, chafed, dry, bites, bumps .. Sudocrem just seems to sort it.

It's cheap, you get a massive pot of it for your money, it moisturises and if it doesn't work for your particular condition, it certainly won't do you any harm.

Peaches2020 · 12/12/2021 05:07

Cowshed mother stretch mark balm is magic, I tried so many remedies and it’s incredible

greenbean99 · 12/12/2021 10:55

I have been using aveeno skin relief and it's sorted it right out not an itch for weeks!

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