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cot bed or cot? (quick question)

26 replies

hermitzero · 21/04/2021 13:25

Cot bed or cot, which one would you recommend?

OP posts:
tuxedocat · 21/04/2021 13:33

Cot bed for us, DS is still in it as a bed now at 3.5.

PlanBea · 21/04/2021 13:53

We went for a cot bed in the nursery as the room is big enough for it and it should last until they are about 4 when we'd be looking at a proper sized bed anyway.

We've got a side sleeper for the first few months though which will be in our room with us

Nat4392 · 21/04/2021 15:21

This is generally purely based an finances. A cot bed will last you years and we went for one for that reason. However if you’re set on a particular style etc and you don’t mind spending the extra money, then you may prefer to get a cot first and then move onto a cot bed/toddler bed further down the line

Chelyanne · 21/04/2021 15:24

Cotbed is better if you have the space for it as they last to at least 5 years.

We're limited on space this time as this is baby 6 so may go cot then get a toddler bed later.

sqirrelfriends · 21/04/2021 15:24

Cot bed, or a cot you can take a side off but that's not cot bed sized. They just last longer.

gingerninja99 · 21/04/2021 15:27

Cotbed- I went for a cot as the room was small and thought I'd have no 2 but regret that I didn't get a cot bed as both mine hated the cot and changing to a cot bed probably would have helped their sleep rather than an early jump to single bed

gingerninja99 · 21/04/2021 15:28

Should say no 2 later than I did

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MeadowHay · 21/04/2021 15:31

Cotbed if you've got space. Mine is nearly 3 been in one since she was about 7 months old when she outgrew her crib. She still has the sides up and I can't see myself taking them down any time soon. Her cousin was in a cotbed until she was about 5.5 (obviously with the sides down!), I imagine we will do similar as our bedrooms are quite small.

peachgreen · 21/04/2021 15:32

Cot bed. DD is over 3 and has still never tried to climb out of it so she's still got the sides up! Bliss!

ShyTown · 21/04/2021 15:38

Cot bed. When they do decide to climb it’s not really safe for them to stay in a cot and if you go for a cot bed you can take the side off straight away without the wait for delivery when you buy a new bed and mattress. IKEA sells a cot size cot bed (it’s the size of a standard cot but one side can be removed) for £65 if you’re short on space and/or don’t want to spend a lot.

ivfbeenbusy · 21/04/2021 15:46

I went with cots for my twins - ones from IKEA where one side comes off completely when they are old enough.....I don't think my older daughter got much use out of her cot bed as we transitioned to a single bed quite quickly as I was fed up of squeezing in a cot bed when she couldn't sleep

ivfbeenbusy · 21/04/2021 15:46

IKEA sells a cot size cot bed (it’s the size of a standard cot but one side can be removed) for £65 if you’re short on space and/or don’t want to spend a lot.

Yes this is the one we have

Changechangychange · 21/04/2021 15:47

Agree with all of the the above - it doesn’t really matter whether you go with 60x120cm (cot size), or 70x140cm (cot bed), as long as you can take at least one of the sides off.

We went from Next2Me to cot (at six months), to side off cot at 14 months, and now into a mid-sleeper aged 4.

Our friends went from Moses basket to cotbed at 3 months, then converted into a toddler bed at 18 months, and still in it aged 4.

Both options work fine.

HappyWipings · 21/04/2021 15:48

Cot , then a separate junior bed. A cot bed is often higher off of the ground than a junior bed , and they will fall out of bed at first.

We had an ikea £40 cot then bought a £55 junior bed from asda recently.

Muststopeating · 21/04/2021 18:56

I agree with happywipings... we got a cotbed (second hand) but my first 2 were too close together to ever convert it so bought a toddler bed (also second hand). By the time we would have converted it for DC2, we found out I was pregnant again so no point and bought another (guess what... second hand) toddler bed. All 3 were John Lewis and normally £150+ new but we got in perfect nick for £50 and just bought new mattresses which we would of had to buy anyway. If you plan to buy new and plan to have more than 1 then I would suggest cotbed vs cot and toddler bed is more expensive.

AegonT · 21/04/2021 19:36

Cotbed. DD never tried to climb out so we kept the sides on till she was 3 then used it as a toddler bed till we bought her a single bed at 4. Despite being a bad sleeper as a baby she never got out if her toddler bed untill morning - I don't think it occurred to her after being in a cot so long :)

minniemomo · 21/04/2021 19:37

We coslept then toddler bed from 15 months. Dd hated her cot

CatCup · 21/04/2021 19:38

Cot bed.

Bluey18 · 21/04/2021 19:44

Cotbed if you have room. Dd had one nap in a cot at a friend's house shortly before Covid started when she was not long turned 1 and and managed to get out Blush. She's never even attempted to get out of her cotbed as the sides are high, she's still in it now age 2.5 and I don't see it changing anytime soon.

Volcanoexplorer · 21/04/2021 19:53

Cotbed with a decent mattress. Dd only went into a full size bed at 4, so good value. Plus ds used it before her. You could also lower it so no difference in height to a toddler bed, but she never fell out anyway.

Squidgling · 21/04/2021 19:57

Cot bed. My daughter was in it as a bed until she was a few months away from being 6.

Squidgling · 21/04/2021 19:59

Just saw the message saying they're often higher from the ground compared to a junior bed. Ours wasn't as we ended up having a junior bed as well (don't ask) and they were the same height from the ground.

miliie55 · 21/04/2021 20:07

We went for a cot as got 3pc matching furniture set and it was so cute. I also knew I'd want to use the cot for next baby and if toddler was still using it we wld need another. So when number 2 came along my then 2.5yr old got big girls bed.

PerspicaciousGreen · 21/04/2021 20:56

Cot bed with drawers underneath . Don't waste that floor space! Our boy has just turned three and we're about to move him into a bed, but we've been able to keep him in the cot bed with the sides up until now. He could still fit in it for ages yet, we just want to bump his 14m sister up. She's in a travel cot with a proper mattress we bought separately and that's my real pro tip if you want to save space. She could also stay in the travel cot for another six months if we wanted, we just want to do a room shuffle now.

MrsMiddleMother · 21/04/2021 22:05

Cotbed definitely, my little boy started climbing out before he was 2 so was grateful I could take the side off

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