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Post-birth belly support/binder

12 replies

SunSparkle · 21/01/2021 22:05


I'm due any day now and my stomach is so tight and feels like I might pop.

After birth I know it's going to feel like jelly as my organs rearrange themselves. Does anyone have any recommendations for a post-birth belly support? I've got big knickers for post birth but they don't offer any support.

What have you used/would recommend? Or will it be a waste and I will not want any sort of support?

OP posts:
Chelyanne · 21/01/2021 22:20

You are better off doing core strength building exercises as soon as you are able after birth. Planks are an easy starting point as you can adjust length of time as you get stronger. If you want to do more intensive stuff weighted squats and deadlifts are great for the core.
Supports belts might feel like they're helping but they can make your muscles become lazy.

Ohalrightthen · 21/01/2021 22:27

Support belts are a con designed to make money off the back of vulnerable women feeling insecure about their bodies. They do more harm than good, please don't bother with one.

Haiyaa · 21/01/2021 23:30

The hospital gave me some tubigrip and I had some support pants post c section, they were life savers, it literally felt like my insides would fall out without them, and there was no way I was going to be doing planks, squats and deadlifts. I’m pretty sure that type of exercise is not recommended for several weeks post partum regardless of how you deliver.

In terms of the “cosmetic” appeal of binders I’m dubious, but sometimes it is nice to have a bit of support and feel a bit more put together!

Whichnamepls · 21/01/2021 23:35

Planks are not advised straight after birth due to the (normal) weakening of your connective tissue and any abdominal separation /pelvic floor issues you may have after pregnancy. You need to give your body some time to recover from birth not put it under more pressure.

You should wait until you are cleared for exercise by your GP at a minimum and then slowly resume easy core exercises designed for postpartum bodies. There's loads of stuff online if you have a look.

minipie · 22/01/2021 00:04

I found the wide waistband of my maternity jeans did this perfectly

Agree be very careful about doing any abs exercise - if there is a diastasis rectii the wrong kind of exercise could make it worse

Onedropbeat · 22/01/2021 00:06

Seraphine do some post baby support leggings

They are firm and supportive and I’m wearing them still now as they also smooth down any lumpy bits

I felt a lot more secure in them after birth

Iminaglasscaseofemotion · 22/01/2021 07:48


You are better off doing core strength building exercises as soon as you are able after birth. Planks are an easy starting point as you can adjust length of time as you get stronger. If you want to do more intensive stuff weighted squats and deadlifts are great for the core.
Supports belts might feel like they're helping but they can make your muscles become lazy.

Definitely don't do this very soon after birth. It can do more damage than good.
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SunSparkle · 22/01/2021 10:30

My physio didn’t recommend starting exercises straight away. She did say that people can become reliant on particularly corsetty type bands but she did recommend some sort of compression knickers/band/brief but didn’t give a link or a brand.

That’s why I was asking for recommendations eg do I just buy something like smoothing knickers from marks and Spencer’s or is something that just wraps around the waist easier when you’re breastfeeding etc.

@Haiyaa what support pants did you use?

OP posts:
Chelyanne · 22/01/2021 11:00

I had a cesarean with my twins. I was left with diastasis recti because they were huge at 17lb combined. I was never recommended any kind of supports during or after pregnancy. Like I said as soon as you are ABLE (only you will know what you are capable of) you should start to rebuild your core strength. 6 weeks are just gentle exercise as everything needs to shrink back to normak, walking is easy done. Once everything has recovered you can start harder exercises but ease yourself in to it and build strength up slowly, just listen to your body.
I started doing weightlifting when the twins were 2 years old, I'd spent those years with constant back and hip pain as my muscles were so weakened. I should have started much sooner. Once I introduced a lifting belt to my workouts my abs started to repair and the gap is no longer there, granted it still feels like a weak point but pre pregnancy I was squatting with 80kg on my back (after 3 years of consistent training). Currently 9+6wk pregnant again and still doing lifting with reduced weights and 1 less session a week, I listen to the cues my body gives and stop if things don't feel right. I will adapt lifts as baby grows and do as much as I can as late in to pregnancy as possible.

OhThatNamingThing · 22/01/2021 11:12

I use something like these for added support when I’m running with pregnancy bump, mine is a bando brand one but I got it from Mothercare years ago. They’re not too tight but more supportive than just maternity leggings or jeans

Haiyaa · 22/01/2021 13:57

I used Cantaloop c-section briefs, handy for anyone having a section but suppose they can be used for any type of birth. They are support pants but have a little band where your scar would be made of softer material. I still wear mine... 😂

Iwonder08 · 22/01/2021 14:31

Belly bandit worked wonders for me. They have super helpful support people, they really helped to choose the right size/model.

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