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maternity knickers or normal knickers?

22 replies

UrsulaSings · 20/04/2020 22:44

I dont understand what maternity knickers do? If you dont want knickers to go over your bump, surely you just wear normal knickers?

I'm 20 weeks so only have a small bump and feel this is something which might become obvious as my bump grows? I feel like I'm missing something!

OP posts:
pasbeaucoupdegendarme · 20/04/2020 22:46

Oh normal knickers. I liked ones that were a bit bigger than my normal ones to accommodate my bigger hips, and I liked traditional “briefs” rather than anything more exciting, but really no need for anything fancy (or expensive).

lockdownpregnancy · 20/04/2020 22:49

I stick with shorts or thongs, or if I'm in super baggy clothes I don't wear any! 😂
I don't like the maternity pants, makes me feel like my Nan!
Each to their own though, of course! 😁

grandmasterstitch · 20/04/2020 23:11

I wore normal knickers all the way through. I already spent a shed load on bras and jeans I wasn't going to buy over priced knickers too!

YorkshirePud1 · 20/04/2020 23:14

Yeah I'm just wearing my normal knickers, I haven't had to buy any bigger ones or maternity ones as they just sit under my bump - I'm 36 weeks now.

Wheresthebiffer2 · 21/04/2020 01:54

Once you have given birth and are using those enormous maternity pads - you will be comfier in big pants, as they hold the big pads more securely.

And if you have a C-section, you will want big pants that go higher than the scar area, rather than cutting into it.

Houseworkavoider · 21/04/2020 02:02

I bought a mix of bigger knickers and bigger ‘old lady knickers�� -the ones that would go almost up to your ribs in case of c-section.
I often borrowed Dh’s boxers in the 3rd trimester as they were so comfortable!

ShyTown · 21/04/2020 02:36

I didn’t buy any maternity knickers and just carried on wearing my pre-pregnancy stuff. I don’t really understand what the point of them is either, surely you can just buy normal knickers a bit bigger if you need to? I bought some high waisted ones for post section though.

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DeRigueurMortis · 21/04/2020 02:46

It's a while ago for me but my normal knickers through pregnancy but after I'll
admit to buying some "grandma pants" to better secure pads.

No need to buy expensive maternity knickers though - waste of money.

In fact I barely bought any maternity clothes - just a couple of smart trousers for work.

I got some tops/shirts in bigger sizes for work (and raided DH's wardrobe for relaxing at home).

It wasn't an affordability issue - I just massively resented paying £££ for overpriced maternity clothes.

MySonIsAlsoNamedBort · 21/04/2020 03:00

I wore the same underwear I always did when pregnant.
If I was at home though 90% of the time I was just naked hahah

grey12 · 21/04/2020 04:17

After birth yes! Trust me you'll want to buy the most enormous pads you can get your hands on!!
While still pregnant I just used my normal underwear. Unless you like high, strong, body shaping ones, those would be a no.

CatSmize · 21/04/2020 05:19

Normal pants during pregnancy and then huge granny pants from Primark (cheap as chips) for after birth which kept the maternity pads nicely in place.

mynameisntlouise · 21/04/2020 06:45

I've had friends tell me they just wore their normal underwear throughout pregnancy but I've had a right to-do with pants in both mine. I've carried low all the way through both times and seem to gain weight around my hips/bum though.

I just kept having to buy pants in a bigger size. I'm usually a 10 but ended up in size 14/16 last time, and it really is mostly bump! I like the multipacks you can get from Tu or George that have a lace waistband as it's a bit more flexible than a robust elastic waistband, I found these would sit round my bump ok but 'gape' a bit everywhere else.

Passthecake30 · 21/04/2020 06:56

I wore my normal boy shorts, they are cut fairly low so worked well.I thought I’d done well to not need new underwear as I put on 3.5 stone - turns out they just stretched with me Blush

I did buy some massive knickers for the maternity pads but didn’t really wear them. The pads aren’t any longer than night time pads iirc.

CherryMaple · 21/04/2020 06:57

I only bought maternity knickers for my third pregnancy. After already having had two C-sections, normal knickers really irritated my scar as my bump grew. I loved the maternity knickers tbh - it was winter and they completely covered my bump. Cosy! Grin

WhizzingFizzbee · 21/04/2020 07:01

Has anyone used disposable ones from their local supermarket? I never bothered buying any new underwear but my normal ones tend to cut in and I’m left with marks on my skin at end of day after sitting down...won’t be ideal after giving birth and am due in 2 weeks! OH has to buy them for me, do they do the job?

YorkshirePud1 · 21/04/2020 07:46

@WhizzingFizzbee I haven't bothered with the disposable ones, I bought some big grandma knickers from ASDA and have packed them in my hospital bag for after the birth. I figured they're so cheap I won't mind chucking them if I want to, but if I end up having a c section or needing to wear them for longer I can wash and reuse them.

scrivette · 21/04/2020 07:46

I had disposable underwear for the first couple of days but found that they came up really really small.

Colouringinbook · 21/04/2020 08:00

I just wore my normal pants! Big massive ones from Primark for post birth though. Getting back into my normal knickers after 4 weeks of heavy bleeding afterwards was a small victory!

poopatroop · 21/04/2020 08:23

Currently 39 weeks - can definitely recommend Uniqlo under the bump maternity knickers. I only bought 2x of them as they're not too cheap and have otherwise used normal pants this pregnancy, but whenever it's a day to wear the Uniqlo ones it makes me happy as they're sooo comfy, soft and stretchy.

Lazydaisydaydream · 21/04/2020 08:26

I normally wear big knickers...but now with a bump they don’t fit over it and they are too large to sit under it Blush so I seem to be the opposite to everyone else and have had to buy smaller pants Grin

Darkstar4855 · 21/04/2020 08:31

Granny knickers in a size or two bigger than normal for after giving birth. Just wore my usual ones when pregnant.

Christmastree43 · 21/04/2020 08:38

I bloody love the massive over bump knickers Grin these and the pregnancy pillow have been a highlight of pregnancy for me so far!

I was finding normal pants getting tight, I think I am carrying low, and cutting in under bump. The massive pants make me feel all contained and wrapped up too, am keeping them forever Grin

I do wear normal pants in particular thongs sometimes still though.

And I do look like a weeble in the massive pants... 🤣

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