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Stretch Mark Prevention!

35 replies

Snookers · 26/08/2020 11:54


I am still early on at only 10 weeks but just starting to plan ahead. I'm looking at getting a cream or oil or something to help prevent stretch marks. I know I will end up with some anyway as I have some from simple weight gain in the past, but if I can try and reduce the amount then great! This is my first pregnancy so not used much before. Does anyone have any recommendations. I've looked online but so many mixed reviews and I'm sceptical about trusting articles so hoping to get actual human recommendations haha.

I know it won't be too much of an issue just yet but I want to get some so I can get into a routine of using it each day. Any other tips for this?


MNHQ Update
This is an old thread, but if you’ve come across it while searching for advice or information on stretch marks our guide to the best stretch mark cream has been recently updated to reflect current availability and new releases. It includes a wide range of options from oils to butters, cream and balms designed for stretch mark prevention, relief and treatment. It’s been compiled using the advice of skincare experts as well as Mumsnet user recommendations. We hope it’s helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
Csari · 26/08/2020 12:09

Kinda the opposite of a recommendation but I used bio oil and thought it was working brilliantly until right near the end when I started getting one or two on my the time my DS was born at 42 weeks I had loads and they seemed to all appear at once haha.

I honestly don't think anything would have helped though as I had a massive bump and was really petite beforehand so I guess my skin just ran out of elasticity.

cliffdiver · 26/08/2020 12:14

I used Bio Oil twice each day as soon as I found out I was pregnant, zero stretch marks.

I think it's partly down to genetics though.

ChickenDipper28 · 26/08/2020 13:37

I use Neals Yard - Mothers Balm. Worked a treat so far and lasts ages! 😊

Sairafina · 26/08/2020 13:56

Another voter for Bio Oil here! I'm currently 30 weeks and have been using it at night since week 18 and not a mark in sight....yet!! Going to start using it in the mornings too as, like you, I have some marks from weight gain when I was younger.

ttigerlilly · 26/08/2020 14:00

During my pregnancy I religiously used Dr Organic Aloe Vera gel and also Dr Organic stretch mark cream and I only came away with a couple of small ones on my hips where I didn't use the cream as much. Absolutely none on my tummy at all miraculously so I put it down to the gelSmile

BobCat2020 · 26/08/2020 14:01

I'm using Bio Oil twice a day and a Secret Saviour belly band. I'm only 30 weeks though, so there's still time to get them! The belly band has had clinical trials though, so I feel reassured that I'm doing all I can. If I get some they will fade anyway x

Napqueen1234 · 26/08/2020 14:03

I used the secret saviour band and the gems that came with it, when they ran out I then just used normal moisturiser I had at home (think it’s was body shop).
I got no stretch marks either pregnancy but no one in my family really has them so it may be genetic. I found the bump band really supportive though and really noticed on days I wasn’t wearing it but it was a lot more discrete than some of the ones you can get so would recommend it for that anyway.

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Shawla92 · 26/08/2020 14:32

I'm a FTM and have creams, oils etc but lots of research has shown that nothing actually prevents them and its mainly down to genetics and how elastic your skin is :)

avidteadrinker · 26/08/2020 14:39

I used bio oil every day from about 3 months. I don’t have any stretch marks from pregnancy but my bump was ‘baby only‘ as I could only eat small meals so didn’t put on extra weight (think the baby was sat on my stomach!) and my baby was 2 weeks early so all of these factors contributed!

Ginfilledcats · 26/08/2020 14:47

I used bio oil twice a day religiously from 12 weeks. Smugly happy that I had no stretch marks. Then at 39 weeks bam: looked like I'd been mauled by a tiger with purple dye in his claws. Serves me right for smugness.
11 weeks pp and still very much there despite continued use of bloody bio oil on the off chance it helps.

Lots of research when they appeared did show it's all genetics. Just look at this thread for the variety of results with the same product.

If you can afford the bio oil then there's no harm in trying - it may work for you and if not it's a nice way to bond with bump.

kiwiblue · 26/08/2020 14:49

I used Bio Oil but I think it's more genetic, it's about the collagen in your skin isn't it?

Like you I thought I would get stretch marks as I have some from puberty (really bad on my boobs) but I didn't get any (I've had two babies). I didn't get too big and I didn't go overdue, though. So you may not get any!

ImaSababa · 26/08/2020 14:49

I've used almond oil and Palmers stretch mark cream since I found out I was pregnant. Now at nearly 40 weeks I don't have any stretch marks.

doadeer · 26/08/2020 14:53

You cant! I religiously oiled and had them terribly my sister did nothing and got none. It happens deep in the skin

ShyTown · 26/08/2020 14:55

I used bio oil religiously and didn’t get any. Not sure about the genetics arguments since I actually have quite a few at the top of my legs from a teen growth spurt. What I think made the biggest difference was having the baby at 38+6 as everyone I know in real life that got bad ones went overdue.

Itsalwayssunnyupnorth · 26/08/2020 15:07

I used bio oil and the palmers coco butter stretch mark cream and have a few stretch marks-considering how gigantic I was by the end both times I’m amazed I don’t have more 🤣 My sister has the same amount and used nothing and both of our stretch marks are in the same place as our mums so I think it is more down to genetics.

Odile13 · 26/08/2020 15:12

I used Weleda Stretch Mark Massage Oil from Boots once a day. I love the smell and it was a nice feeling to apply it to my bump. I didn’t get any stretch marks but I have read it might be a genetic thing and you can’t control it one way or the other so who knows!

wigglerose · 26/08/2020 15:17

You can't sorry, no topical cream can prevent or reduce them. It's all your body, genetics, as previous posters have said. That said, there's no reason not to treat yourself to some nice moisturiser to give yourself a massage on your bump.

Snookers · 26/08/2020 15:57

Thanks guys!!

I'd never heard of the secret saviour band so will have a look into that! I'm expecting to get them as i have a lot on my body from pubity and weight gain through the years but fingers crossed I can try and reduce them a bit!

OP posts:
Lalanbaba · 26/08/2020 16:27

I got lots of marks from growth spurs when teenager so I was scared I would get loads during pregnancy.
So I used bio oil and moisturiser twice a day since I found out that I was pregnant.
Not even a single one.

Nimsay1 · 26/08/2020 16:31

There's actually no evidence that oils and creams make any difference at all when it comes to stretch marks. As someone else said. It's much more likely down to genetics. I didn't use anything and didn't get any marks and I know plenty of people who lathered on oil and 37 weeks in had stretch marks all over the place.

I think drinking a lot of water and eating a diet with plenty of good fats is actually much more important. If you do want a cream or oil, just go with one you like the smell of!

Daisysandviolets · 26/08/2020 16:35

I've regilously used all sorts of creams and oils and then BAM 35 weeks and I have stretch marks everywhere ☹️ i think it's just part of being pregnant for some of us 🥺

zeddybrek · 26/08/2020 16:38

Moistured so much each day and had no stretch marks until the last 4 days when I had so many. Another vote for genetics but no harm in trying to prevent them just in case.

stretcherella · 26/08/2020 19:10

Don't worry about it too much, they may well disappear afterwards anyway.

Mc3209 · 26/08/2020 19:20

I am another Secret Saviours fan for the bump. Band is nice to wear. 30 weeks, so far no stretch marks.
I am also using Palmer's stretch mark lotion on my butt, thighs and boobs. Let's how it will be in the end.

WhyIsItSoHardToPickAUsername · 26/08/2020 20:03

I think the only things you can do are drink plenty of water, keep your skin moisturised and try not to pile lots of weight on very quickly.
Everything else is genetics or luck.

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