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Best pregnancy pillows?

8 replies

Paris2019 · 05/08/2020 10:50

Hi, I'm 24+3 and just starting to look into pregnancy pillows as I'm getting a bit uncomfortable and not sleeping as well. I'm a side-sleeper anyway, so don't really have concerns about rolling onto my back, but I do tend to swap sides a few times during the night. My friend recommended Dreamgenii but reading the reviews, I'm not sure ...

OP posts:
bluebell94 · 05/08/2020 11:03

I have a dreamgenii and I love it! Took a bit of getting used to at first but that was probably not helped by the fact it was really hot weather anyway and I didn't like feeling all enclosed. But generally I find it really comfy, if I don't use it I find that I wake up with slight back pain and am more restless through the night.

NWnature · 05/08/2020 12:08

I have the bbhug me, I think its nice and versatile as you can use it as a long sausage or v shaped support or tie into a donut. It also looks nice on the bed! Can be used for nursing after too.

Sairafina · 05/08/2020 13:36

I use the Snoogle and love it. It also comes with me on the sofa to prop me up reading and watching TV!

TheCraicDealer · 05/08/2020 13:40

I had/have the BBHugMe. I say "had" but I'm 10 months postpartum and still use it. It's so bloody comfy!

It also got a lot of use when DD was starting to sit up and going nuts when she'd lose her balance. We'd tie it into the donut shape and pop her in her middle knowing she couldn't go anywhere or fall over.

It's pricey but when you consider it's a pregnancy pillow, feeding pillow and donut seat it's bearable seeing the money jumping out of your account.

mais · 05/08/2020 13:45

I got something completely different a Babymoov Dream belt. I felt I needed support under my bump when side lying and found it a pain to readjust pillows every time I turned over. The belt was great - I got the Bamboo/Fresh one as it’s supposed to be cooler.

JanewaysBun · 05/08/2020 13:47

I had tht summer infant one too but it was very hard

ablisha · 05/08/2020 16:16

I'm 28 weeks and have just caved and bought the BB Hugme after weeks of looking at the price - however I must say it's worth every penny! So comfy!

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honestlymumma · 06/08/2020 11:48

I had a regular long pillow from mother care and it just wasn't doing the job, I was getting terrible hip pain all night (following through to the next day). After trying to resist due to the price, I caved a few weeks ago and bought the bbhugme and it was so worth the money! My hip pain has not gone entirely, but it has improved dramatically. If you can afford to, would so recommend the bbhugme.

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