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Hospital bag - Do I have everything? (UK)

31 replies

anon1389 · 04/06/2020 22:34

Am now almost 34 weeks and want to pack my bag ready.

I have

  • Maternity pads
  • Disposable underwear
  • Nursing bras
  • Nipple pads
  • 2 pairs of shorts
  • 2 Vests
  • Oversized t-shirt for labour
  • Robe
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, brush etc
  • Phone charger and earphones
  • Snacks

This isn't including bits for baby. Is there anything else you would recommend I take with me? I'm not too sure what they offer at the hospitals.
OP posts:
FinallyGotAnIPhone · 04/06/2020 22:36

Flip flops that you can wear in the shower after you’ve had the baby

Some little cartons of drink for afterwards and some Haribo

Both came in handy for me when I had my last baby

Spalding · 04/06/2020 22:37

Slippers? I remember the floor being really gross on the ante natal ward. Or you could swap for flip flops, which can be worn in the shower too or to pop on when you get out of bed.

Spalding · 04/06/2020 22:37

@FinallyGotAnIPhone great minds 😂

FinallyGotAnIPhone · 04/06/2020 22:39

@Spalding 😁

RaN88 · 04/06/2020 22:40

Books or magazines... You never know!

anon1389 · 04/06/2020 22:41

Thank you! I have audio books on my phone to listen to :)

OP posts:
SofiaAmes · 04/06/2020 22:41

I needed a wrench to turn on the water. (London - St. Mary's....2000...hopefully they've fixed it by now)

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bumpsadaisy11 · 04/06/2020 22:49

Warm socks, my feet got really cold whilst in labour & lip salve, my lips got very dry with all of the heavy breathing through contractions.
Hair bobble to keep my hair out of my face.
Flannel, my husband kept running under the cold water tap & putting it on my forehead or back of my neck, which was bliss.

LH1987 · 04/06/2020 22:56

Small handheld fan
Plug extension board
Hair band

sylbunny · 04/06/2020 23:02

You don't have enough maternity pads! However many you have ... double it!

Seriously though you'll need 2 packs in your bag and 2 packs in the car or somewhere your OH can access easily incase you need to stay more than 1 night. I got through 2 packs in the first 24 hours. They double them up for the first few hours and I was still bleeding through.

sohypnotic · 04/06/2020 23:06

Extra long phone cable
Eye mask
Ear plugs
Handheld fan
Own pillow
Breakfast snacks

Mum2b2020 · 05/06/2020 03:35

Everything started above especially mayernity pads x 2 packs (boots thick ones are the best) flipflops, fan, hair tie, extra long phone cable, own pillow (a full one as hospital pillows are pancakes), eye mask, lip balm

Best 2 things I brought:

water bottle with a built in straw - allows you to drink when lying down. Brilliant for labour and breastfeeding / recovering in bed
Portable bidet - look on Amazon- basically a water bottle with a sprayer on - to use when going to the loo after to dilute the stinging from urine

Other things I was grateful for:
Fem fresh soothing wipes - feels so nice and cool - for use in hospital and during recovery
lots of bottles of lucozade sport, cereal bars, jelly babies (recommended by nct for energy and were really good even though I dont usually eat them), some type of savoury snack - I brought a big bag of hummus crisps and they were amazing after birth and lasted for on the postnatal ward too

grisen · 05/06/2020 04:10

LUCOZADE or whichever brand of those flat sports drinks you like. I personally loved gatorade, had 6 with me, they were brilliant after EMCS and through labour.

Clothes to go home in.

QforCucumber · 05/06/2020 04:33

I've just sorted mine out.

A towel (hospital ones are tiny and crap)
Breast pads
Maternity pads
Hair bubbles
Muslin (for dh to dampen under cool water, was amazing on my forehead 1st time around)
Cereal bars
Water bottle and juice
Pjs x 2
Button down nightshirt for birth (wore open with a sports bra last time)
3 x nursing bras
Change of clothes for dh, plus toothbrush.
Going home outfit (loose joggers, vest top & hoodie)

Dinosauraddict · 05/06/2020 04:40

The thing I was most grateful for was my handheld fan with in-built water spritz. It was about £8 on Amazon. I gave birth in Feb but maternity wards are boiling.

ThePurpleMoose · 05/06/2020 04:50

Definitely a complete going home outfit and put it in a separate marked bag in your hospital bag. I was in hospital for a week and DH accidentally took home my spare clothes so I ended up going home in my nightie 🤦

SquirtleSquad · 05/06/2020 05:06

Cereal bars was the first thing I packed with DC3 Grin it's an absolute must!
Wet wipes for you so you can freshen up a little and wash your face.
Dry shampoo.
A pen.

LeGrandBleu · 05/06/2020 05:19

Can I add one of these small cheap plastic baskets to put all your bits and piece in one easy accessible place, so phone, earphones, charger , tissues .
And pure lanoline for painful nipples

footprintsintheslow · 05/06/2020 05:19

A cheap plastic jug to fill with water for your first wee. Pour it over yourself as you go.


Sausage rolls

Milk and butter alternatives if that's appropriate to you for the post birth tea and toast heaven.

Snacks for birth partner.

Even more maternity pads than you think.

Crochet or whatever hobby you may have for the wait whilst being induced if that happens.


footprintsintheslow · 05/06/2020 05:21

Also playlist and things to watch incase you are hanging round before the birth should be downloaded onto your device incase internet isn't working.

vickyq1983 · 05/06/2020 05:27

Snacks. For you and DH. Honey as well for if you start to flag. I remember my midwife spoon feeding me some to keep me going 😂.

queenofmycastlex · 05/06/2020 05:59

Snacks, flip flops & that magicool cooling spray was a lifesaver for me!

Sprintfinish · 05/06/2020 08:45

My local hospital not allowing visitors at moment, including partners who can only stay for birth. If that's the case where you are then make sure you pack for a few days just incase.

I was recently admitted for monitoring and wished I'd packed more snacks, shampoo and clothes. I'd only started packing my bag a few days before I was admitted, luckily, as I was able to grab it in rush to get to hospital (I was 33w).

ArielJ · 05/06/2020 09:51

What about disposable underwear instead of maternity pads? I've been thinking about just getting a few packs of them instead, has anyone tried this or is it better to stick with maternity pads?

userabcname · 05/06/2020 09:54

A towel.
Paracetamol/ibuprofen in case midwives are busy.

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