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Stretch mark creams??

20 replies

Bethanyr2608 · 29/04/2020 21:11

I know that stretch marks are inevitable for most of us during pregnancy. When I had my 3 YO I struggled for such a long time accepting how my tummy looked as I was only 21. This time I have been really cautious applying creams daily to keep stretch marks at bay. But I’m always on the look out for something fabulous that is working wonders for someone else. So what are you all using??


MNHQ update:
This thread is a few years old now, but if you've landed here while searching for stretch mark treatment options, our guide to the best stretch mark cream has been recently updated. It includes a wide range of options from cream to butters, lotions and oils - all of which have been tried and tested by Mumsnetters as well as maternity skincare experts.
We hope it's helpful! Flowers

OP posts:
Mc3209 · 29/04/2020 21:17

I am rubbing in BioOil into my belly, thighs and boobs, but predisposition to stretch marks is mainly genetic. But I will try anything in a hope it might work!

Melbs6 · 29/04/2020 22:49

Secret saviours does a band that goes around your bump which equalises the pressure in the layers of your skin to prevent stretch marks. It’s the only clinically proven thing to prevent them. I have one and I’ve been wearing it daily. I’m only 23 weeks so I can’t say whether it’s been working or not yet

KnobwithaK · 29/04/2020 22:54

I've been using Palmer's cocoa butter - the fragrance free one! - in the morning (all over), then rosehip oil in the evening (bump only). No stretch marks so far but then I'm only 27 weeks so we'll see..

Mummsnett · 29/04/2020 22:57

Nothing stops stretch marks.. It's all marketing! Keep your skin moisturised to support it as it stretches, but any marks that will appear cannot be prevented by using any oils or creams.

bedtimestories · 29/04/2020 22:58

I used a band (for different reasons) in my first pregnancy and a combo of daily Palmers coco butter and bio oil and had no stretch marks. Couldn't fit the band properly with my second (I was Huge) bio oil when I remembered and only it 2 small stretch marks when he had a growth spurt at the end

Catherine1210 · 29/04/2020 23:04
Pipandmum · 29/04/2020 23:16

You either get them or you don't. I didn't and my first was over 10lbs, second just under but bump bigger as I has excess fluid. It's genetics. But keeping moisturised will make your skin feel nicer and maybe your baby will feel your touch 😁

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Jay0512 · 30/04/2020 04:57

I’ve heard great things about Elemis Japanese Camellia oil x

Cherryrainbow · 30/04/2020 08:18

I use lush massage bars

NicNac100 · 30/04/2020 09:11

My lovely sister in law bought me the Mama Mio tummy rub butter, I liked it so much I've bought more AND the oil too! So far, so good (fingers crossed), I had a few stretch marks before from regular weight gain and don't have very good genetics for skin stretching but none so far from being pregnant (am 36 weeks), so do think this stuff is good. However a friend of mine had none all the way through but her birth was so fast she ended up with marks from her stomach shrinking back so quickly during labour. I've also been advised to keep using the creams and oils after the birth as your tummy gets smaller again. Who knows if any of them really work wonders or it's pot luck! Hmm

bananamuffin99 · 30/04/2020 10:59

@Melbs6 when did you start using your secret saviours? I am 15 weeks, I was thinking of maybe starting next week?? But then I'm thinking maybe just wait until 20.

PrinnyPree · 30/04/2020 11:51

I'm 37 weeks and no stretch marks yet (even though I'm huge and well over the 90th percentile for my fundal height considering my starting BMI) but as others say it may be genetic, (I'm also 37 years old with my first) I use palmers moisturiser and bio oil. Xxx

Flymeaway4 · 30/04/2020 11:56

Anyone got any recommendations for cruelty free products?

fool11 · 30/04/2020 12:02

Mustela, used for my first and now second pregnancy, really great.

KnobwithaK · 30/04/2020 12:11

@Flymeaway4 - my Face theory rosehip oil is cruelty free.

Figey · 30/04/2020 12:11

Also interested in clinically proven products, the two I know of are secret saviours and stratamark. The studies I’ve seen indicate that 34% of secret saviours users and 18% of stratamark users got stretch marks (compared to 60% to 70% who did not). Stratamark seems to be a bit cheaper too.

Interested to hear real life experiences with either.

ThinkPink71 · 30/04/2020 12:17

Im 39 weeks tomorrow and have used baby oil every day & do not have any (yet) TOUCH wood xxx

doadeer · 30/04/2020 12:19

It can't be prevented just pick something you like the smell of.

I was meticulous twice a day and I still ended up with absolutely loads

Melbs6 · 01/05/2020 18:31

@bananamuffin99 I started using mine at 20 weeks and that was also when my bump popped and i could just fit into the medium size. Maybe have a measure of your bump and if you’re getting to the end of one size, order the next size up and start wearing it when you reach that size. Then you get maximum use of the band

ejmay90 · 02/05/2020 12:42

I'm now 40+1 and didnt have any stretch marks until around 39+4 and have been using bio oil and palmer's consistently throughout.
Unfortunately it is genetics :(

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