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Would you recommend a white noise thingy?!?!

27 replies

Sardi28 ยท 12/09/2020 20:03

As above really ๐Ÿคช๐Ÿคช

And which one please?? Xxxx

OP posts:
Aquamarine1029 ยท 12/09/2020 20:04

I use Alexa to play thunderstorm sounds during the night. I love it.

Sardi28 ยท 12/09/2020 20:34

Ah! Never thought of that ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿป thank you x

OP posts:
AllTheCakes ยท 12/09/2020 20:36

We use one for DS. I used to use a Goggle home but found the loop would cut out of it would lose signal and stop playing, so bought one on Amazon. They are all similar but you need one that plays constantly with no fade or loop.

HelloViroids ยท 12/09/2020 20:36

We use google home or Spotify womb sounds track

Candycats ยท 12/09/2020 20:36

Definitely, ours seems to be a cue for DS that it's time to sleep as he always yawns when we put it on! It also helps to cover up the sound of our ridiculously noisy neighbours ๐Ÿ™ƒ we got ours off Amazon, I can't seem to find a link to it though so I wonder if it's not available anymore, sorry. It's just a bog standard mains one though.

jollybobs89 ยท 12/09/2020 20:37

Someone bought me an oli the owl for my second baby worked a dream never even thought of anything like that with my first!

LeeLou456 ยท 12/09/2020 20:37

We downloaded the SoundSleeper app and that done the trick...most of the time ๐Ÿ™ˆ

pregnant woman meditating

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Disappointedkoala ยท 12/09/2020 20:38

I used white noise playlists on Spotify. DD was a big fan of industrial fan noises Shock

Alarae ยท 12/09/2020 20:42

Had Ewan the Sheep but it cuts out after 20 mins. It will reactivate but only if there is a loud noise and baby is probably already awake!

I ended up using an old phone and a voice recorder app. Recorded a portion of the sheep then just duplicated it and put it on a loop. Works like a charm.

Hobgoblinz ยท 12/09/2020 20:45

We used an out of tune radio which worked quite well!

Whatelsecouldibecalled ยท 12/09/2020 20:46

YES! We have Percy penguin which cuts out after 30 min but kicks back in again without touching it if he stirs! Brilliant. Also use an app on my phone out and about

TheIckabog ยท 12/09/2020 22:08

My Hummy mini. You can control it via your phone and can set it to go for 10 mins to several hours. It also detects if your baby wakes up and it starts up again. It was a lifesaver for us in the early months!

morethanmeetstheeye ยท 12/09/2020 22:20

Yes! They're brilliant. We had a lionheart bear that had a white noise thing in its tummy. It worked really well. Now use Google Home Bedtime.

IvanTheDragon ยท 12/09/2020 22:31

We downloaded two tracks of ocean waves from iTunes and just play them on a loop via phone or iPad. Tried white noise but it set my teeth on edge and I needed to sleep too! Maybe YouTube some white/brown/pink noise, some nature sounds etc and see what you think you could actually sleep to before deciding.

Pinktruffle ยท 12/09/2020 22:39

We are planning on using Spotify on our phones and a bluetooth speaker. Not all babies like white noise so ar lease that way if our little one doesnt like it, w ehavent spent any extra on it

Nimsay1 ยท 13/09/2020 07:10

I downloaded the White Noise Deep Sleep app. There's loads of noises to choose from. It definitely helped a lot. For baby and me!

AgnesNaismith ยท 13/09/2020 07:14

As pps have said, we use an app. For daytime naps In a Moses basket/bassinet kitchen noises work well (tumble dryer, washing machine & dishwasher rather than rummaging in cupboards).

aToadOnTheWhole ยท 13/09/2020 07:33

Get an Alexa.
"alexa play white noise"
"Alexa loop on"
Job done. Grin

Alternatively get a cheap tablet and use YouTube there are tracks that are ten and twelve hours long.

MisiSam ยท 13/09/2020 07:41

I use Alexa . You can even set her on whisper mode so you can ask her quietly.
All though one day I whispered and she litrelly shouted "sorry I didn't catch that" and woke my baby up grrrrrr.

But yes white noise is great, we live in a flat and it helps drown out the random bangs of people coming in and out the front door or dogs barking next door ect.

User3627290 ยท 13/09/2020 07:55

Weโ€™ve been given an Oli the Owl by a friend who swears by it. It plays for a while and then goes off but reactivates if the baby wakes

serialreturner ยท 13/09/2020 07:58

Ewan the Dream Sheep worked really well.

Also putting DD in the pantry, swaddled with the dryer on (door open so it didn't get too hot, dark in there too). Lots of "DH DON'T PUT THE DRYER ON NOW! SHE NEEDS TO NAP!"

Not as my friend thought I said "in the dryer" Shock

babbafett ยท 13/09/2020 08:03

We use our spotify account. There is a brilliant playlist that goes on for 12hours called Womb Sound. Our LO loves it.

Sardi28 ยท 13/09/2020 09:27

๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ thank you all . We have an Alexa upstairs and down. How do I put it on whisper @MisiSam ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

OP posts:
BrandoraPaithwaite ยท 13/09/2020 10:02

Old school but works... tune a radio in to static and adjust the volume to whatever you need. Worked with my DC for years.

MisiSam ยท 13/09/2020 10:44

๐Ÿ˜‚ Just day "alexa turn on whisper mode" but be aware she is a biatch and will act like you didn't sometimes. The arguments I have with Alexa! ๐Ÿ˜‚

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