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Moses basket opinions and/or recommendations

15 replies

Isthisoveryet · 30/06/2020 13:44

We have a next-to-me for the bedroom and used that a bit with our first (between age 2-4 months when she briefly didn��t co-sleep). I think it would be good to have a moses basket/crib for downstairs but is this necessary? With our first she would occasionally sleep for 10 mins in the sleepyhead on the sofa, but generally she couldn’t ever be put down to sleep. Do some babies actually sleep in moses baskets or are they generally a waste of money?

I think it would be good to have a space to put baby away from the toddler. Just wondering what has worked for other people?

This thread is a little old now so some of the suggestions may be out of date, but if you’ve landed here looking for a Moses basket for your newborn, we’ve recently updated our best Moses baskets page with lots of great options, as tried and tested by Mumsnet users and their kids. We hope you find it useful. Flowers

OP posts:
erised24 · 30/06/2020 14:18

I've not bothered with a moses basket. Baby will grow out of it so quickly so I just opted for a baby nest for the sofa and a swing. Can also use the moses part of a travel system if you have one.

Bellesavage · 30/06/2020 14:19

Waste of money. Use the pram bassinet instead. Then if they refuse to be put down (like my dc1) then no money lost.

SquigglyOne · 30/06/2020 15:09

Think it’s depends on the baby - DS slept really well in his Moses basket and we got about 4 months use out of it - was handy as I could easily carry it around the house with me

THNG5 · 30/06/2020 15:24

Definitely depends on the baby but I had all 3 of mine nap in the pram downstairs. I used a moses basket upstairs when they were newborn as I found the next to me too big for the first few weeks.

annie9876 · 30/06/2020 15:28

We used the carrycot from our pram downstairs as it was a solid one that was approved for overnight sleeping (she never was in it overnight but we had the option)

The actual Moses basket we used upstairs was a shnuggle one which isn't a "next to me" but is bigger than a standard Moses basket.

annie9876 · 30/06/2020 15:29

Also just to note my DC still fits in the shnuggle at 9 months

fedupandlookingforchange · 30/06/2020 15:31

DS slept in his moses basket for 7 months, he only stopped using it as he couldn't lay flat in it. It was a £20 supermarket one.

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BoudicasBoudoir · 30/06/2020 15:31

We had a Moba, which my daughter loved. We carried it up and downstairs and she was in it until she was about 7 months.

I think the company has been sold and they are called something else now.

Mynotsoperfectlittlefamily · 30/06/2020 15:42

I was going to say Moba too. It's now the Tommee Tippee Sleepee. Fantastic and easy to clean and practical. The wicker one I had first time round drove me mad with noise and bent out of shape quite quickly

Rubyandsaphire · 30/06/2020 15:53

My moses basket was one of my best buys. I had one up and one downstairs. It helped them with routine eg basket means sleep. My twins shared one till they got too big then went straight into a cot (together). My first slept in basket for 4 months then in basket in the cot to get used to it. It was also great to pop them down safely knowing I could go to the loo, make a cup of tea or answer the door and know they were safe (especially when you have other young children around).

HarrietM87 · 30/06/2020 16:36

Same boat here OP - had a next2me for upstairs with DS1 and planned to use sleepyhead downstairs but ended up just holding him instead! Baby 2 is due soon and I’m planning to set up the travel cot downstairs in the hope she’ll sleep in that and have some separation from DS1. Considered a Moses basket but it may only last for 3 months and I’d rather all naps were downstairs/supervised until 6 months as per SIDs guidelines so would need another solution anyway.

Isthisoveryet · 30/06/2020 18:50

Lots of differences! @annie9876 do you know if the shnuggle can be rocked? I think I may have stood a chance of putting my daughter down to sleep if I could have rocked her. Instead she only ever napped in the sling for 5 months and it was exhausting. The bassinet of the pram does come off but I’d really like something that can’t be reached into by little hands!

OP posts:
PrayingandHoping · 30/06/2020 18:54

I have a schnuggle for upstairs and at 8 months she still fits but she is a small baby. Yes it can be rocked

Downstairs I had a Tinylove 3in1 rocker. Lays completely flat so can be used as a Moses basket but then has 2 more upright positions to use as they grow

ShyTown · 30/06/2020 18:56

My DD was more than happy to sleep in her Moses basket but she was long and outgrew it by 3 months. What pram do you have? Some like the uppababy vista do have a bassinet stand option so that could be worth a look. If not I’d get a travel cot as it’s a safe place to pop baby whilst you go to the loo etc until they’re toddlers so it’s a much better investment.

annie9876 · 30/06/2020 21:07


Lots of differences! *@annie9876* do you know if the shnuggle can be rocked? I think I may have stood a chance of putting my daughter down to sleep if I could have rocked her. Instead she only ever napped in the sling for 5 months and it was exhausting. The bassinet of the pram does come off but I’d really like something that can’t be reached into by little hands!

Yes you can get a rocking base for it.

We have the curve rocking stand which rocks back and forth and it also fits with the Clare de lune stand on the largest setting which rocks sideways (we had both)

The bassinet from the occaro fits into the Claire de lune stand too.
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