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Can anyone recommend comfy leggings or band to help smooth out a B shaped bump?!

18 replies

Katnissx · 30/06/2020 23:36

Just as the title says really 😊
Tried on a few maternity leggings but haven't found them very comfortable (from ASOS) also have some from H&M from previous pregnancy but they're too loose around the tummy at the moment.
I have started getting a bump now (16 weeks) but like my first pregnancy it is B shaped, which is making me paranoid when I go out I just look fat 🙈 would like to find either some comfortable leggings or a belly band to help smooth out my tummy and make it look more rounded! Thanks 🙈x

OP posts:
Ritchie30 · 01/07/2020 05:20

@Katnissx I can’t recommend Love Leggings maternity leggings enough! I’ve lived in them since about 16/17 weeks. Lovely and soft and comfy but nice thick material. Not see through and don’t seem to go baggy 👍🏻

baby456 · 01/07/2020 09:06

Another vote for love leggings to, they are great and no see through.

Katnissx · 01/07/2020 09:10

@Ritchie30 @baby456 thank you for the replies, do you think the panel at top of the love leggings, where it goes over your bump, will stay up and fit okay when you don't have a very big bump yet?
And do you think the panel would be enough to help smooth a bump to make it look more rounded? X

OP posts:
ACatCalledLola · 01/07/2020 09:17

I absolutely love seraphine leggings. They’re so comfortable and not see through.

baby456 · 01/07/2020 09:22

@Katnissx mine definitely stayed up before I had much of a bump and were really comfy unlike some other I'd bought. They are nice and thick so hopefully would smooth your bump out but I don't have any experience of this so couldn't say for sure

Ritchie30 · 01/07/2020 09:38

@Katnissx I’m only just starting to show now at 22 weeks and I’ve lived in them already for 6/7 weeks. Had no issues with them not staying up. The panel is nice and thick and stretchy - I’m larger with a slight B shaped bump and it definitely makes mine look smoother 😊

Katnissx · 01/07/2020 11:24

@baby456 @Ritchie30 they sound fab!! Thank you so much for your comments! I'm going to order a couple of pairs now 😁 I saw they do free returns too so that's good to know 😊x

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Ritchie30 · 01/07/2020 13:53

@Katnissx I was so impressed that I placed a second order for more so fingers crossed they work for you 😊

Addler · 01/07/2020 14:06

I've been trying to find something too! 18+4 and starting to show a B already. Will definitely order some!

Kodiak83 · 01/07/2020 16:33

Definitely love leggings! I have a very squishy tummy and these give me a much smoother shape

Wotsits4357542 · 01/07/2020 18:48

Love leggings I have a b shaped bump and wanted that smooth round look because I thought I just looked fat. I slip those leggings on and bam nice neat bump lol
Theirs also something called the body bump which is a sort of shaprewear dress thing to wear or wear under clothes that smoothed you out but their a bit pricy so I haven’t bothered and just ordered a maternity shape wear off ASOS their bei delivered tomorow so I’ll let you know if it’s any good at smoothing out x

Addler · 01/07/2020 18:51

I've ordered two pairs, getting excited now by all these reviews!

Chippednails · 04/07/2020 22:03

Try Natal Active leggings - they are amazing. Look tiny when they come out of the pack but fit right round the biggest bumps. And they fit amazingly postnatally too. Lush fabric and not see through at all!!

Katnissx · 06/07/2020 22:16

Thanks for the replies!
Just wanted to update as my Love Leggings came a few days ago. They are very comfy and I am impressed with their quality- especially that they aren't see through!
However unfortunately they aren't working that well for smoothing out my B bump. They work initially as I pull the band right up and it looks lovely and smooth, however after walking/moving around for a few minutes they scooch down and it isn't very flattering. It's a shame as they are lovely otherwise, and I will be keeping them as they are comfy and good quality.
@Wotsits4357542 I might have a look into the body bump you mentioned. Or did you find anything good on ASOS?
@Chippednails thank you- will have a look on their website! Can I ask how high the band comes up? And does it stay in place?
Thanks! Xx

OP posts:
EBM20 · 06/07/2020 22:52

Not leggings but I'm loving my maternity skinny Jean's with over the bump stretchy material, they are so comfortable and really shape out my bump!

Ritchie30 · 07/07/2020 05:37

@Katnissx How disappointing 👎🏼 I suppose everyone’s body is different. Hopefully they’ll be perfect for you and stay up better once bump is a little bigger 😊 hope you find something that works for you! X

EBM20 · 07/07/2020 07:11


Not leggings but I'm loving my maternity skinny Jean's with over the bump stretchy material, they are so comfortable and really shape out my bump!

Just noticed I never put where they are from! From new look!
Chippednails · 07/07/2020 20:15

They come over the bump and have a supportive band so I think it’ll give you the smoothing you want but they don’t fall down. They look really small when you get them out of the pack but stretch really well. There are pics on their Instagram Xx

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